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chaogomu ,

The questions is, why was he on house arrest after the guilty verdict? I could understand house arrest during the trial, but after the verdict is rendered?

dingus , avatar

It was sadly proven he was being mistreated at the facility he was kept at and denied/slow walked medical care for a broken hand.

Because he’s a good old boy they actually cared to do something about it and gave house arrest to his fucking soft ass.

People in for far lesser crimes have died being denied their medications but this guy gets house arrest because he is a fucking wuss.

They should put his hand under a hydraulic press for having used it as a pretext to flee.

MNByChoice ,

Poorly run prisons hurt us all.

argv_minus_one ,

I wonder if that’s intentional. Conspicuously mistreat him in jail so he’s moved to house arrest, where he can escape before he’s sentenced.

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