@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar


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Americans are confused, frustrated by new tipping culture, study finds ( www.washingtonpost.com )

It’s gotten rather absurd. If my interaction is with a kiosk short of being handed something, it’s an insulting extra step. I’m already paying the price for my employer’s pay scale … I can’t take on someone else’s stinginess....

HappyMeatbag ,
@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t appreciate being asked for a tip when I’m eating at a place that only offers counter service. If all you’re doing is sliding a tray of food across a counter, then no, you don’t deserve to be tipped like an actual waiter.

HappyMeatbag ,
@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

Nah, tip jars don’t bother me. What I don’t like is that the person at the register can immediately see exactly how much I’m tipping. It’s impossible to be discreet. If I’m leaving a generous tip, I don’t like to feel as if I’m showing off.

With tip jars, I make a point of tipping when the person at the register isn’t looking (like when they’re relaying my order to the kitchen or something). Maybe I’ll toss some money in the jar on my way out the door. When I’m getting table service, whoever waited on me doesn’t see the tip until I’ve already left the room.

I don’t like the Square POS (or whatever) because it turns tipping from a spontaneous, pleasant surprise to a in-your-face formalized routine.

I can’t blame you if you find my response frustrating. I’m fully aware that I’m being irrational.

HappyMeatbag , (edited )
@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

It tells me that businesses have decided it’s okay to be obtrusive and rude.

I’ve had jobs where my income was heavily dependent on tips, so I keep that in mind when leaving a tip myself. I understood that tipping could be a sensitive subject, so I was careful to never make guests feel like it was mandatory or expected.

I certainly never asked for a tip before any service had been rendered - but that’s what has become normal for many businesses. The employees aren’t the problem. The owners/managers who choose the POS software are.

“What do we owe to each other in general?” is an excellent question. I’m not being shown the same degree of courtesy that I worked hard to show others, and that bothers me.

Looking for Movies that Showcase Positive Masculinity

Hey there, fellow movie enthusiasts! I’m on the hunt for films that portray positive masculinity. We often see movies with traditional, stereotypical portrayals of masculinity, but I believe there’s a world of cinema out there that can challenge these norms and offer a fresh perspective....

HappyMeatbag , (edited )
@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

Dune. Maybe it doesn’t focus enough on what you’re looking for, but I was happy to see Paul so readily showing affection for his friends (like Duncan and Hawat), receiving affection in return, and the genuinely loving relationship between Paul and his father.

I especially liked how Paul’s father reacted when Paul said he wasn’t sure he could be Duke: “You’ll still be the only thing I ever needed you to be - my son.”

It’s worth noting that I genuinely liked Duncan, not because he was tough, “cool”, or a good fighter (although he was all of those things), but because he was a good person. I was actually sad when he died. By contrast, a lot of movies make you root for a character because they’re a badass who cracks jokes, and leave it at that.

I also appreciate that positive masculinity is normalized in several brief scenes, rather than an obvious, clumsy, heavy-handed delivery.

theodewere , to Politics
@theodewere@kbin.social avatar

if you voted for Trump, you are forever cut off from the Blessings of Liberty.. you are not, and never will be fellow citizens of mine.. i will not defend any of you or your offspring from even the most basic harm.. you are enemies living among us for the rest of your lives..

HappyMeatbag ,
@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

I can’t get on board with “all your offspring”. Some of the worst violators of human rights do that, like China, Russia, and North Korea. It is never fair to hold children accountable for the wrongs of their parents.

I 100% agree with the rest, though.

HappyMeatbag ,
@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

I think it’s fine. It’s only a shelf (inside a fridge?) What kind of glue did you use?

Retailer Target says it's closing 9 stores due to theft. The crime data tells a different story. ( web.archive.org )

Popular Information analyzed publicly available crime data for the stores Target is closing in New York and San Francisco. This data reveals that stores that are being closed have lower levels of theft than nearby stores that have remained open. An analysis of the stores Target is shuttering in the Seattle area follows a similar...

HappyMeatbag ,
@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

While it’s interesting to know that Target’s stated reason for closing the stores doesn’t seem true, I’d like to know what the actual reason is.

(That’s not intended as a criticism of OP or the author of the article. They’re not psychics.)

theodewere , to Politics
@theodewere@kbin.social avatar

if you voted for Trump, you go out of your way to prove what an ignorant asshole you are, all day long, every day

HappyMeatbag ,
@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

You lost nothing of value.

HappyMeatbag OP ,
@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah. Younger, naive me didn’t understand why laws about hair were necessary. It didn’t make me angry; I just didn’t get it.

Now I understand what assholes conservatives can be, and the lengths they will go to in order to keep discrimination alive.

HappyMeatbag OP ,
@HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

The publicity will help. Bullshit like this doesn’t usually benefit from wide exposure.

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  • HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    Uh… as I see it, they can’t “refuse” to do their job and still expect to keep that job. Verify the signatures, quit, or be fired. Those are their options.

    Of course, it won’t be handled that neatly and fairly. I’m just being naive again.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    Thank you for providing more information!

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    I appreciate the links. Thanks!

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  • HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    The pressure is driving him insane. I’d be more sensitive if he was a victim, but since it’s all his own fault, LMAO!

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    CBS Studios has remained committed to finding a new distributor for the show and is finishing postproduction work on the new episodes.

    This is good to hear. Their optimism is encouraging.

    I wish the first season was still streaming somewhere.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    All these trials are already exhausting, and all I’m doing is reading about them. The payoff had better be worth it. I want to see this bastard go to prison.

    How Many Star Trek Episodes Pass the Bechdel Test? (TOS to ENT) | The Mary Sue ( www.themarysue.com )

    I found this after reading and responding to this post here about early Trek fans’ prejudicial negative reaction to TNG. One of my responses (see here) was to point out that any fans of the progressiveness of Trek ought to have been mindful of the room for improvement over TOS, with female representation being an obvious...

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    The initial article left we wishing for more current information. Thanks!

    Proud Boy Christopher Worrell, on house arrest in Jan. 6 case, disappears ahead of sentencing ( apnews.com )

    If he’s caught (which I think will be soon) this is a great way to guarantee the maximum sentence. If he’s not caught, he gets to spend the rest of his life hiding and afraid. Either way, the public wins… but I’d rather see him in prison.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    I’m a white, cis, heterosexual American male. I’m supposed to be privileged in every way, feel endlessly guilty over things I cannot control and try not to perpetuate, and never, ever dare suggest any kind of dissatisfaction with my situation.

    I wouldn’t know how to express my feelings the way the author has. I’d feel like a misogynistic neckbeard, callous racist, or ungrateful whiner. If, somehow, I didn’t feel these things, someone would quickly, loudly, and condescendingly remind me that I should. They’d then be applauded for putting me in my place.

    I can’t thank the author enough for writing this article.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    People who share some of my characteristics have historically done, and are currently doing, absolutely horrible things. Empathy with the victims isn’t enough for some. I’m part of the problem simply by being born, until I prove otherwise.

    I can’t blame people who feel some suspicion and resentment, either. It’s justified.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    You’re completely right. It doesn’t serve anyone, but the feeling is there anyway. I have a history of feeling guilty about stuff that’s not my fault.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    No, it isn’t helpful. Part of that guilt comes from not being able to do enough. Yeah, I try to learn as much as possible, but that only goes so far. I’m not rich. I’m not powerful. There’s so much injustice that I want to change, but can’t.

    I know logically that guilt is useless, but the feeling persists.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    What I’m saying is confusing and irrational. I appreciate that you’re trying to understand.

    I know that what I feel isn’t healthy or productive. It doesn’t make sense, but it sticks with me.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    Yup. Exasperating, I know. It isn’t reasonable or healthy, but I feel that way anyway.

    HappyMeatbag , (edited )
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    Maybe or maybe not the specific example of moving out of the way, but as for general awareness consideration? Absolutely.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    Not quite. To me, it’s more like “men don’t even have the option of building relationships like women do, and that’s not healthy. Society is broken.”

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    I don’t see this as an intrusion. I see it as a relevant, valuable perspective. Thank you!

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    Fortunately, it’s not anger in my case. It’s “just” poor self esteem and a tendency to feel guilt for things that I know (rationally, at least) aren’t my fault.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    I was talking about the overall tone of the article. It didn’t feel like an attack or judgement.

    HappyMeatbag , (edited )
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    I never would have imagined that a Twitch streamer could cause this much chaos. Those crowds are huge.

    Small Voyager Easter Egg from Picard Season 2 Episode 2 ( startrek.website )

    So I was looking at the skulls from Picard Season 2 Episode 2, and when I came across Commodore Y’Shi’s, I recognized something familiar on the nameplate. Turns out it was the Voth Symbol seen in “Distant Origin” (Season 3 Episode 23). So, I got the design from Star Trek Design Project, and flipped it and there it is....

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    I never would have recognized this even if I was looking directly at it. Good catch!

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    If someone thinks that Lemmy is “full of useless idiot communists”, they’re probably ignorant, argumentative, and more trouble than they’re worth. If/when they grow up, they’re welcome to join us!

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    It’s also why I am a big fan of Beehaw’s signup process, which ask you open-ended questions to answer.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    “Obstruction for obstruction’s sake” might as well be the Republican Party motto. Good for the judge.

    Arotrios , to Fediverse
    @Arotrios@kbin.social avatar

    In my humble opinion, the Fediverse beats out all other social media types based on one simple truth - it's a fuckton more fun.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    It’s nice when nobody’s trying to shove ads in your face at every turn.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    The videos include two that have created recurring distractions for his campaign in recent weeks: an anti-Trump video that featured a fascist symbol…

    So, basically, the pot was calling the kettle black.

    An interesting case of moderation in the fediverse ( blog.ownlifeful.com )

    A small group of people were offended by a joke that unintentionally came across transphobic, and as a result this persons account was blacklisted. Even after getting the account reinstated, there were lasting complications with the state of the account (these probably technical issues) and the account was basically lost for...

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    This is a little scary. You can find yourself banned pretty easily. All it takes is to annoy someone with nothing better to do than dig through your post history, and find something old that you wrote hastily which might break a rule. I know because it happened to me.

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    Reddit is destroying itself slowly, painfully, and publicly. Anyone with a grudge against reddit should be delighted by how things are going.

    News: Senators rebuke Wisconsin congressman who yelled vulgarities at high school-age pages ( apnews.com )

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A freshman Republican congressman from Wisconsin is refusing to apologize after he yelled and cursed at high school-aged Senate pages during a late night tour of the Capitol this week, eliciting a bipartisan rebuke from Senate leaders....

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    It’s especially ironic that someone who was at the Jan 6th shitshow is talking about “defiling the House”. (Granted, he claims he didn’t go inside the Capitol, but still.)

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    I’d like to believe that there will be serious repercussions, and that a fair map will be drawn in Tim for the election, but I don’t think either of those things will happen.

    HappyMeatbag , (edited )
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    All right, I gotta say that Rapp’s kid is freaking adorable.

    These cities are ending fares on transit. Here's why ( www.cnn.com )

    What’s interesting about this article is what it leaves out. It cites experts who claim this is “diverts scarce resources from more pressing priorities: transit service and quality” yet that was far from the case in one of the cities cited in the introduction....

    HappyMeatbag ,
    @HappyMeatbag@beehaw.org avatar

    TransitCenter, a transit advocacy group, found in a 2018 survey of riders with household incomes below $35,000 in eight major cities that frequency, safety, crowding and reliability were higher priorities than bus fare.

    Maybe I’m missing something, but if they’re surveying people who are already riders, then OF COURSE fare isn’t their biggest complaint. They’re not getting feedback from people who want to use public transit, but can’t afford to.

    The information gathered from this survey is still valuable, but shouldn’t be used as an argument for or against free public transit.

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