Work Reform

Mutelogic , in Gen Z are the most disgruntled workers and that's a problem for employers

I’m rooting for you, Gen Z. Do and say the things that previous generations were trained not to do…

RobinRoswell , in Gen Z are the most disgruntled workers and that's a problem for employers
c2h6 , in Super-rich warned of ‘pitchforks and torches’ unless they tackle inequality

Gotta love the narrative here. “what’s the bare minimum we can do to keep the peasants from revolting?”

Rogue_General , in Soy protein workers in the US strike against company intent on ripping up their working conditions (See post body for full details) avatar

The IFF offer included the company being able to change benefits (like health coverage and retirement) with a 30-day notice and take away contract language of overtime pay after 8 hours, among other takeaways. IFF has already increased benefits costs and made multiple attempts to reduce union rights in many matters that would rob members of personal and family time.

That’s just despicable… I wish the workers success.

fubbernuckin , in It doesn't work. Not anymore

I’m pretty sure it does work, actually. That’s the problem.

bionicjoey , in A Clear Look At "Record Profits"

Don’t forget price gouging

BaldManGoomba , in A Clear Look At "Record Profits"

All Income earned in USA was 21.8 trillion dollars in 2022. The U.S. labor force is projected to reach 153.5 million in 2022. That means there was enough income for every worker to make $133,333.33. United States population will be 332,403,650 on Jan. 1, 2022. Or $65,582.91 income for every person in usa. GDP in 2022 was $25.46 trillion. Gdp is all things produced in America. So all those numbers could be higher. According to the calculator below if you made $65,582.91 67% of Americans make more less than you. If you make $133,333.33 90% of Americans make less than you. In the United States, median individual income was $46,001 in 2022. That means 50% of Americans make less than $46,000. In a country where every worker is producing over $133,333.33 of value or ever person is producing over $65,582.91 of value. The wealth is being hoarded 67% of American workers don't even see a half of the value they are producing for the economy.

All other information is from quick Google searches

Turkey_Titty_city , in The system isn't working if we can't even afford healthcare.

The system is working. It's designed to enrich the wealthy and extract that wealth from the poor.

The entire medical industrial complex is not going to give up their wealth willingly.

Plus most doctors are born into money already. They don't ever associate with ordinary people in the lower 80% of households.

Clbull , in Millenials being accused of not pumping out enough babies when we can't even support ourselves

Millennials and Gen-Z are truly the lost generation.

Imagine still living with parents in your late twenties or even early thirties because you simply cannot afford to even rent your own place. Now imagine that work pays like shit and you are busting your ass working long hours to chase an eternal pipe dream of economic prosperity. You can’t even seek psychiatric help for your ailing mental health because it’s expensive, inaccessible and oversubscribed.

For a man, being in that situation makes you downright undateable so it’s not like you can rely on the joint incomes that couples do either.

And we wonder why toxic masculinity is on the rise…

The rich have done a smash & grab on the economy and made everybody poorer as a result of their own greed. It’s a dangerous game.

Clbull , in "No one wants to work"? Suuuuure

Finally, an influencer on LinkedIn who is posting straight facts and not ultra-cringe corporate boot licking.

Willer , in Millenials being accused of not pumping out enough babies when we can't even support ourselves

The people linking kids to capitalism im dead bruh 💀

morgan_423 , in Millenials being accused of not pumping out enough babies when we can't even support ourselves avatar

If you wanted the younger generation to continue producing workers for the capitalist machine, you should have made sure that potential parents had enough resources to actually maintain a family if they started one.

But yeah, that would have slightly reduced quarterly profits, and we can’t have that kind of long-sightedness messing with the short-term returns of our shareholders.

ImplyingImplications , in Is anyone else tired of “employee engagement”?

I just got invited to a staff BBQ at the manager’s house. It’s at 5PM. On Friday. I just spent 50 hours this week with you guys! Wasn’t that enough?

CookieJarObserver , in "Nobody wants to work anymore" has been used to deflect wage inequality over the years. avatar

I mean nobody actually wants to work… We need to.

Most would much rather be gardening or playing games or playing with toy trains etc.

But no, we have to work most of the time we have and for a matter of fact, it sucks 90% of the time.

iamlyth , in "Nobody wants to work anymore" has been used to deflect wage inequality over the years.

This has been repackaged without credit to the original twitter surveyor of old newspapers: Mr. Paul Fairie…

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