Work Reform

edgemaster72 , in CIA mishandled sexual assault, harassment within its ranks, internal review finds avatar

Put it on the list. If there's still a country maybe we can fix this in, say, 40 years.

jeffw OP , avatar

No one deserves a toxic workplace. That can’t wait

FlightyPenguin , in Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says avatar

Even Friedrich Hayek advocated for UBI in The Road to Serfdom.

CannedCairn , in Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says

Let's stop calling balancing a budget with addition and subtraction a guru

Sensitivezombie , (edited ) in Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says

He is an idiot. I'm a Marxist Leninist socialist and have read enough to say Marx has never advocated for UBI. It's literally, From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. You produce what you can, meaning you work and you earn. A pure Communist society is a cashless one. Dave Ramsey is a conservative, religious nut job whose whole career is based on "only buy what you can pay for. Don't borrow. Save enough money to buy house with cash" He is a dinosaur in today's time.

Crashumbc ,

He is the poster child for a broken clock. While his financial advice is good, especially for people with low impulse control.

But other than that, he's generally a agile that shouldn't be listened to.

jpreston2005 , in Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says

OK so this is bullshit and dave ramsey is a moron.

Here is a qualitative meta-analysis performed by Stanford in 2020 looking at 16 different Universal Basic Income studies. Beware, it's a PDF. Here's their website :

"The evidence from diverse interventions
in low-, middle-, and high-income contexts
indicates minimal impact on aggregate
measures of labor market participation,3,5,6
with some studies reporting an increase in
work participation.11 When reductions do
occur, time is channeled into other valued
activities such as caregiving."

Every single study that's ever been performed on UBI has shown a steady level of labor participation, or an increase in it. Any drop, was by a family that now could afford to have a stay at home parent.

uriel238 , in Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says avatar

So when I criticize Trump and MAGAs respond ORANGE MAN BAD they're asserting I have a bias so its not enough to just dislike Trump. I have to point out his behaviors, his characteristics, his policy decisions that drive my revulsion and public revulsion.

So when an alleged economics expert like Dave Ramsey says bearded man bad he needs to elaborate what specific notion of beard he doesn't like, or why he's wary of it. Otherwise we can just assume he's being partisan like a belligerent Dodgers fan.

Rentlar , in Why are Japanese developers not undergoing mass layoffs? -- spoilers: better employment laws

Yeah, if one person is fired from the company the default thought in Japan is that person must have done something very wrong to even get to that place, as it's quite rare for fulltime salaried employees.

If a group of people are laid off, in Japanese culture that reflects very poorly on the company, suggesting that management was irresponsible to lead the company into this situation.

KevonLooney ,

If a group of people are laid off, in Japanese culture that reflects very poorly on the company, suggesting that management was irresponsible to lead the company into this situation.

I mean, that's the actual truth. All these tech layoffs are just happening because Executive Leadership Teams copy each other. A few years ago they were all hiring at the same time too.

You should hire when others are firing so you get the best employees. You should hold off on hiring when everyone else is hiring, so you don't overpay. It's pretty simple.

ohlaph ,

Exactly. We need better laws here in the states. My company has had three layoffs and another is around the corner, in just two years. Yet, they keep acquiring other companies.

grue ,

Yet, they keep acquiring other companies.

We need better laws, but we also really, really need to start enforcing the antitrust laws we already have again.

avidamoeba , in Why work four days a week when you can work six? Greece gives it a shot. avatar

I recently read that Kyriakos Mitsotakis has done quite a bit of damage to Greek labor over the years. I don't see this ending positively long term.

kerrigan778 , in Saw this and thought it was fake until I googled. It's real.

Fuck Chick-fil-A aside, I have no problem with kids having an experience where they learn to respect the work that goes into stereotypically "unskilled" labor.

Pogogunner , in Why work four days a week when you can work six? Greece gives it a shot.

Shortage of skilled workers? Better drive them off even harder, I guess

mydude , in Why work four days a week when you can work six? Greece gives it a shot.

This is not the way...

jeffw OP , avatar

Just to be clear, I didn’t mean to insinuate that. Posting this more as a “look how shitty our world is” than a “yay, good reforms!” kinda post.

mydude ,

Yep, I was just doing a starwars quote, kinda..

Badeendje , in Why are Japanese developers not undergoing mass layoffs? -- spoilers: better employment laws avatar

Because Americans let themselves be fooled by branding obvious anti labor laws 'at will employment'.

The fact you have a required notice period in both directions makes sense. And the bar for firing someone should be structural provable documented underperformance and several plans for remediation by the employer.

People should not be disposable assets.

Human resources says it all. And nowadays HR people are also labelled HR Business partner. So the mask is fully off now. Just in time for structural labor shortages and recruiting problems.

otp , in Why work four days a week when you can work six? Greece gives it a shot.

At least it's not 7! /s

Corigan , in Federal judge partially blocks U.S. ban on noncompetes

"Did the federal government make a change for the benefit of the people, and might be an inconvenience to business.... never fear there's a judge in Texas to stop it and later when it gets appealed to the supreme court overturned!"

Why do I feel like we are held hostage by judges lately? Aren't they supposed to be unbiased and apolitical. Seems to me they should lose their appointment if they can be shown to have political motivation/ baises

Zachariah , avatar

actual activist judges

MelodiousFunk , avatar

You know, the projection the wingnuts have been crowing about for decades.

blusterydayve26 ,

That’s specifically why the complaint was filed in Texas. Saner districts might’ve decided against the plaintiffs, like in California, where they’re unenforceable, IIRC.

Audacious , in Federal judge partially blocks U.S. ban on noncompetes

Can't have anything nice, can we? And why are the courts so corrupt? Because they are appointed by politicians?

jeffw OP , avatar

Because they’re appointed by conservative politicians

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