Work Reform

atro_city , in California to become third state to mandate heat protections for indoor workers

Oregon and Minnesota are the only other states that mandate similar protections.

😱 3/50 states require employers to provide water, breaks and cool areas when indoor temperatures hit 28C???

The USA is third world country and first world country at the same time. Just fucking crazy.

seang96 ,

I worked at a warehouse once with a boiler that worked 40% of the time. We had below 0 degrees F once during a bad storm and we had high 90s in summers. Glad I left before the super El nino heat and glad I don't have that work environment anymore. To be fair it's probably also not the worst. Metal smelting plants probably can go 120+ easy.

originalfrozenbanana ,

My daughter’s daycare had to close yesterday because it was too hot in the building. They have air conditioning but only from window units

disguy_ovahea , (edited )

The term “third world” is no longer in use. The correct term now is a “developing nation.”

Yes, the US has been considered a developing nation since 2022.

In its global rankings, the United Nations Office of Sustainable Development dropped the U.S. to 41st worldwide, down from its previous ranking of 32nd. Under this methodology – an expansive model of 17 categories, or “goals,” many of them focused on the environment and equity – the U.S. ranks between Cuba and Bulgaria. Both are widely regarded as developing countries.

The U.S. is also now considered a “flawed democracy,” according to The Economist’s democracy index.

BottleOfAlkahest ,

OSHA has some protections regarding things like water access and such. But OSHA doesn't cover every industry.

Nachorella ,

To be fair it's not the sort of thing you think you'd have to make a law about. Should be kind of expected that companies do the bare minimum to keep their staff alive.

Passerby6497 ,

If we have learned anything in the last decade, its that you have to put common sense shit into law because if you don't, shitty corpos will abuse it to make line go up

Stern , avatar

Safety regulations are written in blood.

TheReturnOfPEB , in Sanders Warns 'Absurd' Low Pay of Teachers Fueling Public Education Crisis

People who retire after a career of teaching should be honored as much as those that manage to retire from the military or the police.

Especially in the gun happy culture of the US. There should be golden parachutes for people who are teachers for their whole career. It should push their kids into a different tax reality.

We'd might get good teachers to stick around then.

jaden , in Sanders Warns 'Absurd' Low Pay of Teachers Fueling Public Education Crisis

Only two types of people will still be a teacher with current pay expectations:

  • those with a genuine passion for education, and get joy out of helping kids
  • those with some other ulterior motive for having authority over children.

The amount of absurd power-tripping I suffered under in school makes me think there's way too much of the second group. We're definitely getting what we pay for here.

AA5B ,
  1. Those with no options. The last thing kids need is someone who doesn’t want to be there
qevlarr , in Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted. avatar

Promotions aren't a thing anymore anyways, are they? Only if you switch jobs can you get a raise

Evotech ,

Yeah, idk of people actually just get promoted to a new job. I always have to apply to av internally posted position. If I get it I guess I technically get promoted.

SoleInvictus ,

A few jobs back, my employer promoted me once within a year of starting from a new college graduate position to a junior position, then strung me along for three years with "you're just not quite ready for a mid level position but you will be. Any day now!" This was all in spite of me doing the work of a senior position within the company for the last two years.

So I got a job at a different employer and went from a junior position to a senior position, like magic, nearly doubling my total income in the process. My coworker did the same, hopping from a senior position to a management position at my current employer. I've increasingly observed how corporate United States is painfully stupid and inefficient and it continues to boggle my mind

hessenjunge ,

This is not just the US, it is the norm world wide.

It’s also not limited to job relations either. “New customer? Let me show you this sweet deal.” - “Oh, you’re already a customer? Then it’s full price I’m afraid”

You need to regularly review/change contracts.

derpgon ,

Back in my (born 1996) days, the longer you were a customer the sweeter deals you had. 8 years already a customer? Maybe we can strike a cheaper offer rather than you running to someone else.

hessenjunge ,

I might be older than your dad and I don’t recall seeing an offer like this. 😊

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

I am their dad and I have no idea what they're talking about.

derpgon ,

Used to be the norm here in Czechia, maybe your country wasn't as progressive 🤔

uis , avatar

Well, I think many people on lemmy don't live in country that once was one of 15-states multinational conglomerate for universal healthcare, universal education, universal housing and long term planning. Not that such planning was very good at the end of it. Or not that it wasn't occasionallly sidetracked with killing people.

princessnorah , avatar

I'm in Australia and we still do this? I have a loyalty discount for being a customer for 7 years, AU$57/month for unlimited data on my mobile and free calls to 40 countries ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

derpgon ,

They got rid of it here, sadly. Or at least i haven't seen any loyalty behavior from the big brands lately.

uis , avatar

I've increasingly observed how corporate United States is painfully stupid and inefficient and it continues to boggle my mind

B-b-but capitalism! Will rule out inefficient companies!

Yeah. The world is broken.

gmtom , avatar

Going to use this chance to vent about the fact that when the senior guy on my team left for another company it was basically all but confirmed I would take over his role I had been there the longest, was already doing a lot of senior work, and was the giy people on the team came to when they needed help, to the point we spent the month or so after he handed in his notice to train me on what he did and give me access to the systems he managed.
Then a week after he left my boss announced that the guy that had been there 3 months would be taking on the senior role.

tmcgh ,

I sure hope you are able to and are actively looking for a different employer. That sucks man...sorry to hear it.

Nommer ,

Who's kid was he?

mechoman444 , in Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.

Remember people, the power is in the workforce.

The greatest con ever conducted was to convince the largest population of people on the face of the planet, the middle class that we have no power.

We hold literally all the power.

All we have to do is collectively as a society stand up to these corporations and tell them that we will work only on our terms not on theirs.

Justas , avatar

It's not that the middle class has no power, it simply has too much to lose if they choose to revolt.

What if your revolution fails and you lose your money and your house? What if it succeeds and your new government decides you have too much?

That is why the middle class is a stabilising force in country's politics. And if they lose their stuff, and feel like they have nothing to lose but their chains, then some higher ups lose their heads.

derpgon ,

Gotta keep on a tight leash, but not too tight. God I love capitalism ^/s^

mechoman444 ,

Well, the revolt I was more or less referring to would be against private/public business.

We need to as a society start dictating how much things should cost.

Like inflation for example wouldn't exist if as a whole population we simply didn't pay the difference in increased price.

Business would eventually start pricing their good and services to where people wanted to pay as long as they paid.

tearsintherain , in Sanders Warns 'Absurd' Low Pay of Teachers Fueling Public Education Crisis avatar

This is truth. Destruction of public education by conservatives, neoliberals and privateers fits nicely with destruction of workers and unions. It's control of your population, which is funneled through a view of them as simply future workers for the owner class. I dont know why u would want to be a teacher in a country that just doesn't give a shit. UK is facing similar.

And if u think majority of those not-for-profit charter aren't founded by people in it for the money, ive got a bridge and can give u a good price...

Its like many wealthy people who seek and do get rich off tax payer money, like elon did with tesla.

HootinNHollerin , in Sanders Warns 'Absurd' Low Pay of Teachers Fueling Public Education Crisis


fubarx , in Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.

If these companies were serious about on-site work and how much better it is, they would pay for time while commuting and transportation expenses.

_sideffect , in Sanders Warns 'Absurd' Low Pay of Teachers Fueling Public Education Crisis

That's by design

Stupid people are much easier to control

OhmsLawn ,

It's also easier to push privatization when public schools are failing.

entropicshart ,

When each year sees cuts to school programs and all that remains is kids sitting in front of screens (even PE is watch what TV shows and repeat), privatization is only remaining option for parents. The sad reality is that not many parents can afford it, especially if they have more than one child.

Meanwhile all your taxes go to pay salaries in the hundreds of thousands, to administrators that have nothing to do with education.

Stoney_Logica1 , in Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.

A nice and public "fuck you" to C-level staff in tech. Remote work isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

powermaker450 , in Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted. avatar

womp womp

cyberpunk007 , in Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.

So the workers opted to continue remote work at the convenience of not getting promoted, and I bet my top dollar they lost any motivation they had and are all now looking for new gigs 😂

uriel238 , avatar

Looking for new gigs is currently the new normal regarding promotions anyway, according to HMW. Since companies have long shown that have no loyalty to their workforce and will lay them off as soon as they need their numbers to go up for shareholders.

And new hires to positions get paid better than promotions from within to the same positions. So it's better just to routinely keep sending out résumés to openings.

So the no promotions threat is mostly a paper tiger.

cyberpunk007 ,

It's true, whenever I'm done with my salary I go for a new gig. Huge percentage of increase every time instead of this corp-speak "1-3%" bullshit. With job change I typically see around 30%

sunzu , in Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.

Sad trombone? Small violin?

They prolly knew the risk otherwise they would never give that choice. Good for dell wagies!

Fedizen , in Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.

Dell Managers revealed as weenies.

Grass , in Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted.

haha get fucked dell

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