pinkdrunkenelephants ,

As much as I bitch about Lemmy, I am glad to be on a platform where we can openly advocate to put the aristocracy in guillotines without getting banned or otherwise punished for it.

dynamojoe ,

I hope this entitled cunt has to pay for sex for the rest of his life/

Peddlephile ,

Lol. I actually read the article and it’s Tim fucking Gurner.

I’ve got friends who work as consultants for his projects and it’s more of a “do as I say” relationship. He buys up properties and then turns them into “luxury” apartments or hotels for his rich mates.

He’s part of our affordable housing crisis.

And he goes on to make this statement. Good grief.

steakmeout ,

Guy’s a fucking moron, Australia could not survive such high unemployment - nor could any modern economy.

BeautifulMind , avatar

But if you consider the counter-argument, maybe arrogant billionaires need to be reminded again that the deal by which they wouldn’t be dragged out of their homes and beaten senseless in front of their families was that they’d pay a living wage and deal with unions and submit to antitrust regulations

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

We never should have accepted such a monstrous Faustian deal in the first place.

JustZ , avatar

Damn look like that dudes forehead had to jump to get away from his rat face.

NewPerspective ,

Let’s eat him first.

barttier , avatar

Rich people are loosing the fear of workers that was deeply ingrained in their DNA by the french. They should be afraid again. Maybe pinata economy is the most logic way to go.

APassenger , (edited )

The “left” is anti-violence and law-abiding. Our primary act is bringing out old phrases like, “eat the rich.”

We’re not even hearing of acts of vandalism or sabotage, but we want them to be scared.

Right now, if they don’t get their way, unquestioning and at cheap rates, they are oppressed.

This is where we are. I agree, they need checked. Unions are getting stronger again (at last). But that’s all I’m seeing. I hope I’m missing something.

sadreality ,

Nothing like being scolded by a nepo baby!

Quexotic ,

The cruelty is the point.

HansSlonzok ,

as we know… good billionaire is dead billionaire

roofuskit , avatar

And I say in order to fix things he should jump off a cliff. Maybe he should try my idea since it only hurts one person instead of millions.

MojoMcJojo ,

Another parasite sucking up all of our resources for itself.

wokehobbit ,

Can we bring out the guillotines already? Serious.

Raiderkev ,
RVGamer06 , avatar
Lianodel ,

“We need to see unemployment rise,” he argued. “Unemployment has to jump 40 to 50 percent, in my view. We need to see some pain in the economy. We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around… There’s been a systemic change where the employees feel that the employer is extremely lucky to have them, as opposed to the other way around.

You love to see it.

Also, lots of comments about guillotines here. We might get some concern trolls about that, but at the very least, it sure is a problem when a billionaire like Tim feels like he can say something so outrageous without any consequences.

uriel238 , avatar

Funny thing that we witnessed in Iran: Violence is not the answer until the very hour it is.

Law enforcement in Georgia are attacking mutual aid stations. They’re recognizing and harassing the non-violent methods we would affect change.

And the billionaires are telling us they’d have us starve if we refuse to live as bonded servants.

This is how civil wars start.

Anticorp ,

When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you’re using force. And force, my friends, is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.

–Robert A. Heinlein

ShaggySnacks ,

People become violent when they no options for anything. The Syrian Civil War is a prefect example of this, in the lead up the civil war, there was economic polices that benefited a select few people, intense drought that drove food prices up for the common people, and a lack of way to show anger in a healthy democratic way (strikes, protests, etc.), lead to a lot of anger. The anger eventually exploded causing a civil war.

Right now, we all have a cost of living crisis ongoing, lack of political leadership to resolve these issues, and growing wealth inequality. The next global recession is going to have lot of angry people, who’s only options are going to be die a slow death or do something and maybe die a slow death.

When it happens remember to direct your anger at the right groups of people, political leaders who championed the status quo for corporations and billionaires, talking heads who tell us to be “grateful”, and corporations and billionaires focused on wealth hoarding. These people got us into this mess and will gladly leave all of us to sink if it means they get to keep their dirty hands on power.

MojoMcJojo ,

Any consequences! Exactly that. I’m sick of this rich man culture of fuck you I got mine. There needs to be a systematic change where the rich feel that they are extremely lucky to be allowed to horde so much and keep there heads. They’ve grown lazy and arrogant. Consequences for your selfish actions!

SwedishFool ,

I hope he loses everything he has, and if he doesn’t, I hope people steal what’s left.

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