Work Reform

maegul , avatar

Performance reviews are just employers controlling the narrative when employees are underpaid

If you underperform, brutal negotiations ensue … prove your value or the deal is off.

Buuut, if you’re overperforming, you get gold stickers and praise, and the possibility of a pay bump through a process controlled by the employer …

instead of you telling the employer that they have to prove their value or the deal is off.

Instead over performing then becomes the expectation.


bluGill ,


@workreform @maegul It is really hard to objectively rate people. On an assembly line if you keep up with the line you are as good as everyone else, if you hold the line back are you worse or does the line need redesign? If you are an engineer it can be years before we discover how many mistakes you made. If you are a salesman did you miss your numbers because the economy is bad or because you are bad?

henfredemars ,

If we hire 10 people, 2 will be in the bottom 20%, even if they are meeting their responsibilities.

SensualSass , avatar

Do you think potential candidates should be reimbursed in some form for taking assessments that are required by the employer in order to be considered for employment?

Also, should this be available for only job candidates who are not considered for the position?

Or should it go for every job candidate, even the ones that get the position?

Thanks for reading and being your most precious and sensual self ❤️.


onionbaggage ,

The first half hour shouldn’t be free either.

aksdb ,

I did a 2 day long “bootcamp” for the company I now work at. Basically two days working directly alongside my future colleagues but on a non-product related exercise task. I really appreciated it. First day was still weird and I was nervous, but on the second day it already felt normal and all conversations were extremely relaxed.

I got involved in the daily team routine, took part in coffee talks, etc

Doing the actual task was just time filler for getting a feeling of the new workplace and for them to see if I fit in.

Especially thanks to the second day I knew I loved it there and that switching job will be the right move.

This was before Covid, though. Today this probably wouldn’t work anymore, with most people working from home and most meetings being remote anyway.

What I am saying is: it’s not just for the company that hires you, it’s also for yourself. Expecially if you have to quit another job first.

jlou ,
minibyte ,

Decent base pay, a fair amount of pto, and a stellar 401k match are my absolute requirements. My wants are unnecessary as I’ll put up with a lot if my needs are met.

Although in my field this was all achieved through the power of a union.

maegul , avatar

Death of the Middle Class Musician

Interesting reflection by two older musicians (Beato and Tim Pierce) about how the music industry used to have a "middle class" that's been pushed out now by an industry that focuses more and more on profits.

They don't really go into the details of how the changes happened, with big-corp being the elephant in the room ... but their observations, which include tech, paint a pretty clear picture.


mozz , avatar


R Crumb wrote an excellent little piece about this

Dagwood222 ,

I remember a piece Harlan Ellison wrote back in the 1970s. He was working on television shows, and said that if he could save $1,000.00 he could live for six months and just write the stuff he really wanted to do.

jlou , (edited )

"Inalienable Rights: Part I The Basic Argument" Against the Employer-Employee System and for Workplace Democracy

This article discusses how the contemporary system of labor relations treats employees as things rather than persons thus denying their humanity, and violating rights they have because of their personhood. Instead, work should be democratically controlled by the people doing it


jlou OP , (edited )

In a sense, all ethics are constructs of our minds. If this were grounds to reject human rights (it isn't), it would be a reason against any reason to do anything (e.g. abolish capitalism) including egoism. The transcendent truth about ethics is unknowable. The best we can do is build moral theories on appealing moral principles.
Inalienability is a theory not merely a catalogue of personal views. Hegel's inalienability critique of slavery shows this with nonsense added to not attack wage labor

unfreeradical , avatar

I see. I think the particular case is just one event revealing a problem that is much older and deeper.

maegul , avatar

What the new tech creator-content platforms and economy miss

Adam Neely on "quitting " puts two ideas together (that I hadn't) and implicitly asks "what if the new platform/economy fails you"

Longevity and freedom from traditional gatekeepers. The content-creator economy fails on these promises.

Burn out is baked in and ignoring the traditional gate-keepers is at your own very serious risk.

The world is the same, tech is just milking us.


mariyadelano , avatar

@maegul @workreform I've been referring to this as "the single platform creator trap" - a creator who is trapped by their own belief that they can't control the value they bring, is stuck within one third-party online platform, and who doesn't fundamentally know how to recreate their success or take it elsewhere.

Creators who can make multiple platforms work always always always have way more control.

It's a self-imposed alienation from owning the means of production in Marxist terms.

maegul OP , avatar

@mariyadelano @workreform

head rolling around in unbounded confirmation

Yep yep yep yep yep …

jlou ,
TheBeege ,

Seems so to me. I’m on lemmy. I can see it just fine

SheeEttin ,

Does it not give you a link field? It shows up for me as a text link in the body of the post.

And at least on my client (Connect), trying to tag a community in the title doesn’t work, it just shows the link markup raw.

Also your hashtags are links back to mastodon. I don’t think those are useful for Lemmy users.

SensualSass , avatar


Do you think potential candidates should be reimbursed in some form for taking assessments that are required by the employer in order to be considered for employment?

Also, should this be available for only job candidates who are not considered for the position?

Or should it go for every job candidate, even the ones that get the position?

Thanks for reading and being your most precious and sensual self ❤️.

Moobythegoldensock ,

Yes, taking an assessment is work and should be compensated accordingly.

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