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4am ,

Well, it’s possible they go the other way but…

4am ,

The fact alone that leadership came in, declared that experienced staff were “phenomenally talented assholes”, forced them all out, and pushed LITERAL DEFECTIVE PLANES into the sky should be the goddamn electric chair.

And anyone who owns Boeing stock should have to pay any profit they’ve made back into a public fund to go to public education in America.

The rich are done with this place and they’re squeezing it dry before they let it rot. Happening everywhere.

4am ,

So we should start with the judges. Got it.

4am ,

The frozen stuff is WAY better at TJs; my local Aldi has mostly stuff that’s cheap because it’s about to expire

4am ,

Depends on where their investment assets are

4am ,

Are you being purposefully obtuse, or do really not understand?

Why the fuck would they invest in something else when they think they have the power to manipulate their position into inflated value? If there is a rush to return to the office then demand for the best places would exceed supply and those stocks would skyrocket. They’d make out like bandits.

Of course, it’s not really panning out that way; the cat’s out of the bag on remote work, Pandora’s box is open. So some of that gung-ho for RTO will die out. Sure there will still be some, as some people just want employees under stricter observation and control (mostly for pretty unjustifiable reasons) but there really isn’t much of a financial incentive from an office prestige or from a productivity standpoint anymore. Shareholders are going to wonder why the companies who insist on RTO are taking on the extra cost and liability, when that money could be going toward dividends.

4am ,

Better hurry, there will probably be 1000 of these by the end of the week 😆

4am ,

You can use logic to deduce when appearing to show emotion might be beneficial to a situation.

4am ,

Because the way they see it, you’d have to take their money through wages in order to afford stuff. If their only liquidity is through perpetually revolving loans against the equity they hold, then their only job is to make that equity ever increase. The less those companies pay, the higher the profit. The higher the profit, the greater the dividends. They greater the dividends, the higher the stock price. The higher the stock price, the larger the valuation. Ever increasing collateral = perpetual revolving borrowing patterns = cheat code for unlimited money.

But if it ever falls apart they’ll be on the hook for a loan so big they might not be able to pay it back if they liquidate everything. So they MUST win at all costs. This is the deal with the devil. Ultimate power, but you must keep the plates spinning. One wrong move and you are collected.

4am ,

Those are the motivations of his sponsors (the Saudis etc). He thought it contributed to his trans child’s “woke mind virus” and he definitely threatened to buy it out of rage and then once forced to decided he’d fucking destroy it

4am ,

Those are the motivations of his sponsors (the Saudis etc). He thought it contributed to his trans child’s “woke mind virus” and he definitely threatened to buy it out of rage and then once forced to decided he’d fucking destroy it

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