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Dasus , to Work Reform in Amazon hit with $5.9 million fine for violating California labor law

Yeah, without paying it, so you save like 10 dollars by not paying for your shit, and then only have to pay 4.80 back in fines.

Idk what labour laws they broke, but companies are always getting away with shit like this, or even if they're penalised, they're still left profiting from the crime.

Hell I live in the Nordics with arguably one of the best labour protections in the world and like over half the jobs I've done have had the companies try to fuck me over with the compensation. From private people to large companies. Overtime, mandated breaks, whatever it may be.

Fuck capitalism. (Love market economies though.)

Dasus , to Work Reform in A Tax of 5% on The World’s Multi-Millionaires and Billionaires Could Raise $1.7 trillion, Enough to Lift 2 Billion People out of Poverty

Define "suddenly".

Even if takes 10 years, that's pretty fucking fast on a historical timescale, being just around an eight of a humans lifespan.

Even if it takes 50 it'd still be pretty fucking fast in historical terms.

And even if it helps just one person right now, it'd be worth it, because the billionaire's don't have the right to hog all the resources.

Dasus , to Ask Science in Regarding sleep quality, why did humans evolve to require full darkness?

Second one is pretty exactly dusk, yeah. Or 8 minutes after, technically.

The first one is dawn. Two hours apart and apparently in the same place, more or less.

And Uusimaa would fit, yeah, but I'm in Varsinais-Suomi. Same thing latitude wise though, but dawn and dusk are two minutes earlier in Helsinki than in Turku.

Dasus , to Ask Science in Regarding sleep quality, why did humans evolve to require full darkness?

I've severe sleep problems.

I live on a quite a northern latitude. Finland, but the very southern end of it. (The Arctic circle only starts about at the most northern 1/3 of Finland)

I'll upload two pictures, taken from the same spot at different times.

Which one is later, which is earlier? One is taken at 00.30 and one at 2.30. No peeking at the exif data before guessing.

Sunset or sunrise?

Couldn't tell you, as we don't really have those in the way you do.

Dasus , to Ask Science in Regarding sleep quality, why did humans evolve to require full darkness?

I don't, unfortunately.

I'm a shell of a human, haven't been properly employed for some years, never managed a "normal" schedule or any kind of routine really. I used to have a shift job, but then that became impossible to do as well. In the army I got myself a role that allowed me to shift my personal schedules quite a bit.

But yeah, no, it has ruined my life and ever since I told tve doctors I tried weed as a coping strategy (for sleeping and eating, it's good), I can't really get any help from the public doctors, since I live in such a backwards country that weed is still comparable to doing iv-opiates basically.

I take melatonin and zolpidem. Melatonin around midnight so it would always be the same but ambien when I go to bed.

Doesn't really help.

If I lived ina country with less social secvurity, like the US, I probably would've ended up on the streets several years ago. I'd probably have killed myself or some other people by this point.

Now I'm just a wreck of a person waiting of some moronic bureaucratic bullshit while everyone else gets to have a life and I don't.

Tbf mine might be "non-24 and not just a delayed sleep-phase", but despite me now having actual sleep data from more than 6 months, I can't even get the sleep studies place to accept my doctors referral there. Makes me so fking angry I'm gonna have a seizure again

Dasus , to Ask Science in Regarding sleep quality, why did humans evolve to require full darkness?

I have the exact same thing.

Ever heard of


We had a community on Reddit which I kinda miss, really small there as well but I'm not going back for it.

Dasus , to Men's Liberation in About the bear...
Dasus , to Men's Liberation in About the bear...



It might feel something is "known by everyone" when one sees a thing frequently, but usually, it isn't..

Dasus , to Men's Liberation in About the bear...

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Dasus , to xkcd in xkcd #2912: Cursive Letters

Same as with dotting i’s or crossing t’s, really.

I often found that pictures speak louder than words, and it’s pictured in my earlier link.

Dasus , to xkcd in xkcd #2912: Cursive Letters

Idk about “very” apparent, though.

I’m Finnish and we have much the same alphabet, and our cursive is derived from the same as the Swedish one, which is Neo-Gothic cursive, which does do the X from top down, as do we Finns.


I did check the Swedish one and it is weird you do it differently.

Dasus , to Work Reform in Major US corporations threaten to return labor to ‘law of the jungle’

I’d like to agree with you, but I’d like to note that the 13th amendment of the US constitution specifically states slavery is allowed as a punishment for a crime.

So all you need to do is manufacture laws which make something common criminal and put heavy sanctions on it.

Like say… draconian drug laws around cannabis, or making abortion carry the same sentences as murder. Criminalising trans healthcare. Three strike laws in which you can sentence someone to prison for life for stealing $14.…/legalized-slavery-in-the-united-…

Thats how the US subsidises labour. Enslaved prisoners.

So you can violence your way into efficient human labour without repealing the 13th amendment. Perhaps there’s a point at which it won’t work anymore, but seems to have worked fine for the past 50-70 years or so

Dasus , to aww in Checks out


That’s a whole 5 months of chasing bitches though. That’s long.

Dasus , to aww in Checks out

An online calculator (idk the formula they use they’re all rather silly) says that on a golden retriever, 18 would be 131 in dog years (and it doesn’t even do 21, saying the inputted value for the dog’s age must be between 1-20 years) and 21 would be ~150 (20 is 145).

Dasus , to aww in Checks out

Laughs in European canine (our doggos only need to be 18)

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