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Study finds 1/4 of bosses hoped Return to Office would make staff quit ( )

HR software biz BambooHR surveyed more than 1,500 employees, a third of whom work in HR. The findings suggest the return to office movement has been a poorly-executed failure, but one particular figure stands out - a quarter of executives and a fifth of HR professionals hoped RTO mandates would result in staff leaving....

GrindingGears ,

Quality issues alone are a major disincentive to outsourcing.

GrindingGears ,

It sounds like you are in a good place, and are satisfied. For what it's worth, IMO, just stay happy. If that means staying where you are, you don't gotta impress nobody but yourself. So don't worry about all the other noise. Always keep one eye on the prize, like in today's professional world, you always have to be prepared for the rug to be pulled up from under you with a layoff or if the company hires a new boss for you and they are a zeeb, but once you got that concern appropriately hedged, always put professional well being above everything else.

I left my last job to make double what the previous one paid, and my job is a nightmare job. Each successive job pays me more, makes me more miserable, the people are always worse and more money just means more problems. Money ain't everything, and I mean it. Make enough to survive, live your happy idea of a perfect lifestyle, save for rainy days and retirement, and the rest is just noise.

GrindingGears ,

What is the point of LinkedIn anyways, can anyone actually describe it to me? All these years later and I'm still confused. The only thing I've found it useful for, is basically a digital rolodex for when I want to get ahold of someone. I can't read the news feed or whatever it's called, it's insufferable.

GrindingGears ,

Dell sucks at everything. This work computer that I have is an absolute pile of shit. Yet it cost more than my high end gaming computer that absolutely smokes it in every way.

GrindingGears ,

If anyone needs this dumbed down, you know that angry white trash guy down the street, that shows up to any sort of pride festival event with a bunch of signs and his Christian lunatic buddies? The one that has the REPENT and biblical signs nailed poorly to the side of their house? Yeah that’s Christian Heritage. They policies they stand for are convoluted, but basically are wedged somewhere in between Nazi Germany and the stone ages. They used to be full Nazi, but of course that led to like a 0.003% share of the vote, so now they are trying to hide it a little better. And doing a poor job at it.

GrindingGears ,

NDP needs to get their shit together. I mean I’m largely aligned with the general NDP platform, truth be told. But you are right, the need to get louder and more vicious.

PP basically needs someone to do what he’s doing to Trudeau, to him. There’s lots of material, hanging low on the tree to be picked.

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  • GrindingGears ,

    So I mean I can’t speak for this guy, but I’m Type 1, and a terrible med person, so there’s a few things I feel like I can address personally:

    Points 1 And 2) I’m legit bad at taking my medication. It’s not doing it out of malice or with ill intent, I’m just absent minded and my life can be chaotic and distracting. I’m a senior-ish executive with young children - from the moment I open my eyes till the moment I close them it’s either work, my wife, my kids or something else asking for or taking my attention, and I just forget, legit. I had a pretty bad infection from something a little while ago, and I took the antibiotics like a good little soldier until about day 4, when I inevitably start sliding, and by day 7, I just plain forget. My wife nags me, I set them out and they inevitably just get cluttered over by something else, and well yeah, out of sight out of mind, and then thats me not taking my medication.

    For someone like me, it’s like if I’m in agony, then yeah I’ll take something. Minute I’m not though, it starts sliding in my attention span. Even with insulin and diligently checking my blood sugars, heck even if I’m low or whatever, you just get complacent. Life’s distracting, and this is something I have to deal with day in day out, it’s no longer novel or exciting and sometimes I just don’t pay attention to it. Until it’s happening to you personally, not clinically, like I completely understand your confusion, but I’m not sure you can completely understand where someone like myself or this guy is coming from, until you are living what we experience. It’s just one of those things thats hard to justify, and everyone ends up all confused and basically starts shaming you for it. That isn’t going to fix it, how it usually (temporarily) helps me in this situation, is to have someone set temporary goals and then we work from there. You’ll have to trust me when I say I’m the bane of my diabetes educators existence.

    Even that all said, let’s just thank the lucky stars my version of this disease for whatever reason isn’t as crazy as some peoples, I still generally take care of myself, I have good a1c values and I’m generally doing well. I tend towards lows and highs sometimes, but I mean the disease is just a fucking mystery sometimes, it doesn’t always respond to the meds, and I also do think the medical professionals sometimes don’t fully comprehend that. They are used to being like here’s a pill, oh you’ll be fixed. Sometimes diabetes is just like BOOM curveball, because there’s a full moon or it’s a low pressure system blowing in, or whatever. It’s a fuck of a disease, both types 1 2 and I guess what they call 3 now. And I mean this can come out of left field and next thing you know you are laying on the floor. Now while this somehow has still never happened to me yet (and hopefully never does), I totally get how it happens. I’ve def come close a few times, and it happens in what feels like seconds (which is probably minutes or hours, but you are on a different brain wave pattern when you are ultra high and ultra low).

    This also happens to be a point you get to mind wise where you just completely zone out. My wife calls it the voodoo zone. My IQ goes from like whatever it is to about 20 when I’m in the voodoo zone. I also have a trigger fuse temper when I’m in this state, and I usually am basically a raving lunatic who doesn’t always make any sense. I do realize it is happening sometimes, but something in my brain just refuses to connect the dots with the fact that I’m angry over usually nothing and I need to maybe check my sugar. I’ve had moments where like I’m calmly trying to explain something to my wife and she’s got this look on her face, and she isn’t getting it, so you get madder and it’s like why aren’t you getting this, and the poor person on the other side is listening to someone who isn’t even really speaking they are just moaning and slurring words. Sometimes someone has to snap you out of it, and when there’s not someone to do so, then you have what’s happening to this guy, at least by the sounds of it. I’ve had this happen at both extremes, super high and being super low (mostly super low though).

    As for point 3) Blood thinners just legit scare me. So I’m supposed to take a 5mg cholesterol pill and a 5mg blood pressure pill, for “preventative” sakes. Again, I never take them, and that’s not great like even I will outright admit that. But they scare me. For whatever reason they don’t make me feel that great. My blood pressure is pretty much the same no matter what. My chol and blood pressure are still within acceptable range, but higher as my disease is progressing and I’m just getting old, fatter and fed up with the bullshit of day to day life (mostly work related), so I mean I def should be taking them. But I told my doctor, I’m not touching a blood thinner. Too many horror stories. Plus you always read the signs at the amusement parks and whatever, and they just sound horrifying and life limiting. I still want to live like I’m young and crazy. It just makes me uncomfortable, and it sounds like it’s going to limit me. Am I still going to be able to go 1,000 mph on my mountain bike in the mountains for instance? There’s always lots of crashing and lots of blood donated. So probably not (and I’m maybe even just imagining this, I dunno). So for better for worse, I mean if it’s life or death, then I’ll re-evaluate, but until then, no way Jose.

    Also to speak to the phone and passive aggressiveness, some people are just, for lack of better words, fucking assholes. If you ever figure out why or how to fix this, please message me at your first opportunity and spill the beans on how to bring an end this endless parade of douchebags. Because it’s legit a world wide epidemic.

    GrindingGears ,

    There’s definitely something to be said for this. What I can’t understand, is a lot of these places are locked into long term lease holds. So the office is there whether they like it or not, through no decision or input or action of the employees. So why double down on bad decisions? Why not just treat adults like, you know, adults, and let them decide their best location for that day? Will some permanently stay home? Sure. Will some come into the office 5 days a week? Likely. Will some maybe come in for a change of scenery, or in certain situations for voluntary or collegial collaboration (which is supposed to be the whole point of this exercise, but notice the voluntary part)? Likely. And so what? Why risk pissing your employees off then, by forcing people in against free will?

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  • GrindingGears ,

    Start small, everything good in life happens by first taking baby steps. I’m an introvert too, and I’m a senior manager, so I can’t just ignore everyone, as a really big part of my job is managing people. I have the very same feelings you do, a lot of the time I feel like I’m wasting time, I’m super busy and my time is very valuable. But in the very same way, so is theirs. Flip the script a bit, like they are coming to you and talking to you about something they feel is very valuable for you to know about. They are considering you a valuable part of their day, so pay that back in some way. Doesn’t mean you need to drone on all day with someone if you aren’t interested. But do give them a couple minutes of your time, it won’t make or break your day if it’s bite sized.

    Then after a polite couple of minutes, just stretch your arms, let out a big sigh and just say, "whelp guess I better get back to it, I gotta get this done this morn/aft, roll your eyes, let out an awkward chuckle, and there you go. Just find a polite way to break the conversation. Even tell little white lies if you have to, for example, “whelp, I have to get this TPS report down to Julie, she’s been waiting for me.” Things like that can work too.

    Also it helps to just show people little bite sized acts of kindness, as you inevitably make your way around the office. Oh! I like your necklace or hey how was your weekend? How goes the battle? Like little prompts to show kindness, but not necessarily ones that will get you sucked into long convos. These are usually met with a shrug of the shoulders, or a great how was yours, and you can just say yeah it was great, not long enough laughs. And there you go, on with your day, and everyone will think to themselves, that 6H, they are an OK person.

    Just understand and be comfortable with it being hard. It’s hard for me too sometimes, like it’s not as natural as it is for other people. I just have to make sure I give it a bit of conscious effort, and it easily goes a long way as long as there is genuine effort. Remember that no one actually wants to be there, like they all feel the same generally uncomfortable way you do, they just express it in a different way. Work is a means to an end for everyone else too. People need connection to find meaning, and we do too, we just struggle internally with what that exactly means, and the value of it a bit more.

    GrindingGears ,

    Came here to say the same thing. It’s crazy how these people put on blast how they basically don’t have a viable business. Guess it doesn’t take brains or business sense to open a restaurant though. Just about the worst kind of business you could open.

    GrindingGears ,

    It’s 1,000% about control. The boomers just fall apart and crumple to their knees begging for mercy, when they think about all those people at home doing their laundry and watching TV while they work. Which I 100% do by the way, yet I’m still way more productive in both my professional and personal life. Which might have something to do with not spending two hours a day in traffic and dealing with unnecessary distractions and curveballs at the whim of my office mates all day long.

    Shit I didn’t even get out of bed until noon today, I comfortably worked from my bed because I was warm and it was where I wanted to be. The boomers would have a stroke thinking about that.

    GrindingGears ,

    Up by like 200+ percent. Plus everyone from a work from home environment, at least that I know of, is like oh I didn’t get this done today and now I have a quiet 20 minutes after putting the kids to bed, so let’s just clickety-clack here for a bit.

    Yet I don’t ever hear about those stories in the media…

    GrindingGears ,

    My home office is an oasis compared to any company supplied office that I’ve ever had. 100% climate control. A desk that is 100% the size and layout that I want. Perfect office computer chair, finely dialed in. A decorative environment that is perfectly to my taste, no expense spared, that wasn’t subject to anyone else’s scrutiny or opinions. Private bathroom. Hell there’s even a bed in my office, used for micro naps when needed, but don’t tell the Boomers that. They might spontaneously combust in outrage.

    GrindingGears ,

    It took a couple shots for me, but I found a chair that seems to be perfectly suited to my body and the level of support I need. As an added bonus, it wasn’t even that expensive.

    GrindingGears ,

    There is no flexibility when you have mandated WFH and RTO. Can you come and go on your own accord, going to an office only when you feel you would better accomplish your tasks there? That’s flexibility. We work from home Monday Tuesday, and at the office Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday? That’s not flexibility.

    GrindingGears ,

    Sounds pretty rad! Hope the sticks stay in the closet, where they belong.

    GrindingGears ,

    Fuck HR, for real. You guys can try to justify your existence all you want. The only benefit you have, and it’s a very small one at that, is to the employer.

    GrindingGears ,

    Sure, but I’ve yet to see a profession as reviled as HR. That would include drug dealing. Maybe dentists? That’s all I can think of, top of my mind anyways.

    Literally their entire profession consists of being a professional snitch and a gatekeeper.

    GrindingGears ,

    Boomers used to go home too, and not have a device going off in their pockets every 55 seconds. They were able to unplug. The boss didn’t dare go to the boomers house. Today, your boss doesn’t even blink at calling you at 2am.

    GrindingGears ,

    It depends on circumstances. We have two children, one is four and a half, the other is 9 months old. My wife and I both work from home (well my wife will be, she’s still on maternity leave with our baby). We have to have daycare, we’d personally go nuts otherwise. So I never factor in daycare in my analysis, it’s a sunk cost for me, at the moment. But even disregarding that, I worked out what it really cost me in time, wear and tear on my vehicles, additional insurance, fuel, parking, lunch, etc, and I came out to about $40k.

    GrindingGears ,

    That’s just it, I’d almost want some discrimination, because it’ll weed out the idiots that I was otherwise about to subject myself to.

    Problem is, discrimination is so widespread, that this severely limits the opportunities of many (and is very often an opportunity cost for you). We all have latent discrimination within us, no matter how hard we try to counteract it. Most don’t try to counteract it either, for example there are things that I am subconsciously discriminatory against that I’m not even really self aware about.

    That’s why I like the idea of having to scrub resume data before being presented. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been uncertain about someone, quite frankly because of some sort of latent discriminatory thing, and been surprised. Like at this point if I have a red flag about someone, I almost want to act contra and immediately hire them vs someone where I’m like this person is perfect and I inevitably get let down. Hiring people sucks, it’s literally the worst thing to have to subject yourself to, for both the candidate and the employer. Why not just knock down some barriers and try to make that easier on us all, right?

    GrindingGears ,

    I worked it out, parking, wear and tear on the car + the loss in value in putting in way more mileage, fuel, and time. It added up to more than $40k.

    GrindingGears ,

    You still need daycare if you have kids at home, remote or not. You can’t honestly tell me you are getting work done with your kids at home, unless they are like >9

    GrindingGears ,

    My experience has been the opposite. I make way more remote, because I’m able to travel the world remotely, and can go where the money is. No more needing to put up with local wages that have been stagnant for a decade, and a stagnant local culture that’s stuck 30 years in the past.

    That’s what they are really scared about.

    GrindingGears ,

    I walked myself to preschool, not a word of a lie. It’s not so much a different world, it’s just more or less I’d like to think because of the betterment of my life thanks to a long term investment by my parents, that I’m able to make better decisions than they were able to and provide my kids with more opportunities. Like not having to walk themselves to school at 4. We are talking a couple blocks here, in a small town. Not that I’d ever have my kids do it but I’m not an 80s parent. I also don’t have to balance shift work like my parents did, and I have the luxury of balance and being able to work from home, again, thanks to the long game.

    I’ve got a toddler and a 4.5 year old, so neither goes to school yet. They go to “school”, in that I’d go insane if they were both at home, so they go to daycare. They wouldn’t get the attention they deserve either. Something would have to give. I hear you on the after school programming costs, at 7 your kid should be able to entertain themselves for a couple hours. I guess that’s not so bad. It just really depends on the kid too though, I’ve seen it both ways. There was a guy at my last job they forced back into the office 5 days because he was always dealing with his kids, trying to skimp on the daycare, and it was abundantly clear nothing was getting done. They were closer to my kids age though, like where it’s not really acceptable.

    GrindingGears ,

    It really is quite the conundrum.

    We live in Canada, and our son was recently involved in a really bad daycare outbreak of E.coli. Basically long story short, they fed them tainted meatloaf, about 300 or so kids got sick, some are still in the hospital months later. Thankfully none died, but there are some little lives that are forever altered. We were extremely lucky in that our son only got marginally sick, but we were without daycare for over a whole month waiting for him to test negative. My wife is still on mat leave so it wasn’t the biggest deal for us, but there are hundreds of families that are still scrambling. Like having to take long term leaves of absence and whatnot.

    The kicker of this whole thing, was the cause was basically underpaid and undereducated laborers who were either too ignorant or woefully uneducated. Yet we pay thousands of dollars for this care. It’s infuriating. And we feel helpless, because of course we don’t want our kids going there anymore, but we don’t otherwise really have any appetizable choices. They have to go there or one of us has to quit our job and basically trash our careers just as they are finally in the good stages after 20 years of grinding. There already was a massive shortfall of daycare spaces around us, I’ve had a deposit and a spot on the waiting list for my daughter at this place before she was even born, and it’s obviously gotten even worse now. It’s definitely the most helpless I’ve felt as a parent. It’s such a fucked up situation. We definitely need to do better as a society, for our young families. You are right on that one.

    GrindingGears ,

    Sounds just like my city (Calgary, Canada). Exact same culture and tax problem too, but here it’s mostly oil and gas companies, so they don’t give a shit about the environment, they just want to justify their real estate holdings downtown. Which in itself is just a big circlejerk between a bunch of oil drenched executive. Definitely goes against the mayor and council, who declared a climate emergency and there’s a bunch of ESG initiatives underway.

    I found myself a remote job, and thankfully it’s still remote. I make way more than I did downtown too, with none of the overhead (parking, food, years off my life spent commuting).

    GrindingGears ,

    Wait until the dumb asses in our country put Pierre Peckerhead in power. He also studied Political Science and then went straight to government. Actually I think he studied IR, but you say Potato, I say Potaato.

    No disrespect to people that studied Political Science (I studied Political Science), but people that studied Political Science and then just went straight to government have absolutely no idea what the real world is like. There was a type when I went to school, for example do you remember when you went to elementary school and you saw little Peter and you just knew he was going to grow up to be a cop? You just knew, like there’s a certain personality type that you can absolutely predict their future profession, right? Well same thing, there were a few ding dongs that I was forced to suffer through my University days, none of which have disappointed my predictions in that they all work in government, and they are all insufferable knobs who wouldn’t know an honest days work if it kicked them in the ass.

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