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Kecessa ,

Well then, devs should be able to increase the price as inflation increases so the equivalent cost stays the same.

Kecessa ,

Selling the game is the devs income, if everything else costs more and you don't increase your income you're just becoming poorer.

Just because you're doing office work do you believe you shouldn't get a raise?

Kecessa ,

So they should just stop development on a game that's still considered early access and leave it in an unfinished state and start working on something else that they can charge more for and just stop working on it once inflation catches up no matter the state it's in? That's what you're saying devs should do?

EA, Activision, Ubisoft don't do it this way, instead they charge you for all extra content separately.

Maybe that's what the Satisfactory team should do, release the game as is as being complete, not change the price and then release paid DLC that would otherwise have been updates so in the end people need to pay more to get the full game... Damn, we're back to square one but now people who already paid for the game also need to pay for updates...

Kecessa ,

I mean, they get to decide when it's finished, if it's stable and there's enough content that people are playing hundreds of hours then they can say that that's the basic experience and if people want more they need to pay for it, in the end it's even worse than just not having paid DLC and increasing the price as the game gets more content and life becomes more expensive.

Not as if there was anything new to doing that, Minecraft cost about 5$ for the people who bought it as soon as it was made available, now you don't even get the mobile version for that price.

Kecessa ,

I chose to apply for job X, I didn't choose who would apply to work in the same place.

Kecessa ,

Not if you're depressed by the fact that you're losing 2h a day going to the office, wasting 30$ in parking fees and know that your pet is back home stressed out from being left alone for 10h.

Kecessa ,

So? Even going one day to the office is enough to make some people feel stressed out and depressed. I'm not even talking about people who need specific accommodations that they have at home but aren't provided to them at the office.

Kecessa ,

I think you underestimate the quantity of people that don't feel good about having to show up to work in person or take part in meetings or have to deal with in person social interactions.

Heck, in the grand scheme of things it's more unusual to have to interact with tens of people you didn't choose to interact with because your employer said so.

Kecessa ,

Source on that last part?

Kecessa , (edited )

I'm my province companies over a certain size (even those with a union) have to go through an evaluation process every 5 years to evaluate wages to prevent these situations. I know one person who got a 17% boost to her salary one year through this process and I also used to work a job where the employees in my department were mostly women and the employer and union were forced to sign a letter of agreement to increase everyone's wage in that department because it was lower than a similar job in another department with mostly men staff.

Kecessa ,

We use that on trails so he can be "free"

Also helps that he's 10lbs, the 10m leash slows him down just from dragging on the ground

Kecessa ,

I wish he was good enough for that but he believes he's a hunting dog and if he smells deer scent he's gone... He event managed to dig out a portridge once! He picked up the scent, stopped listening to us and 30 seconds later bam, bird came out of hiding 10m from us and our dog came back as if nothing happened.

Kecessa ,

Unless you have a union job, then you're making the same thing as anyone else with the same experience as you and you've got benefits and probably job security 👍

Kecessa ,

Quiet quitting: doing what you're paid for

Normal working: doing what you're paid for but also asking managers for more work when you're done -> that's what's expected from management and also takes some load off their shoulders, they love that

Over achievement: doing what you're paid for and more without asking management -> management will promise you a seat at the table of you continue doing that long enough!

If there's advancement opportunities try to do the second one until you reach a point where you're happy and then do the first one :)

Kecessa ,

Not a manager, just someone who did exactly what I said, worked a bit harder for a year and a half, moved two steps up the ladder and now sitting cozy doing exactly what I'm paid for and nothing more as I don't want to move any higher because it would mean being in a position of authority.

Do you really think I would tell you to aim to reach a point where you're happy and then start to work your wage if I was a manager?

Kecessa ,

If you don't have any advancement opportunities where you're working change job or work your wage. Same if you don't want to move up, work your wage.

I don't know why you guys don't get it...

Kecessa ,

Gonna have to add a couple of decades to that number buddy.

Kecessa , (edited )

I work a job that requires a highschool diploma and that offers advancement opportunities and people at my level and higher are younger than me.

In fact, my manager two levels above me is quite a bit younger than me and he started at the most basic level years before me, so I guess these opportunities are open to people younger than me... Huh...

Also, very funny that you're taking to a millennial like they were a boomer...

Kecessa ,

I actually got promoted because I was the guy helping everyone do their job...

Kecessa ,

"you slave"

He said to the guy telling others to reach the point where they're happy with what they're doing and to then work their wage and nothing more.

If I was on my knees in front of management I would be telling everyone to just keep working harder forever, not to stop doing it once they don't have or want advancement opportunities.

Kecessa ,

Then work your fucking wage and that's it then, don't bitch when others decide to put a bit more effort in order to move ahead if you're expecting to be offered the same opportunity without showing that you're actually able to do more than what is asked of you.

If I see someone eating the same meal every day I will come to the conclusion that they're either unable or unwilling to cook something else so I won't ask them to cook me something else.

Kecessa ,

If you don't have any initiative don't be surprised if you never achieve anything in life.

Kecessa ,

Then change job or try to get promoted, living on the street won't help you solve this shit.

Kecessa ,

No matter where you want to achieve something, you have to show initiative for it to happen.

Right now we're talking about work and they say they won't work harder for advancement? Then they won't get advancement.

If we were on a DIY forum and we were talking about building a fence and they were saying "I won't take time from my day to make it and no way I'll pay someone to do it for me." my reaction would be the same, show some initiative or don't complain if shit doesn't happen.

People can complain about nepotism and jobs not going to those who deserve it, but they can't also complain about jobs going to those who decide to put in the work while they're doing the bare minimum (i.e. jobs going to those who show they deserve it because they take action and show that they're willing and able to do more).

Kecessa ,

It's as if you didn't read what I said.

If your goal is to stay in the position you're in then do what you're paid for and nothing else, but don't complain you're not offered the same opportunities if you see someone showing they're ready and able to do more get promoted, no shit people will assume you can't do more if you don't show them you're able to, that applies to everything in life, not just work.

You won't get stronger by always curling the same dumbbell for the same number of reps. No one will just take your word for it if you say you're able to run a marathon in 4 hours if they always see you sitting on the couch playing video games.

Hell, with your mentality why go to school? I mean, who are they to rate your work? Why should you need to prove to anyone that your understand what you were taught? You know you do and that's what's important and people should realize that and offer you a job based on your confidence that you're the best surgeon in your country! Right?

I see people in this thread complaining about nepotism but when I mention meritocracy they're just as mad. Well then, what is your fucking solution?

Kecessa , (edited )

Well it’s in fact easy to calculate…

To make it easier to visualize we’ll start with year 400. From year 400 to year 799 you’ve got a leap year every 4 years except for years 500, 600, 700 and including year 400, so that’s 25 leap years for the first century and 24 for the others.

So you’ve got 25 + (3x24) = 97 leap years

And 75 + (3 x 76) = 303 non leap years

(97 x 366) + (303 x 365) = 146097 days every 400 years which means a year is 365.2425 days long on average.

365.2425 x 24 = 8765.82 hours on average

8765.82 x 60 x 60 = 31 556 952 seconds per year on average

31 556 952 x 299 792 458 (speed of light per second) = a light year is 9460536207068016 meters long or 9460536207068.016 km long when adjusted to take leap years into consideration.

Kecessa , (edited )

You asked for a lightyear adjusted based on leap years, I provided the number. It’s a bit more than 365 light days and a bit less than 366 light days, it’s closer to the real distance covered by light during the time the earth goes around the sun.

Edit: Don’t know why anyone would downvote me for providing what OP asked for in the first place, especially when their reply didn’t really make sense in the context…

Kecessa ,

We love that our dog just bites his toys without pulling on them, he hasn’t destroyed a single one of them in the 4 years he’s been with us! My previous dog was a Boston-Terrier and she managed to make a hole in a horse ball…

Kecessa ,

They don’t try to bust unions and they try to offer conditions good enough that the employees don’t feel the need for it, which is extremely rare in North America…

Kecessa ,

Market cap? It’s a private company, it doesn’t have a market cap.

Kecessa ,

According to their ass, private companies don’t have a market cap, they’re not on the market.

Kecessa ,

The best you’ll get is evaluations of how much the company might be able to sell for or could open at on the stock market but that’s based on thin air and many companies enter the market being evaluated at X$ only to crash in the next few days to their real value (see Robinhood).

Kecessa ,

What’s funny is millionaires arguing against tax increases on the right when they are much closer to the pleb than they are from the billionaires that are the ones who would really pay the price.

Kecessa ,

Your can recreate something like that as a dinner with friends/family, more fun when there’s a whole bunch of people!

The menu is written in gibberish, three courses, people at the table choose an utensil, a dish and a meal for each course, only the people in the kitchen know what each item on the menu is.

Good luck eating spaghetti out of a coffee mug with a knife 😂

Kecessa ,

How long had their contract been expired? What was their wage before and after?

Very funny that the link is for content hosted on a website owned by an anti union company too

Kecessa ,

Ok, but businesses run about 8 to 17 local no matter where you are in the world, that’s much easier to figure out with time zones than having to check the business’s schedule every time you need to contact one.

Kecessa ,

The human era calendar is still based on the supposed birth of Jesus though, it just adds 10k to the number.

Kecessa ,

Simple, split the difference, if India can deal with international commerce while being half an hour off compared to everyone else, I’m sure other countries can too.

Kecessa ,

It’s simple, our bodies are made for standard time and deal with permanent standard time much better than permanent daylight saving time.

Kecessa ,

But right now business hours (which is what time zones are used for the most) are the same everywhere, that’s much easier than figuring out if this part is India has its business hours from 3 to 11 or from 4 to 12.

Kecessa ,

Day of the year calendar, but you could look into the seasonal calendar, the international fixed calendar and ISO week date.

Kecessa ,

Sure, but it’s still true that businesses operate during hours similar to any other places in the world. Even in Spain, ~9 to ~14 then ~17 to ~20, the day time hours are still in the “rest of the world bracket”.

Kecessa ,

But no matter which one they’re in, you know that by calling at 11 local (no matter if you’re using the right time zone) you’ll be calling during business hours, no need to check “What are normal business hours in India?”

Kecessa ,

That’s still based on Jesus’s birth year, it’s not the same as saying something like “We’re trying to standardize, we know the agricultural revolution happened about 12k years ago, let’s go back 12k years from the biggest standardization event in human history, i.e. the metre convention, that means current year is 12148.”

Kecessa ,

I pointed out in another comment that even with a split schedule, the morning/day part matches pretty well with what we expect when thinking business hours (9 to 14 in Spain) and your suggestion to work late in the day to early morning is just stupid, that’s how you get widespread health issues, depression and reduced productivity from people trying to with outside their body schedule. I know something about it, I worked evening/night shifts for 12 years.

Kecessa ,

So… Current system then?

Noon is mid day or coffee to it no matter where you are, you know businesses will be open for sure a couple hours before and after noon local time.

Kecessa ,

Look into cancer risks for people working nights, there’s more to it than vitamin D and there’s long term sleep issues that come with working nights for years, even after going back to a day schedule.

I thought what you meant was people switching to work from something like 2am to 10am, 5 or 6 am to 1 or 2pm is perfectly feasible and not that unusual (especially 6am to 2pm).

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