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Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

There are millions of people that would move on AOCs command.

I’m sorry what? Agreeing with her, voting for her, campaigning for her: none of that is anything like the coordinated, multi-pronged and likely months long harassment campaign you’re talking about.

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

“This reply was sent during work hours.”

“We’ve Changed the Game”: Teamsters Win Historic UPS Contract ( teamster.org )

Today, the Teamsters reached the most historic tentative agreement for workers in the history of UPS, protecting and rewarding more than 340,000 UPS Teamsters nationwide. The overwhelmingly lucrative contract raises wages for all workers, creates more full-time jobs, and includes dozens of workplace protections and improvements....

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

The real reason that y is only sometimes a vowel is because the rest of the time it’s stuck in this comment.

Fixing my drain required breaking laws, pissing off IRC users, breaking tools…

It was taking around 24 hours to drain just ~1—3 liters of water in my kitchen sink. Probably comparable to IV drip speeds. After a huge effort and expense, I finally fixed it without demolishing the kitchen – which would have been my next and final move¹. Sequence of events:...

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

Random question OP, but have you ever seen the 1997 movie Mousehunt?

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

Offering 4chan up as an alternative to Reddit is like taking your cheat day from Doritos and ice cream to putting pubes you got from a Taco Bell toilet in your crack pipe.

What is Reddit CEO Steve Huffman doing? ( www.theverge.com )

One of the weirder phenomena of the low interest rate era in tech was a tendency to see companies primarily as investments. The goal was not to have a functional business, but an exit, often via IPO or acquisition. I have begun to wonder if that explains what Reddit CEO Steve Huffman has been up to lately....

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

Remember, this is the guy who said this about his chances in the event of societal collapse:

Huffman has calculated that, in the event of a disaster, he would seek out some form of community: “Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.”

Source from The New Yorker.

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

While I don’t believe we’re anywhere near out of this yet, I don’t think he’d be anything like 2016 Trump if he loses again. At that point he’s lost twice (unfortunately probably to Biden again) and his supporters are filled with rage and vengeance but they also want a winner.

It could certainly get scary in a “American Troubles” kind of way, but if he stays out of the White House, I see his followers peeling away to shack up with DeSantis and other, newer goons to get their authoritarian fix.

As for jail, I think it depends: if he’s convicted snd sent to federal jail while losing the election, I think Georgia’s state level charges have a 50-50 chance of extending that stay, since I doubt ye’d be jailed for life. If the federal conviction fails, the state charges are much more likely to get dropped.

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

And in the back, Thomas and Alito wear matching grins and wait for the case to hit the docket.

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

…can’t believe that I haven’t made this mental connection yet, but this was how the KKK came about: following a disastrous attempt at gaining power by violence from the duly elected by an increasingly radical segment, the losing party engages in acts of terrorism to try to bring the lesser-thans back into line by fear.

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

Remember when an enthusiastic scream ended a presidential campaign? Remember when “binders full of women” was a huge gaffe? Remember when misspelling a common word was indicative of idiocy not fit for the Oval Offive?

I remember. Fucking hell.

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

If it’s federal prison then there’s the very real chance the next test is “can he get away with pardoning himself?”

At least if it’s (hopefully also, via Georgia) state prison, that’s a higher bar to clear.

Lemmylefty ,
@Lemmylefty@lemmy.world avatar

Outright ban any federally protected group from access to their voting rights? No, and it would be instantly challenged and quickly rejected by the courts. As fucked up as it is now, the Supreme Court would also immediately reject that.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t engage in the kind of fuckery that’s entirely legal but definitely trends one way.

For example: felons can’t vote. So you investigate and prosecute a group more harshly and it just so happens that doing so sends a higher percentage of them to jail on felony charges than other groups. So you cow that group, suck up their money via lawyers’ fees and the loss of income when one parent is in jail that’s compounded by the difficulty getting a job afterward, and while it’s not a ban, and you do catch some people outside the group, it’s enough to tip the balance.

See: the crack epidemic versus ordinary cocaine.

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