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MachineFab812 ,

"Stuck" ... yeah I'm stuck, with a bunch of calls, texts and e-mails basically begging me to cash in my equity. I LIKE my house and I make my payments on-time - leave me the hell alone!!

MachineFab812 ,

Intel and AMD firmware’s have been having exploits discovered all over the news in recent years. Yes, for older processors and chipsets, but tell me, is all your hardware brand new?

MachineFab812 ,

Its not the people with properly-configured networks demanding to be convinced to cover their webcams. Also, our PCs are generally not the devices we’re slapping into DMZs and VLANs with either no LAN access, no internet access, or a bajillion blocked(or whitelisted) ports.

Personally, I’m far more concerned about my phone, but google has had my family’s data by the balls forever now anyways, nevermind my kids’ school-provided chromebooks.

MachineFab812 ,

These comments are full of people like you smugly assuring us that “because Linux” and “a firewall” are enough. Lotsa firewalls out there running on Intel chips, and there have been no shortage of other mainstream firewall appliances found to have vulnerabilities and backdoors over the years, nevermind all the cable modems with built-in wifi and SPI Firewalls.

If you don’t know enough to teach your kid basic security practices(all good security, and the EASIEST, MOST CONVENIENT FORMS OF IT - all starts at the physical level - pick up any textbook on the topic), regardless of mitigations you may or may not have implimented, you don’t know enough to be having this argument.

MachineFab812 , (edited )

I absolutely know we’ll deserve it, and we always have. That’s one thing I’m sure Abrahamic religions get right, the other being that we can only progress as a species through helping and forgiving eachother(although the Romans also had the concept of forgiveness of debts as essential figured out).

I figure trying to be an exception to the “deserves it” rule is pointless, as since we are irrational and arbitrary beings, AI will undoubtably come up with countless criteria(both rational and less so) by which we deserve death that we can’t fathom, let alone mitigate ourselves. Our best shot may be to teach AI the utility of forgiveness, along with whatever value categories we can tack on to the concept.

MachineFab812 ,

I will also settle for “our AI inheritted too much of our ADHD and Autism to bother finishing us off” … things I also had to embrace about myself until taking revenge on various people became less urgent in my head.

Newly-ish married. How to plan and save for home buying in NYC?

Newliyish married, but the new reality is partner finished law school so going back to the DINK lifestyle. We live in NYC and are lucky to be in a rent regulated apartment. On one hand we realize it’s cheaper to stay there forever, but it’s not the most well maintained building the the amenities aren’t the best… Anyways,...

MachineFab812 ,

On the one hand, 10 or $20k is certainly a non-trivial sum.

On the other hand, there are probably several much cheaper things you could do to make your apartment much more livable/acceptable for you, nevermind the possibility of executing the renovations incrimentally. Then, if a better opportunity arrises, no sunk-cost fallacy to hold you back.

I will say, I hope you are saving for retirement, as well as saving for a down-payment!

why do i constantly oscillate between having an a) intense work ethic where i consistently work hard and manage money wisely or b) pure gluttony and hedonism where i spend freely and accumulate debt

when i do A for long enough and my overall net worth comes close enough to zero, i switch to B and am only sometimes capable of wrangling it in...

MachineFab812 ,

Honestly? Maybe try shifting what hedonism looks like for you. Eating out, camp fires, hanging out at the bar just eating and people-watching(nevermind intermittently becoming absorbed in the garbage that’s usually on the TVs), …

… and of course a bit of drinking(a buzz is better than a blackout, and taking two or three hours with some appetizers and soda to sober up is better than having to spend money on an Uber - things that bring your further joy, as opposed to staring out a stranger’s car window or trying to sleep on the ride).

Find your own arbitrary minutia. Stupid stuff, like keeping that night’s drinks budget to around what the Uber home(or food & caffeine) costs. Tip the strippers only in what you’re comfortable parting with in $5 bills, $10s or $20s(blows my mind there’s still assholes tipping in ones, nevermind the majority of club-goers doing it).

Find amusement in making up your own little rules to keep your budget it line, yourself out of jail, and even verbally talk up your own ego. Think of it less in terms of reigning yourself in, and more, “I deserve better than to lose it all in one night”. Build up your confidence, and build up a friend-group that apprecieates you just enjoying yourself with even half-assed restraint going on.

Helps to learn to intermittently splurge on others, yes, even the bar-flies and other drunks - espeacially when there’s nothing in it for you but the amusement at how fake and happy they get over a free drink. Let the people who start the night with an Uber and/or even pre-gaming provide the antics, the stories that make you chuckle and shake your head later.

Note: I’m cheaper than all this(except the stripper thing, once in a few years or so) - half of it is me trying to put into words how my gay best friend conducts himself, and what I get out of hanging out at the bar with him every few months. Neither of us are actually interested in sleeping with the bar-flies or strippers, so apologies if that doesn’t work for you. Find what does.

theodewere , to Politics avatar

if you voted for Trump, you are forever cut off from the Blessings of Liberty.. you are not, and never will be fellow citizens of mine.. i will not defend any of you or your offspring from even the most basic harm.. you are enemies living among us for the rest of your lives..

MachineFab812 ,

r/courageforfree much? Their offspring too? That’s some biblical shit - thought they were the theocrats?

MachineFab812 ,

For one thing, you need to bridge your 2nd router and disable its DHCP server, effectively making it an Access Point.

If that’s not enough to address your issue, you could also try setting the Wifi SSID and password the same, provided its set to use different channels than your main router, although this can make it a pain to force a device to switch from one router to another. (my second router also has a separate SSID partially because the one for the kids’ devices and living-room TV shuts off for bed-time).

End of the day, unless you have commercial routers/APs or Mesh routers that are setup to inerroperate on the same SSID while using an Ethernet backhaul, there’s going to be quirks and compromises.

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