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SCB , (edited )

Pandas only evolutionary advantage is being adorable. It is like cows being delicious - without that, they’d simply cease to be.

Holy duck I love pandas.


Shareholders like to hear that employees are having to come to the office, being fired, or pissing in bottles. It means more money for the shareholders.

How would any of these things necessarily correlate to more money?

SCB , (edited )

It doesn’t matter how profitable the company is. It only matters how much the people who want to buy your shares are prepared to pay for them.

Man I am not being mean here, I promise, but you need to hear this: Stop getting your worldview from memes.

These things you say are so wrong that unpacking them would take quadruple the space and effort of you saying them. If profitability doesn’t matter, why is there negative wage pressure from employers? Why is there a community called work reform??

Also the meme “line goes up” isn’t about businesses, it’s about global poverty.


Apparently I hadn’t realized what a golden age I had lived in when something like free multiplayer gaming was just a standard thing

This was literally never a thing on consoles, so maybe that’s the issue?

Multiplayer gaming was and generally still is totally free on PC, but consoles don’t have the infrastructure to pull from and have charged since they launched the feature.


This came to be because people would hand discs to their friends who would then copy the disc and hand it back, resulting in widespread stealing of the game.

People don’t generally photocopy books to give to others


The issue there is that the game co-op always goes through their servers.

Games that don’t run their multiplayer that way don’t have this issue, but as multiplayer continues to transition to remote play rather than couch co-op it will likely continue to spread.


I assumed that someone reading this conversation would apply context and thus understand what I was talking about.


You’re fuckin weird man.


Xbox live was absolutely a paid service

At E3 2002 Microsoft unveiled its plans to establish an online gaming service for the Xbox called Xbox Live. The membership fee was set at $49.99 a year, which is what it still costs today. Microsoft was adamant about getting users online quickly and easily

Dreamcast doesn’t really count as it was more of just a modem, and PS2 initially had no online capabilities. I still get wistful over what Dreamcast could have been.

Nevertheless, due to lack of widespread broadband adoption at the time, the Dreamcast shipped with only a dial-up modem while a later-released broadband adapter was neither widely supported nor widely available. Downloadable content was available, though limited in size due to the narrowband connection and the size limitations of a memory card.[23] The PlayStation 2 did not initially ship with built-in networking capabilities


Dreamcast had no servers to play from. It has an internal modem. So yes, that’s not what we’re talking about and doesn’t count

Do you understand the difference in that technology? Genuinely asking here - do you know what a modem is?

SCB , (edited )

We’re discussing console play multiplayer, which generally involves things like signing into servers for matchmaking

The Dreamcast allowed point to point networking, which is radically different.

This isn’t some weird definition I made up, this is the context of the thread. I don’t know why it’s so important to you keep to flailing toward being right here but this is just a meaningless discussion at this point

What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. ( )

Traditionally, retiring entails leaving the workforce permanently. However, experts found that the very definition of retirement is also changing between generations....


Generally the people being discussed in this article are not poor and underpaid, but rather prefer work-life balance to be heavily slanted toward “life” and “experiences” rather than “work as much as possible to make as much as possible.”


This really has nothing to do with “bootstraps” which is a satirical metaphor (originally satirical) about climbing from poverty.


Buddy of mine straight up laughed at his boss when they told him to return to office, and strangely it has never come up again.

When you know the value you bring, it’s hard to muscle you around.


I’d argue that those highest paid will be most willing to suffer the inconvenience of commuting, regardless of their talent

I’m not sure this is accurate. Most of the highly paid people I know (myself included), feel quite empowered by the current job market and can basically pick jobs at their leisure.

SCB , (edited )

There are 1.5-2 jobs for every worker right now, depending on area. Top talent can laugh at most RTO processes.

I do agree on cocky dicks who think they’re totally untouchable tho. This wasn’t that.


A company always may find other workers more easily than, in the greater balance, individuals may find other job positions.

This (emphasis mine, for clarity) is not accurate. There are currently more jobs than people, and people of certain positions have enormous power in job negotiations.

Companies value workers only for their labor

And workers only value companies for the pay. This isn’t really an argument about anything


Workers literally have more bargaining power than employers at the moment, be I’m not deluded about that. I work in retention and partner with recruiting daily.


I’m not talking about seeing lots of job listings. I’m talking about the realities of recruiting personnel and the demographic and structural changes that cause those realities

Sorry you’re having trouble, but your experience is not the broad reality. There are more jobs than people and workers haven’t been this empowered since post-WW2

The prevailing principle for workers, under the employment system, is work or die

There is no system in which this is not the case, and that has nothing to do with your bargaining power.


Any employer may post any number of job openings at any time, and also may eliminate any of them, at any time, and also may eliminate any job, at any time, dismissing whoever is holding it.

Serious question: are you currently working as an adult in the professional world?

Because this is not what “jobs” are.


Job applicants are the girls on tinder. Many options and the choices are mutually exclusive.

Employers are the guys on tinder. More of them than girls and some of them will not get girls (filled positions).

The girl has her choice of guys, and can select for a higher standard. So can employees.

Really not complicated. Basic supply and demand.


This is literally the job of labor union leaders. Go be one! We need more.


Unscripted is improv, which is a type of writing

Lol you’d rather fake the meaning of words than believe a Mother Jones article, of all things, is bullshit.


When you think about it, at that point at least the rich are spending their money again in order to buy another yacht, actually putting money into the economy.

People who think the rich just have vaults full of money are so fucking ridiculous.

Poor people sit on cash. Poor people hide cash in their house. Almost the entirety of any rich person’s wealth is invested, because rich people generally pay smart people to handle their money.


“I don’t understand how cabinet positions work, and I don’t know how to use Google” is all you needed to write.

Also there’s this:

“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.…/230620_IBEWandPaid

Imagine pretending to care about unions enough to act all pissed on their behalf but not caring enough to just Google what the outcome was.


The economy is already destroyed for poor people

Literally no member of the UAW is poor.


Your labor historian letter is from the year prior.

December 2, 2022, 9:00am

Mine is from this June.

June 20, 2023

You didn’t care enough to follow up because none of this is real to you. It’s just posturing. That’s sad as fuck

Just admit you don’t actually give a fuck about people’s lives. You have your worldview and the reality doesn’t matter.


Except I actually cared about the union, and stayed up to date.

You picked a talking point and, like a Fox News anchor, stuck with it regardless of reality.


What specifically are you doing?

Because I don’t see a broken economy anywhere. I see people not voting locally, so housing prices in their area skyrocket. I see people not campaigning, so we never hit a critical mass of Congresspeople to effect national change. I see people born with silver spoons in their mouths invoking “class solidarity” while telling me that it is literally impossible to live on even 150% of the median income.

So, what specifically are you, yourself, doing?


that reality occurred is inconsequential to how I feel

Thanks for clearing that up.


You might wanna give “straw man fallacy” a Google, because this ain’t it, chief.


You’re doing great! More people should be like you.

Voting for a difference, but the status quo stays the same because everyone here is being fed the same sweet talk by a government that has said on the record that they are not interested in building new housing while there is an ongoing shortage

This is a hard fight, but the end goal is just to keep working on persuading these people. Power happens locally.

Asking people on an online internet forum what they are doing in their community, in an elitist condescending tone, does nothing to further this IMO

Strong disagree. Online memes are not action, and through action we fix problems. If even one person stumbling by becomes more active, it’s worth calling out the people who are not.


I didn’t make that argument. You did. I just pulled it out and mocked it.


You can just stop posting, you know?

And no I’m not gonna let you pretend you’ve done anything but lie this entire time.


I brought receipts. You brought lies.


The Average UAM makes ~$64k a year, add in where these manufacturing plants are that’s not enough for a single individual to live within driving distance to work

Median income in Wayne Michigan is just under half that, at 27k. It’s absurd to suggest “a single individual” cannot live there on a UAW salary.

UAW provides great salaries and benefits (and continues to do so, with this strike) and suggesting UAW members are impoverished discredits the union.

Idk where you’re getting $32B from. Ford has $42B cash-on-hand and while you don’t went to spend even most of that, I agree that it can be better allocated as pay/benefits up to a point.


Don’t be dumb. This wasn’t a debate. This was me calling out bullshit responses.

Literally all you had to do was scroll down one comment to watch me metaphorically high-five OP.

Literally takes less effort to read the conversation than it does for you to Velcro your shoes or put on your helmet before you walk outside.


Median income is absolutely indicative of cost of living because people do in fact live in Wayne MI. I know it is crazy to you that some people make so much less than your parents, but I promise they do and they are alive.

The rest of your post is meaningless and unrelated to the topic.


If, like me, you’re concerned that franchisees may not be able to raise prices and offset this $250k in yearly expenses, worry no more because they totally can.

This whole complaint is nonsense. That’s a trivial markup per food item.


Their business can’t just absorb this cost. That’s not how businesses work. What they can do is raise prices a few cents each and pay the cost.

Franchisees are empowered to set their own pricing, so this is a non-issue.


Per the article it’s a $250k cost of labor increase on average


The irony of the CEO of fucking Frontier Airlines, the Dollar Store of airlines, calling people lazy lmao

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,460% since 1978 ( )

“average top CEO compensation was $15.6 million in 2021, up 9.8% since 2020. In 2021, the ratio of CEO-to-typical-worker compensation was 399-to-1 under the realized measure of CEO pay; that is up from 366-to-1 in 2020 and a big increase from 20-to-1 in 1965 and 59-to-1 in 1989”


Investors are primarily for M&A when brought on late.

Investors brought in early still deserve a day, because it is partially their company.


A board is there to make decisions in their own best interest as key stakeholders. They’re not paid for services.

Similarly, no company of any real size can survive without a CEO because their job is to work with investors and execute a single vision.

Sometimes I feel like no one on this site actually works in a corporation. Like, these roles are defined. You can just look up what these roles exist for if you don’t know.


Except in the real world that is not a bonus.

SCB , (edited )

It’s the same picture from 2 angles.

In no way is that socialism.


I’m all for CEO pay caps, as the CEO market is totally fucked


Well, helping those people realize that the government can do shit and it not be socialism, because words have actual meanings, is a great way to get them to stop voting against their own self interest, imo.

It’s why I constantly die on this hill on this site to people who think universal healthcare is socialism, and call themselves socialists as a result.

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