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Sunforged ,

Hard disagree, his interruptions were because they weren’t addressing his question.

Sunforged ,

Community Land Trusts are the fix. Affordable long term housing, and if we could expand the program we could expand eligibility. Everyone should be able to get a house or condo at set rates.

Sunforged ,

If you want some reporting on the labor movement that isn’t anti-labor check out On Strike!, they have new episodes every Thursday.

Sunforged ,

17% of union membership is on strike. They need to go full 100% and show who has the power and stand in solidarity as one.

Sunforged ,

I understand what the goal is and the theory behind it. The thing is the strike fund has enough funds for an all out strike that is 10 months long. That would be billions lost for the big three if they wanted to try to outlast the union, not to mention fund raising the union could do to extend it if needed.

Easing the strike up this week because one came to the table isn’t great. With only 17% striking, that leaves 83% working without a contract, that’s a big problem especially if this approach is going to be a drawn out process.

Sunforged ,

I have been following this strike very closely, I understand the theory behind it. Do you know what is more costly to the big three than forcing a shell game? A full on strike.

Shawn Fain wants to eat the rich? Hit them hard and make them hurt. Three weeks of gamesmanship is enough. You want the big three to play off each other? Full strike until all three come to the same agreement.

Sunforged ,

They have enough in their strike fund for an all out strike for 10 months. How long do you think these negotiations should be stretched out?

Sunforged ,

My opinion are based on what works for labor rights. A pragmatic “lets not hurt the business” approach hasn’t worked for the past 4 decades.

Having union members continue to work during this partial strike is only giving the big 3 more time to lay off workers. Fain has sold this as a positive, saying those laid off can claim unemployment instead of pulling from the strike fund. There are alot of problems with this, there is little support for laid of members to navigate claiming unemployment, with every state having different requirements it’s left many confused on where they stand with the strike and union. Also UAW has one of the biggest strike coffers in the country, at this time of unprecedented labor support they need to use that and go all out. That’s how the writers guild just got their unprecedented win last week, and most of those writers are still out on the picket lines in solidarity with the SAG, as a united front.

I’ve been hopeful of Fain’s approach but it’s doing more harm than good within the union, when members were ready to stand together they were instead left as confused as the big 3 were, which if you’re just looking at dollars in the bank was a win I guess, but moral is more important. Again they are not hurting in their strike fund, this is not a newly formed union it’s one of the oldest.

Sunforged ,

Union members are being laid off, leading to confusion and hurting moral. The war of attrition is more than just the strike fund, and it is sad one of the largest and well funded unions is making a show of worrying over their coffers when they have more than enough to win three contract fights.

Sunforged ,

I am so confused by this comment. Your talking like we have nothing in history to compare this to when the writers strike won after a 3 month strike just last week.

Sunforged , (edited )

$825,000,000 in the current strike fund. 400,000 current active members. I’m not sure what the contract length is so let’s say 4 years, that’s a minimun.

$825,000,000 ÷ 4 years ÷ 12 months ÷ 400,000 members = 42.96 per month per member to rebuild the fund for the next contract.

That is not to mention the current fight is an existential one for the union. As EV funding coming from the state has all gone to none union shops, it has hurt the unions strength. Part of this current fight is to demand expansion of the union to EV shops, growing that member number and preventing the union from becoming irrelevant.

Sunforged ,

The difference is that Hollywood was actually at a much weaker position for a number of reasons. The first is that the nature of the business means the production house had many projects in the can, waiting to release. This meant the impact of the strike could be rode out for longer before releases began being impacted by the strike. In comparison as soon as UAW closes down a shop the big 3 start losing money.

The second is Hollywood was up against wall street, there was a strong interest by investors to break up the strike, not just in Hollywood but in all industries. The reasoning is that labor wins translate to more labor fights, they want to demoralize any attempt to get a fair share and reduce profits. UAW is in a stronger position today than the writers and actors were when they started, so why is Fain pumping the breaks when he could be building more momentum (for both his members and the labor movement at large) with a full strike?

You might disagree but my criticism is a valid one, moral within the union isn’t great and it would be easy to fix by fighting together.

Sunforged , (edited )

You asked for the math. I provided you the numbers, if you don’t trust me go check. It’s frustrating that I put time into looking up my response only to be met by skepticism.

Sunforged ,

I’ve e explained the problems ad nauseum in this thread.

  • Layoffs happening during this partial strike.
  • Demoralization of members due to confusion and a broken front.
  • Public concerns over stretching out the strike fund when in truth it’s the strongest in the nation. Which leads many uniformed in the labor movement to question the power of a strike.
Sunforged OP ,

Good union representation starts from knowledge of the industry. If you want to work for a union the best thing to do is go get a job in an industry you know and get active in their union.

A union that just hires straight outside hires is going to both be difficult for you to get into a position for making positive change, and will most likely lean more bureaucratic and need change to originate from the rank and file members to begin with.

Sunforged ,

Don’t just hope, help build momentum by getting involved! There is so much to be done, either unionizing new workplaces, forming militant sub committees within existing unions and most importantly organizing outside the democratic party to force them out of center.

Workers Strike Back is where my wife and I have decided to best spend our time with, but there are others to join. The important part is to get off the internet and start making it happen.

Sunforged ,

And the bosses have no vested interest selling this idea to you. Corporate media has no vested interest feeding this narrative to you. Worker owned co-ops are a thing, and seizure from a corporation can be successful.

Sunforged , (edited )

Understanding what conditions lead to business unionism, in which the people at the top of the union no longer represent the rank and file members, is a vital part of the current labor movement. Every other post you have made in this thread lack any nuance whatsoever.

Rank and file union members need a militant approach to business owners. Being apart of a union isn’t just paying dues and expecting other people will take care of it. No full time union staff should take home more than the average union member wage, keep their skin in the game and give them a reason to fight. Unions power doesn’t come from a leaders ability to negotiate with the bosses, it is in fact the opposite, unions leadership ability to negotiate comes from the power of the rank and file members.

Sunforged ,

They unfortunately didn’t fight to end the two tier system for part time workers, which is why your math is off. The part time employees aren’t very engaged with the union and there was/is little attempt from the union the reach out to that section of their members to educate and involve them.

The union leadership has a vested interest in selling that they got an amazing deal, but this was a huge failure to fight over. Two teir pay is used by the owners to ensure their employees aren’t a united front.

Sunforged ,

And you said nothing good would come from discourse.

Sunforged ,

Solidarity to Production Assistants! Solidarity to all workers!

Sunforged ,

Satire is dead, Green Jacket Lady all the way!

Sunforged ,

UAW has publicly stated they are withholding endorsement of Biden until he supports the UAW’s efforts to unionize electric vehicle facilities. That has yet to happen. Biden has actual influence over the big three that rank and file don’t, standing on the picket line is very performative unless it’s followed up by action.

For all you libs who take this criticism personally, understand that this is a good start. But that’s all it is. Applauding this without critical analysis is how Democrats diffuse political energy without delivering material gains. The working class cannot sit back, the pressure must force their hands to do more.

Sunforged ,

Ford has allegedly agreed to end the two teir system, increasing pay as well as some other demands I can’t remember off the top of my head. Basically Ford seems to be negotiating while the other two are just throwing up their hands and saying they’ll just move things overseas before meeting any union demands.

Sunforged ,

Theory of alienation in action. Only solution is to get involved in the growing labor movement. A big reason my wife is adamant in organizing is setting the example for our kids, as they get closer to becoming teenagers, that you don’t have to just become a doomer and act like there is nothing to be done.

Sunforged ,

The strategy the UAW is currently employing is led by the union’s new militant president, Shawn Fain. He was elected in March after the UAW changed its election process from a delegate system to one member, one vote in the most recent leadership election. He has assumed a new posture for the union’s leadership: for example, refusing to endorse Joe Biden for president until he supports the UAW’s efforts to unionize electric vehicle facilities, and rejecting a ceremonial handshake with auto manufacturer bosses before the start of contract negotiations.

In the critical swing state of Michigan, where tens of thousands of UAW members work, the union holds an outsized influence over state politics and, in turn, nationwide races. That means union support will be crucial for Biden’s reelection chances in 2024. Capitalizing on the Biden administration’s tepid support for the UAW strike, Donald Trump announced he would speak to autoworkers this month, drawing condemnation from Fain.

So fucking good. Need this militant take in the labor movement to spread like wildfire.

Sunforged ,

He forced a contract after taking away the power to strike. The contract he forced was in the favor of the rail owners while taking power away from labor.

Shortly afterwards the disaster in East Palestine happened and lots of people were justifiably pissed at the Biden admin for their part. It was only after East Palestine that the admin started working to get rail workers some of the demands they were originally asking for.

They got 4 days sick leave, which is breadcrumbs, but the Biden admin and mainstream media are attempting to sell it as a huge win for labor. The truth of the matter is if Biden was truly pro labor and was attempting to mitigate the economic impact of a strike from “essential workers” he could have just as easily forced a contract in labour’s favor from the start. Everything else is cover for that fact, don’t get it twisted.

Sunforged ,

Way to 100% miss the point of the person you’re replying to in an conniving attempt to undermine their point without actually debating.

Truly awful!

Sunforged ,

No one’s getting involved because you’re being an asshole online. You’re high on the smell of your own shit.

Sunforged ,

If we look at the history of the labor movement, victories happen when we are organized outside of the two political parties and force their hand. The same thing happened with civil rights and women’s rights. It’s only by taking an antagonistic approach that has both strong demands and sharp criticism of failures that the needle can be moved.

When you make excuses for Democrats and give them cover for their failings, they have no reason to go further next time.

I was a member UFCW 3000 for 7 years in my teens and 20s. My father in-law has been a member of IBEW Local 77 his entire career. My wife and I have been dragging our kids to picket lines for local unions striking since their little legs could march, not because we personally had anything to gain, but as an act of solidarity.

We are on the same side, I don’t understand how you can say in one hand that what I say is truthful and then call me an elitist and swear at me. I am not out here trying to convince anyone to vote for Trump instead, I am just trying to be real about how we, as workers that want to increase labor’s political power, can best accomplish our goals.

Opinion | Crime, Inflation and Public Perceptions ( )

Remember “American carnage?” Donald Trump’s 2017 inaugural address was peculiar in many ways, but one of the most striking oddities was his obsession with a problem — urban crime — that had greatly diminished over the past generation. For reasons we still don’t fully understand, violent crime in America fell rapidly...

Sunforged ,

And right there nuzzled into the last two sentences it is. NYT telling us how wonderful the economy is, just look at these statistics! Let’s not consider how much of folks income goes to housing and food, NYT just wants to talk about the economy in broad strokes because all the profits from squeezing you plebs looks great on this graph.

Sunforged ,

Don’t call Krugman an elitist though, it hurts his feewings.

Sunforged ,

Man fuck SPD. I honestly went into the article trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, dealing with death on the job a bit of black humor is a coping mechanism. As much as I hate SPD I was ready for this to be a bit of that and the effected family upset while the media ran with it.

“She was 26, anyway. She had limited value.”

Duuuuude, what the fuck does that even mean. I can’t even with this shit.

Sunforged , (edited )

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

-Jack Handey

Sunforged OP ,

Curious what your beef with her is. From talking to most people on the street, most can’t articulate what the issue actually is and alot of the hate is a direct result of media propaganda against her.

Sunforged ,

1-3 billion dollars to increase surrounding property values that only exacerbates the housing issue. Whatever they have planned to bake in to address homelessness is only to placate criticism of the project at large.

Sunforged ,

Huge issue in tech, not so much in other industries as the cultural saturation hasn’t gotten to a tipping point.

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