@abff08f4813c@kbin.social cover


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PSA, you can add subreddits as an RSS to view without supporting Reddit

There’s still some subreddits I’d like to view as their communities haven’t swapped over yet. Like you guys, I obviously don’t want to support Reddit in any way shape or form. Surprisingly, they have not gutted RSS feeds yet. Simply add .rss at the end of the domain. Example...

abff08f4813c ,

Is there a way to take a url like old.reddit.com/r/sub/comments/abcdef/the_post_title/ and get the post text body and the comments (at lest the first couple of levels) via rss?

abff08f4813c ,

Could probably modify @BotIt to get a lot of the current stuff for a subreddit.

If looking to migrate the complete history, it may make sense to combine the above with something that mines the pushshift torrents, to retrieve posts and comments that are no longer available on reddit's website or by searching.

abff08f4813c ,

I tried this back when it had the bug of not exporting your data but overwritting it, so I lost some content this way.

PDS really does need to be upgraded to support using the GDPR archive, but that's probably a fairly big task to handle.

abff08f4813c ,

Shows how desperate they've become for content creators after the fiasco that was the third party app protest. Like, they're not profitable yet, and they want to give money away? C'mon already.

abff08f4813c ,

A company headquartered in the US but it's a website that has a presence in many countries, including the EU.

Maybe not surprising, but they are probably shortchanging themselves by not allowing folks from abroad to contribute into the program. USians aren't the only content creators.

abff08f4813c ,

Sure, and that's a problem. r/politics was too US centric which eventually drove the creation of other subs like r/animie_titties

There are (or were) a lot of corners that were an exception to the rule, for example I don't think that anyone would argue that r/de was very USian.

It took a while but I finally got my Reddit data export ( kbin.social )

It took several weeks but I finally got my Reddit data export for my account. If it wasn't already obvious, the direct messages there are not encrypted in any meaningful way. One interesting variable I found was in the file named "statistics", there's a variable named "is_deleted" which is set to false. This makes me wonder if,...

abff08f4813c ,

Check out https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/50981/Reddit-Data-Retrieval-Request-timeline-thread if you haven't already.

This makes me wonder if, when you "delete" your account, they just flip this variable to disable login but still retain all of your user data.

I'm pretty sure this is the case. At least within some short timeframe (say 30 days or something).

First, I've read on reddit about cases where folks had their reddit accounts hacked, and then the black hats deleted the accounts. But reddit was able to restore them.

Second, I got permabanned, so I eventually left reddit and deleted my account. However, if you try to visit my account, you see that my account is blocked instead of seeing the user deleted account message.

How can I automate the process of deleting my remaining comments that scripts weren't able to delete by using the csv file received from my GDPR data request? ( kbin.social )

I ran into the profile limit so no more comments show up, but they are still on reddit with the csv file having links to the ones that haven't been deleted. There's too much for me to do it manually so would appreciate help if there's some tool to automate the process.

abff08f4813c ,

Recommend giving https://github.com/andrewbanchich/shreddit a try - it supports using the GDPR archive out of the box, no code changes required.

abff08f4813c ,

The instructions on GitHub are the guide.

I would start a new thread in this magazine and tag the folks who said they already used shreddit successfully to see if they can help.

The only other advice I have might be that the exe is bad so try finding a good guide for setting up WSL2 and then running the Unix version of shreddit in there. (I think most folks who did it successfully are on OS X or something)

abff08f4813c ,

If you think that's bad, remember reddit permabans folks at random for no reason. (A "for multiple content violations" doesn't count if this is the first punishment and weeks have gone by since you've posted and no specific content violations (i.e. posts or comments) are identified.)


abff08f4813c ,

I would try asking on @kbinStyles to see if anyone has a style or a script that can do this.

abff08f4813c ,

Not sure I think just copy the https link to this page and add a new link in the other magazine

abff08f4813c ,

No regrets. reddit basically made the choice for me.

abff08f4813c ,

I am pretty sure PDS does not currently support using the GDPR archive, and thus can miss things.

I just found out that not all of my Reddit comments had been deleted despite my profile page showing otherwise. ( kbin.social )

TL;DR: even if your delete script confirms a full wipe and your Reddit profile page shows zero comment, there may still be comments left over (that you can find through a search engine and delete manually on Reddit)....

abff08f4813c ,

Yep, I covered this previously, https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/47320/PSA-If-you-have-more-than-1000-posts-more-than

Along with a method to deal with this, even if you don't think you can get your GDPR archive, https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/65260/PSA-Here-s-exactly-what-to-do-if-you-hit-the

I never got a chance to follow up with https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/107907/POLL-Should-we-sticky-some-PSA-We-need-to-warn but I think I should soon.

abff08f4813c ,

FYI for those who are worried that they aren't covered by a law like the GDPR/CCPA (or even PIPEDA/LGPD/CPA/VCDPA) and that reddit might not give it to them, I came up with a way to get a similar list (bypassing the limits) here, https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/65260/PSA-Here-s-exactly-what-to-do-if-you-hit-the

abff08f4813c ,

I was permabanned but everything was still there, nothing was deleted. I still had to use a combo of a script to delete things plus manual deletion.

abff08f4813c ,

Well, when I was permabanned, I could still create an API key and run a script like github shreddit to wipe my account out. I never lost access to my account, I just couldn't add new posts/comments or send messages to anyone.

abff08f4813c ,

Don’t understand why people are surprised that a private company would like to hold on to your data and keep it active no matter what you want or think or do.

Maybe because reddit literally says they will allow you to change this on their privacy policy?


Your Rights and Choices
Accessing and Changing Your Information
You can access your information and change or correct certain information through the Services.

anything you do there is just adding to their monetization of your activity … the best thing to do is to do nothing

Well, saving a copy of your content, overwriting it, and then deleting it - I don't see how this leads to additional monetization. It's actually better than doing nothing because it prevents further monetization.

Ditto with deleting of accounts (as opposed to deletion of content) vs abandoning of accounts. The latter means that reddit can inflate their number of accounts in some ways, etc.

abff08f4813c ,

Hands down this is the right answer.

Just FYI someone else used redact.dev in the past and found that comments got missed too, see https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/46805/Strange-phenomenon-while-deleting-my-comments

Also, while GDPR archive + github reddit works out of the box, if for some reason you don't want to wait that long or are skeptical that reddit will get back to you (perhaps you live in a place that has no GDPR/CCPA), then there is a backup method to get around this limit, using the pushshift archives available via torrent.


abff08f4813c ,
abff08f4813c ,

Correct, github shreddit for example can do this, it has builtin support for checking the GDPR archive and finding comments and posts to delete/overwrite that way.

abff08f4813c ,

For the path of least resistance, getting the copy of the archive and then using a tool like github shreddit to delete works 100% without needing to do anything beyond setting up an API key manually.

To refuse to comply with a formal deletion request (where reddit does the deleting instead of you (even via a tool like shreddit)) is illegal, and reddit should lose in the end, but it will take some years go to through the courts and such.

abff08f4813c ,

How do I delete all comments from Reddit data export csv for free?? ( kbin.social )

I have got my privacy report in CSV form and have about 40k comments each with the id parent Id and permalink. Is there a way to parse this to delete script. I know shreddit does it for $15 premium but looking for free options

abff08f4813c ,

Recommend giving https://github.com/andrewbanchich/shreddit a try - it supports using the GDPR archive out of the box, no code changes required.

abff08f4813c ,

I did something similar - see https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/65260/PSA-Here-s-exactly-what-to-do-if-you-hit-the (though I didn't have the benefit of the archive). TTThe other thing to look out for is that I'm not sure if you can delete comments or submissions from private subs.,, but you can at least modify the script to warn you about those ids and then you can monitor and wait for the sub to go unprivate (or as the mods to add you to the approved users list)

abff08f4813c ,

There is a way to do this, pushshift is gone but the torrents are still available and you can use that, see https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/65260/PSA-Here-s-exactly-what-to-do-if-you-hit-the

abff08f4813c ,

There is another way to use pushshift, despite it being shut down, see https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/65260/PSA-Here-s-exactly-what-to-do-if-you-hit-the

abff08f4813c ,

the same way api protesters reddit thinks they are entitled to having reddit bend to their will api protesters give them free money for nothing after taking away the apps that make reddit bearable

there, fixed that for you

abff08f4813c ,
abff08f4813c ,

In the meantime, to ensure that r/PICS is adhering to all of Reddit’s guidelines and requests, we would be happy to revert the NSFW setting, restrict posting, and remove any and all content that could be considered “offensive” by anyone.

Hmm. So they are superficially giving in, they won't keep NSFW on to avoid ads money for reddit. But by going restricted, and going after all "offensive" content (could I read that to mean all John Oliver content? i.e. all content since the protests started) they stand to cause a massive drop in traffic to the sub, which should still hurt the bottom line.

abff08f4813c ,

Would try checking in @kbinStyles - someone might have a style or fancy script that can call kbin.social/subs and replace the top bar with the output or something like that.

abff08f4813c ,

In my view this means the protests worked. reddit was forced to delay and stagger the API changes rollout over the "coming weeks" (so they don't say exactly how many weeks, but if it's more than four then the rollout as a whole may even be delayed by over a month). Presumably the worst of it won't take effect until after they feel like the protests have lost steam and folks have lost interest in it.

abff08f4813c ,

Still ridiculous. If they couldn't handle it then how could a one-person dev team do it for their own 3rd party apps? I noticed that none of the 3rd party apps that did work out deals have released any new apps yet, even the ones that are trying to make it work can't release on that schedule.

Maybe reddit wouldn't have been so willing to give them a break if not for the protests.

abff08f4813c ,

Jeez man ... +1 to this person! https://teddit.adminforge.de/r/pics/comments/14puynz/chatgpt_bots_are_spamming_proadmin_astroturf/jql4cka/#c

(After r/programming went private, they sent the u/ModCodeOfConduct modmail to the mods of r/programming - which is modded by reddit admins.)

abff08f4813c ,

Even after you manually wiped using the links in your archive? If you just used PDS though it might be that reddit did some reindexing to make older stuff show up again, or a sub or a few going unprivate.

abff08f4813c ,

Ah, recommend trying out https://github.com/andrewbanchich/shreddit - that one you can feed your archive and it will figure out the links on its own

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