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flipht ,

Department of labor has a lot of good resources.

flipht ,

Yet another terrible thing about prisons - they target policing in urban areas where the population is high and tends to vote Democrat. Once arrested, tried, and convicted, that person is sent to a prison in the middle of nowhere - and now counts toward the population of that area, but cannot vote themselves.

Population is used to determine how congressional districts get allocated, and they haven't increased the number of congressional seats in decades. So as the prison population rises, they are gaining seats at the expense of urban areas losing the same number.

It's literally an updated version of the 3/5 compromise.

12% 401(k) Contribution - What to do? [USA] ( )

Hi everyone, I recently landed a new job where the base 401(k) contribution for all FTEs is 12% of your salary. This is regardless of your contribution, with no additional match. I realize that this is unusual for most people and it is for me as well. In my last job, I got up to a 6% match so I maxed that out and didn't think on...

flipht ,

Employers are limited in paying into 401ks for highly compensated employees, and are required to have a certain percentage of their normal employees putting money in if they want to go hog for their execs. That's why many give matches, to incentivize folks to contribute so that they can then funnel more to the C-suite.

Your coworker is right that the lack of match makes the 401k less appealing. That said, it's still the stock market, but you may have severely limited options.

You'll want to do what you're required to do, but then you should look into a ROTH IRA, which will give you a lot more control over that extra 5%.

flipht ,

So they called the cops on a mentally ill man suffering from paranoia and having some sort of feeling around his dead brother?

Seems like a recipe for disaster. This is 100% why cops shouldn't be the go-to solution for non-compliance.

flipht ,

Because they are immersed in an ecosystem that pretends that respect for human dignity and unearned respect for authority are identical because they use the same word.

They believe that others should respect the innate authority they feel they should hold as men. Simultaneously, since they don't get that, they don't feel like they need to respect other people's right to exist.

And then a group promises them everything they've ever wanted, if they are willing to do fascist shit. Of course they're into it.

flipht ,

For the other 45%, their husband/boyfriend/brother was in the room and they couldn't risk responding honestly

flipht ,

It's been released with several edits over the years. The recently released version added back several passages that were scrubbed from the ones most of us read growing up.

Anne Frank wrote a diary. It's a personal diary. It wasn't written to be published.

New pages found writing dirty jokes and about sex:

On one hand, the "sanitized" versions give the historical context without the personal, sometimes very personal, items that Anne Frank intended to be private. On the other hand, including all of her real thoughts makes it clear that she was a normal, young, very human girl.

I think the full version should be available to anyone and everyone, but I also understand if the school curriculum needs to focus on the historical aspects and thus uses one of the older releases editions. But to be honest, it seems like the people who would have a problem with this have a problem with all sexuality, and they hate anything that destroys the narrative that people can shut off that part of themselves.

flipht ,

Sorry - I'm not subscribed anymore and it let me read it so I thought it was open.

This is an older article and I don't think it talks about the new pages that were found with the dirty jokes. But it talks and quotes the "explicit" parts.

The wiki discusses the publication history:,to%20document%20the%20war%20period.

(US) Introducing Comingle: An opt-in UBI (Universal Basic Income) to provide a stable weekly income based upon users contributing 7% of their income ( )

Comingle is an interesting idea that would act as a pseudo emergency fund to provide a stable week to week income for their users. It could act to stabilize your income if you have an irregular income or as an backup plan or insurance for when you lose a job or income source. It works by distributing the average of all their...

flipht ,

Since so much of our social safety net is run by states, and since so much is based on poverty numbers, it's interesting to learn how that poverty threshold was originally calculated

Spoiler alert, it was just made up by some bureaucrat's personal beliefs about "expected costs" for a "normal family.",account%20for%20other%20family%20expenses.

It hasn't been adjusted for the insanity of today's expenses, not even counting inflation. In the 60s, they didn't have the same medical, educational, or transportation costs we do, let alone other stuff like rent and daycare.

It's literally a meaningless figure that is kept artificially low to limit who is eligible for assistance.

flipht ,

Income tax can only tax income.

As others have said - land value / property tax is supposed to take care of this. You could also add a specific vacancy tax.

flipht ,

Landlords would still probably factor it in, so I think assuming a base vacancy rate of 1-2 months months per year would be wise. That way, there is time for normal maintenance between tenants, and if it adds up over a few years they'd have time for major repair after a long time tenant leaves, but it would still incentize not leaving the house vacant unless absolutely necessary.

flipht ,

The construction workers got paid within a short time of the house being built. The developer got most of the money, and the bank continues to collect on the property for decades. The value of most of the US's housing stock was paid for years ago, and now we are all just paying for financial shell games to enrich the already rich.

flipht ,,an%20important%20remodeling%20market%20indicator.

The vast majority of the US's housing stock has been paid off. Every time a residential property changes hands, the bank gets to re-collect all of their fees for...what, exactly? Making money available? They only do that because they're underwritten by the federal government, subsidized by taxes.

So why don't we just give direct loans to people, and subsidize those who need it directly instead of funneling the money through dozens of greedy hands taking percentages off the top?

Emails reveal Secret Service contacts with Oath Keepers ( )

The emails obtained by CREW as part of an ongoing public records request offer only a snapshot of the communication between the Oath Keepers and the Secret Service. As they focus solely on the time period around the Fayetteville event, the extent of the contact Stewart Rhodes had with the agency remains unknown. The agent...

flipht ,

"Lost" the texts after being told by congressional committees to retain them because a request was forthcoming.

flipht ,

This is a minor wave I've seen of "oopsies" posts about work from home.

And if history is any teacher, and considering that they spent the last few months pushing the "workers actually want to come back!" fantasy narrative, I expect in a few weeks the pieces will start being about blaming workers for the return to work pushes.

flipht ,

Because they don't see the racist, slave-holding south as a past entity separate from their current reality.

If the federal government weren't stopping them, they'd re-enslave people today. In fact, they have via the prison system. So they don't want anyone closely examining it, hence banning or slowing the subject in schools if they're able.

flipht ,

Power of attorney is a normal thing, and it doesn't actually indicate that she's unable to care for herself.

It's something all people should seriously consider if they have a responsible adult child.

It has to be done BEFORE you're actually in need, because you have to be competent to make the decision. It saves families a lot of drama if the person winds up in the hospital and someone needs to pay their bills, or needs to make other financial decisions while they're incapacitated.

All that said, feinstein is definitely incapable of caring for herself, so she needs to go. But I wish people would stop demonizing this particular thing, since it has nothing to do with the actual issues.

flipht ,

The problem isn't people paying attention, it's the mass number of people who know literally nothing about current political events who then try to figure it out while standing in line at the polls.

It's a small subset of a subset of a subset, but it can be enough to top the balance when all the other electoral shenanigans are factored in as well.

flipht ,

As with most things, there are a lot of problems with the porn INDUSTRY that we as a society ignore, and instead tell individual people that all the ills are their own fault.

flipht ,

Men often define themselves and what it means to be a mean in negative terms.

Even when you try to frame it positively, being a man is less about being that good thing and more about calling something else bad, and trying to force people not to engage in that thing or risk their manhood.

For example, there were times when men were secretaries, nurses, teachers, etc. by a vast majority. In each field, as soon as a critical threshold of women entered that work fled the field.

I agree that something needs to change, but it isn't going to happen by trying to increase pride or whatever. It's going to be slow incremental efforts amongst multiple men to undermine the voice in their head telling them they're weak or feminine or whatever for engaging in normal human behavior.

DeSantis calls for state investment manager to consider action against Bud Light's parent company ( )

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is urging the state’s pension fund manager to consider legal action against Bud Light’s parent company amid conservative backlash to the beermaker’s recent marketing efforts, the latest attempt by the Republican presidential candidate to inject himself and the state he runs into the country’s...

flipht ,

It's deeper than that. The entire regressive ecosystem is about convincing them that they are the default, and anything else is wrong or at least questionable, and that conforming is the only way to show loyalty.

This is up and down the chain, from the family to the church to the legislative bodies.

flipht ,

After NBCUniversal's union busting, they might actually be in his good graces.

flipht ,

I don't think you've gone far enough. I'll buy tickets to this show.

flipht ,

They realize it. Some don't care and just want plausible deniability. Some are actual useful idiots.

In the end, the effect is the same.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced the passing of a law that could render driver’s licenses and other forms of identification from several states invalid, including Vermont. ( )

As of July 1, in addition to Vermont, four other states’ IDs will face extra scrutiny from police, as they may provide forms of identification to applicants who do not give proof of citizenship or legal status:...

flipht ,

Right? And let's not forget the literal decades they've been trying to stop any federal ID.

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