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nac82 , (edited )

What a fucking pathetic response lmao.

You needed to attend every class to pass college? What are you, some kind of idiot?

People pay tuition for the opportunity to earn college credits and a degree, not to participate in kindergarten attendance.

nac82 ,

Then, you should probably be able to respond to it easily instead of dismissing it.

nac82 , (edited )

If semantics isn’t a real problem, why do you oppose the changing of semantics so desperately to the point of insulting/diminishing those that discuss it?

You’re literally part of a “men’s right group” while simultaneously using the literal phrase for it as an insult because of Toxic Feminism.

The first step of an inclusive society that listens to each others issues is already being failed by your ideology that is asking it of others. The feminist movement that inherently shits on men’s rights are in no way representative of an inclusive group of left minded people. Recently, these groups are being labeled as the new right wing online pipeline for women.

It seems like you want to have and eat cake here.

If it is such a common problem, why is there no common inclusive response?

nac82 ,

You’re misreading my response. The “men’s rights group” is the insult I’m talking about.

You are ashamed to participate in advocating for men because of Toxic feminist perspectives I’m addressing.

nac82 ,

I feel like I wrote what I intended to say very specifically and then clarified when there was confusion about our disagreement.

Feel free to address my point about how the phrase "men's rights" became such a toxic branded phrase due to an ideology that hated men having any form of organized action addressing the harms men face.

It was a label created outside pointed inwards. By definition, this is a "men's rights movement" space, and an outside force is equally capable of branding it under the same title for the exact same reasons.

The disagreement here was your unity with said toxic viewpoints.

I feel like all of this has now been written out 3 times, so I will wait for you to respond to it before engaging further.

nac82 , (edited )

Elect better leadership. A state government run by a criminal mafia isn’t going to operate in your best interest.

Edit: Of course I’ve got some raging prick cussing me out below because I said go vote. You can’t even tell a Texan to vote without them giving up. This is the reasons the Republicams run this state. The voter suppression they cause can be overcome with effort, which was my point.

But the voter suppression caused by the apathy and laziness of the masses is not something that can be overcome from external forces. So either spend your effort in response to this crying about voting being impossible or work to coordinate.

I already know the outcome after having this conversation in Texas constantly for the last 20 years.

nac82 , (edited )

I was removed from the voter rolls in Texas 5 times and still managed to vote. Cry to somebody else. It’s just another form of voter suppression that I was sick of listening to while working to get the people of Texas to vote.

nac82 , (edited )

Yes, it does. But I know what it takes to get it done, and I know the voting aged people in Texas don’t care to get off their asses to do what is necessary.

You think crying nothing can be done about it was going to make it better? And the reality is most Texans welcome the likes of Cruz and Abott.

Every time somebody says go vote, some lazy loser cries about how hard it is, another form of voter suppression.

nac82 ,

So who are you talking about? I lived in a red state?

nac82 , (edited )

So? You’re not going to convince me it’s not possible.

I also wasn’t too lazy to find a way to leave the state while living out of my car. Because I was sick of the older Republicans and the lazy apathetic youth with a million excuses about why they couldn’t fight for their rights.

You are the victim of your own laziness and blame others for taking action because it disproves your can’t do anything attitude.

Go tell more Texans to give up on voting. Yall chose this shit.

I’m not going to chat with the person of a million lazy excuses about why they are not responsible for their own ability to vote.

nac82 ,

I now live with non Republican leadership, so clearly I was capable of taking action to find governance worth supporting. You have to assume so much to justify your laziness.

I fought for new leadership in Texas and had these same discussions with people unwilling to get off their asses and vote then as I am having with you now. I drove people to get registered to vote and volunteered for political campaigns. I informed people when I was removed from the voter rolls and asked them to check their status.

In the end, it was always lazy people unwilling to stand up for themselves.

What are you doing for the upcoming election bro?

nac82 ,

No? I have pornhub lmao.

nac82 ,

Sounds like my comment on laziness found its mark with people too lazy to vote.

nac82 ,

You’re not too bright eh? Try reading the thread.

nac82 , (edited )

Yes, it is your fault you can’t find a way to vote. And you are participating in voter suppression as an active advocate.

You are half the problem with Texas.

Also, I have chronic pain and chronic headaches. I guess that makes all your asshole comments fucked up suddenly?

nac82 ,

Lmao, I’m not the one stuck in the fascist shithole state. I get to enjoy watching them lose pornhub, abortions, and soon to be contraceptives, because they insist on voting for fascist trash.

Try not to take a highway while pregnant and leaving the state, a miscarriage can become a murder lol.

Feel free to keep crying in response. I’m just going to keep trash talking the shit these people put up with while insisting they have to sit on their asses instead of vote.

The only way to motivate the lazy, hateful people of Texas. Give them something to hate.

nac82 ,

Cool, does her pain also make you spread voter suppression tactics?

Go vote for Trump loser.

nac82 , (edited )

I want you to know that I read like 10% of your first fit and nothing else. Once you announced that you weren’t from or in Texas, I didn’t find your input very relevant.

nac82 ,

I led voter initiatives over 4 elections. What exactly are you doing about it? How many people have you registered to vote?

nac82 ,

Lmao, you’re now digging down to bonding with the dude who can’t even read.

Yup, you sure showed me.

nac82 , (edited )

Impressive number of downvotes? My main comment is at +80 lmao. What does that say about the dude getting downvoted arguing with the impressive number of downvotes and helping me get back on a positive trend?

Try reading that information again and thinking a little bit.

nac82 ,

So you just vote? That’s where your responsibility begins and ends?

Yea, that’s my point. Lazy.

nac82 ,

Never said it was simple. I said it was a battle that voting aged people of Texas are too lazy to engage in.

At no point did I deny the election interference. I simply said it could be overcome, but not by the people of Texas.

And I told you all the next solution. Leave.

nac82 , (edited )

Lmao, you finally figured out how to read. Good job.

Ah, I see you didn’t read it. Somebody had to correct you and explain it lol.

nac82 ,

What? Are you actually capable of reading English?

nac82 ,

Lmao. I’m not the one funding the Republicans.

Enjoy paying your taxes. You’re funding drowning children in the Rio Grande.

nac82 ,

I dont see that quote anywhere in my comments? Weird.

Idk why you think I’m going to engage you seriously after the harrasment below. Sorry it took you raging for 5 hours straight and having somebody else help you read to catch up. Have a good rest of your day.

nac82 ,

What a narrative you’ve painted.

I bet you’re a Russian propagandist trying to stir fake story shit to divide voters in America.

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