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shalafi , to LinkedinLunatics in Saying the quiet part out loud, with pride

Give it up. Buncha kids in here white knighting for Philipinos they don’t even know.

shalafi , to LinkedinLunatics in Saying the quiet part out loud, with pride

Showed my Pilipino wife your post (she doesn’t understand social media like lemmy):

“Who is this person? Why do they say these things? I do not understand. This is not true.”

LOL, she just shook her head and walked off.

Her son is working tech for Amazon and another for a different American firm. They’re WELL off in the Philippines. You should let them know they are not, in fact, doing well.

This might not be so bad if they were being paid more or even up to the amount that they make for that American company

Well hell yeah! Let’s flood the country with American dollars, spike inflation through the roof and exacerbate the wealth gap. You should be running the Federal Reserve.

shalafi , (edited ) to LinkedinLunatics in Saying the quiet part out loud, with pride

Explain how $5/hr. is exploiting a Pilipino. I’ll wait.

EDIT: I note there are no explanations. My wife says it’s damned good pay back home. And for you economic geniuses, $5 there buys 2-4 times what it buys in America. $10-$20/hr. is exploitative? Beats American minimum wage by a long shot.

Anyway, we’re retiring there. I’ll live like a king on the little I’ve saved. Y’all keep paying 2-4x for the same loaf of bread and bottle of milk.

shalafi , to LinkedinLunatics in Saying the quiet part out loud, with pride

Thank you. ITT: Bunch of spoiled, outraged clueless people.

Just ask my Pilipino wife if $5/hr. is good money back home. She stared at me for a beat, “Oh yeah! That is very good!”

You can live damned well on $40/day. Her ex went over there and took her whole family out to dinner at a nice restaurant in Manila. 12 people, $50 including a generous tip. I make $81K/yr. and I couldn’t take half that many people out to eat on a day’s pay.

shalafi , to Work Reform in Richest 1% own more than 40% of country's wealth: Report

If we took that wealth and magically allocated it to 700 million people, inflation would explode. Had this argument back in the day with a friend.

Mike finds out that the US government shreds worn out paper currency. Mike is outraged, wants to know why that money can’t be given out, wants to know why the government can’t just give us $1,000,000 each. Tried to explain it like this:

“Of course they can! You know I have a little lawn business? I charge $20 to mow your lawn. If I suddenly had $1,000,000, fuck do I care about $20? Now I’m charging $10,000 to mow your lawn or it isn’t worth my time.”

Mike did not get it.

I’m not so concerned with billionaire’s dollar value. At that level of wealth, we’re not talking about liquid assets we can take and spread around. Also, money is not a zero-sum game. Wealth is created and destroyed constantly, mostly created. People often imagine wealth like water molecules, i.e., they think there is a finite number. Both things are created and destroyed. As to wealth, fuck me, wealth creation exploded over the last century, for the whole planet. There are fewer people living in poverty than ever, and there’s more of us.

The concerning thing is the outsized influence these few people have, your 21 people. Classic reddit post on that:…/cnnmca8/

That’s scary as hell if you think on it.

EDIT: My 8th grade teacher told us (early 80s), as an example of corruption, that 20% of Mexicans owned 80% of the wealth. LMFAO! I wish America was only that corrupt.

shalafi , to Work Reform in Proposed Wage Theft Legislation Would Strip Violators of Ability to Do Business

The employee does not pay a dime to fight labor issues. State have their own Department of Labor for that.

shalafi , to Work Reform in Proposed Wage Theft Legislation Would Strip Violators of Ability to Do Business

My point is that the ad had reach. People paid attention, casual littering dropped through the floor. I was there, I watched it happen.

We should find a clever way to get this issue of wage theft in front of people.

shalafi , to Work Reform in Proposed Wage Theft Legislation Would Strip Violators of Ability to Do Business

Every time I look at wage theft stories and comments, I see people who don’t understand their rights under current law. Y’all aren’t helpless and getting robbed, you just don’t know your rights.

Maybe a government funded ad blast would work better? Kinda like the “crying Indian” ad back in the day?

shalafi , to Politics in Nikki Haley walks back Civil War comments after backlash

I always use Mississippi’s:

Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.

Oh, and boy does it go on from there.

shalafi , to Texas in Texas companies say Republicans are ruining their business

LOL, that’s what I told mom. You want the benefits of the slave labor this country was built on? Then STFU.

shalafi , to Texas in Texas companies say Republicans are ruining their business

Boomer mother started going off about voting Trump because “illegals”.

“Nah, we handled that shit in Florida. Passed legislation scaring 'em right the fuck out of here. Of course our crops are rotting in the fields, we got no medical helpers, maids or janitors. But they left! Sure, there were 100 business owners interviewed saying they supported the bill, but didn’t think the consequences would work out like that. They need to hire real Americans. If they can find 'em for $5 an hour…”

We also got the “gay agenda” under control around here. Woke companies taking their convention business, and business in general, away, but at least we made a stand!

shalafi , (edited ) to Sysadmin in The surprising connection between after-hours work and decreased productivity

“Afterhours” isn’t the thing. Having the flexibility to work the hours when you feel, and are, productive is what benefits everyone.

Put in 11-hours today, very unusual. But I was having a good time and jamming out. Kinda wanted to work more! But I was getting burnt, making mistakes, everyone else gone home, didn’t want to annoy them with messages.

Tomorrow? Hell, I may fuck off the rest of the week until vacation starts. I’ll have Slack on, check my calendar and email, bet money I sleep in till 9:30 or 10, catch up on my novel.

As to PTO? I can almost take every Friday. Hell, HR came in last year and said, “Taking a 3-day weekend is essential to your mental health and productivity. You now get a Monday or Friday off, every month, on top of PTO. This is mandatory, do not test us.”

Let us do the fuck we want. Given clear management expectations and making it happen? No one cares the hours you keep. Not getting the job done? Fired. FFS, we’re all adults here.

My new boss, “I do not believe in micromanaging. If you find me micromanaging, I’m already hunting your replacement.”

shalafi , to LinkedinLunatics in If you really thought this, it'd be company policy and the employee wouldn't have to ask. Faked for engagement?

My boss would say something very similar, and mean it.

LOL, in the same vein, he also told me, “I don’t believe in micromanaging my people. If you find me micromanaging you, it’s because I’m looking for your replacement.”

shalafi , to Seattle in Supreme Court rejects challenge to Washington state ‘conversion therapy’ ban

More proof that this court doesn’t automatically make the conservative ruling. While I want several of them gone, they’re not as bad as lemmy makes out.

shalafi , to aww in Food doesn't crawl into mouth

Imagine a baby T-Rex doing this you.

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