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voracitude , (edited )

Let me get this straight. These absolute psychopaths want you to:

  • Pay them
  • To employ

Are you FUCKING joking with me right now what the FUCK is this dystopian hellhole bullshit

Okay, okay. I wasn't thinking clearly when I wrote this, it makes no sense for this to be a thing during opening hours. I think it's understandable why I read it that way, and I think at least a few others did too, but I can recognise I was wrong, that this is an actual "summer camp" kind of thing, and that the company isn't being cartoonishly evil here.

I do not doubt that whoever approved it thought that it might add to the crop of future applicants in a "butterfly effect" manner, and smiled at the thought, but it would be too much even to say that's a secondary goal.

voracitude , (edited )

Christ. You're right that it's not better. Work experience I can get behind, apprenticeship I can get behind, but this is so blatantly exploitative and dangerous the only thing that surprises me more is that parents are dumb enough to fall for it.

voracitude ,

That's not wage for the kids, that's how much it costs to send your kids to this summer labour camp.

voracitude ,

Yyyep. Sadly necessary. It was impossible to tell if you misunderstood the context, were joking, didn't understand this is where America is right now, or any other thing. Sorry bud! Frustrates me, too.

voracitude , (edited )

I agree with this in part, but even if they can't do the literal work listed in the actual ad itself, then that just makes it dangerous. They're going to be around hot surfaces and boiling oil and sharp kitchen implements I presume they will be kept away from hot surfaces, boiling oil, and sharp kitchen implements while the real employees do all that stuff, and that there won't be customers in the restaurant at the time. But I'll lay money a kid is gonna get hurt by those things anyway, because they're as young as five and... well, anyone who's dealt with children knows they get into everything. You're bang-on right that there is no way in fuck this is a good idea.

Edit: I also want to clarify, I'm not aiming any hostility at you. I'm just really upset about adding yet another bead to the child labour bracelet America's making itself.

voracitude ,

You're absolutely right, of course, they'd be insane to do this during opening hours for their restaurants. I overreacted. I gave an upvote, but here's a delta too: Δ

My only defense is Chick-Fil-A's atrocious record with regard to worker's rights, their already hiring actual children due to multiple states legalising child labour, my outrage at the children maimed or killed on the job at other companies, the image describing some of the basic duties of an employee, my extreme fatigue from being sick for five days and not sleeping at all last night, and the fact that it also seems like a way to glow up the experience to "get them early" so at least some of them will provide cheap exploitable labour in let's call it 3-7 years.

voracitude ,

No "if" about it: https://www.mashed.com/1293230/chick-fil-a-history-child-labor-violations/

All these locations were franchised, but the corporation didn't sever ties or implement internal review processes. They didn't even denounce violating child labour laws or endangering children. They're awful.

voracitude , (edited )

Congratulations on feeding a demonstrably terrible company, and being proud of it just to be contrarian. You know what, that phrasing wasn't the best way to get my sentiment across. I understand why the cost is so attractive, and it gets the kids out of the house during the summer. I think there are better activities of course, but I'm sure you're kids will have a blast - and I do mean that sincerely, I hope they enjoy it if you send them. I also sincerely hope they don't get hurt.

voracitude ,

There have been several teenagers severely injured or killed working on and around dangerous industrial equipment in sawmills and meat processing facilities already, yeah, and one company alone had illegally employed over 100 kids for the night shift or illegally hired 13 year-olds (under the minimum age of 14). It's galling and more than a little chilling, in the context of the sustained attacks on reproductive rights and access to contraception.

voracitude ,

Texas officials wanna take away your trucks and gas stoves, people! Aren't y'all upset about that?

voracitude ,

Do you consider yourself a part of this movement? If so what rights for men are you fighting for, exactly?

voracitude ,

For there to be felony charges, prosecutors say they would have to prove that Officer Dave was consciously disregarding safety. They did have enough evidence to prove that in this case.

Dude was going 74 in a 25 while not using the sirens his vehicle was equipped with for this very purpose and killed a pedestrian in a marked crosswalk. Sounds like a fucking conscious disregard if ever I’ve heard one. If this guy were a civilian he’d be serving at least one life sentence for second degree murder already. A disgusting miscarriage of justice.

jlou , to Politics

If the Republican Party bans the UBI, what the fuck is their plan?



voracitude , (edited )

I have yet to hear a convincing argument as to why prices won’t rise to include the UBI so people are effectively as poor as ever, meanwhile the money still goes to the companies gouging us for necessities, just with an extra stop along the way.

Edit: yeah, no, this is a dumb take because that exact fucking thing has never happened with anything else like college tuition 🙄

voracitude ,

Finally bothered to find a source: cato.org/…/making-college-more-expensive-unintend…

So yeah, still haven’t heard a convincing argument why UBI won’t do that ^ but to everything. Amazingly, downvotes failed to change my mind.

voracitude ,

That is a truly excellent response! Anyone in this thread who hasn’t seen “That Mitchell & Webb Look” should go watch it - you’re in for a treat.

voracitude ,

Totally understandable you’d want to just vent, that’s a rough situation you’re in.

What’s the nature of your commissions? You mean sales commissions, or are you an artist?

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