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wheeldawg ,

I had this same question come up recently.

A friend of mine was out of town in a store that has a lot of entire series on BD or DVD (as well as movies of course), and he knew I was constantly referencing Star Trek, and he asked where he should start.

I didn’t have much time to think since he was already in the store and had limited time. All things considered, I went with TNG as the perfect spot to start.

He’s someone I used to work with a few years ago, and we play games together a lot. Knowing him (and just younger people in general), TOS would be so hard to watch with how dated it is. If not just the sexist and racist parts, then even for me it’s hard to look at given how LCARS showed up and instantly made all the technology look immediately centuries behind.

But ever since then, it’s looked mostly the same. At least until SNW and Disco. So I told him as much as I felt I could without boring him about where it’s set in relation to the original show. 6 movies and 3 and a half series in, if I counted correctly.

But if he ends up being interested, I’ll have him go through the other 2 golden era shows before going back for TOS.

Except I will have him watch the Tribble episode before he watches the DS9 episode about it.

He already had a small knowledge of it, the basic identity of who Kirk and Spock were, and the idea that it is a multi-show and many movie kinda franchise (I guess like a STU, which is MCU but for ST)

wheeldawg ,

Exactly. That’s why I wanna get him hooked on the show before bringing that up.

Although we just finished Code of Honor, which is a low point for this show. But it’s out of the way early, so it’s all uphill from here.

Why do many microwave ovens hum in an interval of a minor 7th?

Something that I’ve noticed across most of the microwave ovens that I’ve used is that when they hum while cooking food, I can pick out 2 distinct tones. One of them is pretty clearly 60 120 hz, the 2nd harmonic of the AC power frequency. The other is consistently a minor 7th above that (which would be somewhere around...

wheeldawg ,

Can I give a second upvote to just the last sentence?

Have watched TOS - Enterprise. Will watching Discovery-SNW increase my enjoyment of Lower Decks?

My partner and I have just binged TOS-Enterprise last year and we are starting Discovery today. I was just wondering if we can also start LD or will there still be jokes from Discovery (and the later shows) that we might miss out on? I have really bad FOMO anxiety and am worried there will be references in LD that we will miss...

wheeldawg ,

Umm, it could be mentioned, could it not?

From their point of view, deleted because I fail at spoiler tags

wheeldawg ,

I really think PIC would’ve been better if season 3 came first, get all the fan service done early, and then do stuff on its own to distinguish it.

I mean there was no way that these guys wouldn’t want to reprise their characters together, and of course everyone liked that part.

I feel like everyone was hearing rumors of them getting mostly all back together and no one knew when it was gonna happen, so the first 2 seasons got overshadowed by the anticipation and then finally got paid off at the end of the show, but the show never had its own chance to shine.

I am glad they finally did show the group back together, and if you enjoyed TNG and didn’t shed a few tears when the D came out of Geordi’s secret garage, then are you even human? But I still feel like the anticipation of that one part made waiting over 2 and a half seasons unbearable. If it did that first, and then told its own story, I think it would have had more of an impact.

All that said, seeing Voyager at the museum and Seven’s reaction to its presence was nice for me, as that was my first show. Seeing Seven finally become her own person was really nice as well.

I still demand a scene on some show somewhere where Captain Seven (or is it Captain Of Nine?) meets back up to have Janeway see her in her new role. I will lose my mind. Janeway would be so proud of her. 🥲

wheeldawg ,

Yeah, that pretty much tracks. Still think if they got the anticipation out early we could enjoy the rest of it easier instead of constantly looking for the comeback.

It did seem a little uneven pushing at times. Some episodes had slow parts, then they’d throw a lot in the next. Definitely messy. Still, I enjoyed seeing him in action again.

wheeldawg ,

That’s what I intended to get at. They could mention it, but wouldn’t know any special reason they should. And since Boims loves talking about the special ones, but wouldn’t know anything about Discovery. The way the other comment was worded I thought they were just secret in general, which I definitely don’t remember anything like that. I just got confused. I should watch them all close together at some point. Watching in real time week to week with other stuff going on (around season 4 time ahem) make me forget details.

I don’t remember anything about the propulsion being classified. It didn’t come with that, did it? I thought they got that one thing later, after the show was in progress. Was there something special about it when it was built?

wheeldawg ,

Damn that does sound familiar. It’s been so long since season 1.

wheeldawg ,

I mean just use a diaper and you can sit to pee anywhere!

wheeldawg ,

This was always my favorite episode of the series, just due to the novel concept of communication. Upon a rewatch years later, I realized the episode was just ahead of its time. I mean we always had phrases like this, but with the huge rise of memes in the last 20 years the amount of phrases like this has grown exponentially.

Republicans try to stop military’s electrification with mind-bogglingly dumb proposals ( electrek.co )

Several Republican representatives have proposed amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act to try to stop the Pentagon’s electrification. The proposals sound so mind-bogglingly dumb that they look like they were written by 19th-century Luddites or the fossil fuel industry itself....

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