
This is very small potatoes, but I DIY'd a paver stone pad for my trash cans so they'd stop getting infested with bugs. ( )

My wife and I have been complaining about how our trash cans keep getting infested with creepy crawlies that that build nests in the wheels out of the plant debris nearby. I had no idea how go best go about fixing this, so I just did it. I bought ten of these 16x16" paver stones, dug down a little, and used that big ass wood...

Ubuntu Azure AD Authentication ( )

I recently found: AAD Auth from Canonical/Ubuntu for native AzureAD auth for Ubutnu systems. For the past bit we've mostly been Windows/macOS, and never really entertained linux for business use - mostly because we've never had the tooling for it. We exclusively use Azure AD (no on-prem AD), so in the past when looking the...

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