
Your favorite book tracking/cataloging/social apps and websites?

I’m using LibraryThing, after fleeing GoodReads a few years back, and I just learned about BookWyrm. I’m interested in what others apps and sites are out there for keeping track of your books and/or to-read list, and/or reviewing and/or discussing them, and what folks think about them.

what are your favorite cozy reads?

Obviously, they don’t have to slide into the cozy genre. But what books do you cuddle up with during a thunderstorm, or your variable weather of choice? Personally, Becky Chambers has become one of my favorites. I also read LOTR when I need a “good guys doing the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do”.

Will Lemmy/c/politics remain civil?

I don’t want right-wing fanatics…I don’t want leftist fanatics…I want a place where all views can be discussed with respect and civility. /r/politics was NOT that place. I hope Lemmy can avoid the echo chamber to allow respectful disagreement and discourse to occur (while not overly defending extremists on either side)....

The Virtue of Owning Books You Haven’t Read: Why Umberto Eco Kept an “Antilibrary” ( )

[…] Eco separated his visitors into two categories: “those who react with ‘Wow! Signore professore dottore Eco, what a library you have. How many of these books have you read’ and the others — a very small minority — who get the point is that a private library is not an ego-boosting appendages but a research tool.”

The road to JLPT #2 - 本日の文法

Hello everyone, and welcome to our daily JLPT thread! As the tests get nearer and nearer, I’m thinking on focusing on N4-N3 grammar for a few days, since I think those are probably the most popular tests, and the bulk of potential readers will fall under that level most likely. That said, let us begin!...

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