DucktorZee , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt

While these groups are the culprit during this round, the entirely of the US government and the post secondary educational system is truly to blame. Universities have been peddling an overpriced ware to under informed children and their parents for decades. Terrifying then with the fear of losing ground in middle America while offering a product with ever decreasing value for ever increasing cost, partly because of student loans. The government has then enabled greater and greater burden upon these children and their parents by allowing special loans to groups who should never have had them, by protecting those loans from bankruptcy and by making $$ from baking interest as these groups struggled to pay. It’s a travesty. It should never have happened. Education should be free for all.

DigitalNirvana , to U.S. News in Florida sheriff's office: Stop calling the cops on manatee sex

Manatee sex commonly involves one female with several males. When she’s done she swims away.

Arcane_Trixster ,

Sounds like an affront to God. Better call the sheriff.

drwho , avatar

Sounds like some swinger parties I’ve heard about in Tampa.

DigitalNirvana ,

We’ll, those Tampa Swinger had to get the idea from somewhere. I was observing wildlife at a state park in FL, a place I had been going for many years. And one day I was looking to see if I could get some pictures of a manatee or two. Then I saw like 5 of them writhing about together. I started the video going on my camera, and it didn’t take long to realize what I was seeing was manatee sex. It’s The Real Florida™ out there friends.

EmergMemeHologram , to Work Reform in Starbucks told to reopen stores Labor board finds were closed over union organizing

Sucks to suck Starbuck.

atx_aquarian , to Texas in [Axios] Texas leaves nearly a quarter of 988 calls unanswered avatar

My genius moment: “A quarter of 988 calls is… 247 calls. That’s not very many calls for Texas, is it?”

Proposed foolproof title: “Texas 988 service leaves nearly a quarter of calls unanswered”. Source: am fool.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt

Good, good. Let the hate flow through you and into the ballot box.

beetus , to Work Reform in Viral layoff videos reflect a sea change in work culture

What is a sea change? Never heard this anachronism/phrase put this way

Did they mean to say a Sea of Change? The source article also says it this way.

southernbrewer ,
beetus ,

Today I learned! Thanks

Midnitte , to U.S. News in NYPD officer fired gun during raid on Columbia protesters

It's just astounding to me how fragile our society is to disruption of something so short-term inconsequential.

Like, if the protests are so bad, the outcome is... canceled classes. Not even some critical function of our society in the here and now like... power production, or food production.

If this is the response to rejecting genocide, then these protests are sorely needed.

mozz OP , (edited ) avatar

"You shoulda been down at City Hall sixty thousand a you ... fuckin booing and throwing batteries at the guy who suggested it"

-Doug Stanhope

Fleamo , to Work Reform in The minimum wage is going up in 22 states on Jan. 1

I had a job for a really long time with no raise, finally quit a few months before my job became minimum wage.

tdawg , to Seattle in Seattle emerges as America's Fusiontown

Honesty I thought the article was going to be about fusion style food and got excited

False ,

That’s what I thought it was going to be about too. IMO we even have too much Asian fusion even though it’s something I like

Drusas , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt

As an older millennial, I was raised my entire life being told that, if I didn't get a degree, I would have a miserable life as a trash collector or a burger flipper or a cashier somewhere. We were told by parents and schools that getting a degree was required. Funny how they exploded in price during that same time that we were being told this.

The student loan debt crisis is a crisis. It has priced millions of people out of homeownership and parenting, among other things. It is not the fault of the kids who were told that they absolutely have to go to college or they will be a failure in life. It is the fault of the government, these greedy universities, and a gullible populace of parents and business owners/employers who bought into it.

_wintermute ,

I feel you. The boomers basically went to college for free (highly federally funded universities at the time) then later voted to end all the tax based funding to universities, which made their tuition rates skyrocket at a time when the government was backing predatory student loans. So tired of my parents’ generation fucking everyone younger than them over. They will also get to retire on social security while actively trying to destroy it for the next generation.

youngGoku , to Work Reform in Starbucks told to reopen stores Labor board finds were closed over union organizing


specseaweed , to Seattle in Seattle emerges as America's Fusiontown

Kagi Universal Summarizer of the article:

  • Seattle is emerging as a major hub for fusion energy research and development, with five major companies working on fusion projects in the region.
  • Fusion energy promises unlimited, zero-emissions energy without radioactive waste but researchers have yet to achieve self-sustaining fusion.
  • Mastering fusion could create a $40 trillion global market and is attracting billions from investors like Gates, Bezos and Altman.
  • Helion Energy plans to build a 500 MW fusion power plant by 2030 and sell electricity from fusion to Microsoft by 2028.
  • Zap Energy received $5 million from the DOE to develop fusion technologies.
  • Avalanche Energy achieved a record in its micro-fusion reactor and raised $40 million.
  • ExoFusion and Kyoto Fusioneering are also working on important aspects of fusion in the Seattle area.
  • Universities and national labs in the region contribute to its strength in fusion research.
  • The goal of fusion research is to replicate the power of the sun on Earth.
  • While progress is being made, some remain skeptical of timelines and worry funds could be better spent on proven renewables currently.
SocializedHermit , to Texas in [Axios] Texas leaves nearly a quarter of 988 calls unanswered

Meanwhile California embraces and funds it:…/988-hotline-california-mental-he…

Brunbrun6766 OP Mod , avatar

Would like to say that this isn’t a pissing contest fyi

SocializedHermit ,

Your state leaders sure think it is.

MadMenace , to U.S. News in Florida sheriff's office: Stop calling the cops on manatee sex

I can see why people would be confused or concerned after seeing the manatees. The video linked in the article shows a group of several manatees in shallow water, all close together in a big heap of slowly moving indiscernible black rubbery skin. It is absolutely not clear that what’s happening is mating.

Domiku ,

Sure but who calls the police about animals just going about their business? Maybe if the manatees were attacking people…

_MusicJunkie , to U.S. News in Kids killed in gun accidents usually found weapon in the bedroom: CDC

Is it legal in the US to store your guns in a nightstand or something? That’s insane.

Even so, that’s just irresponsible. It’s my duty to make sure nobody has access to my guns except if I personally give them access, after making sure they know how to handle them safely. Also, very illegal in my country, they check safe storage and if you don’t stick to it, you’ll lose your gun licence quickly.

Chronoshift , avatar

@_MusicJunkie @admin
Sadly, the protection of the 2nd Amendment by the Republican Party is a result of fear and perceived loss of control because of a rapidly changing and diversifying America and of those that intimidate and scare others into their way of thinking.

Seathru ,

One state has strict gun lock/storage laws (Mass), a few others have laws requiring you to keep them away from minors and prohibited persons, but the majority do not. I’m guilty of haphazardly tossing mine in the nightstand. But I’m also the only human allowed in the house, not too worried about the cats getting ahold of one.

sic_semper_tyrannis ,

“Is it legal in the US to store your guns in a nightstand or something? That’s insane.”

Don’t restrict my freedom

“Even so, that’s just irresponsible. It’s my duty to make sure nobody has access to my guns except if I personally give them access, after making sure they know how to handle them safely.”

This is the proper way everyone should be thinking. Just don’t force it upon people

lilmann ,

Clearly not everyone can be trusted to think that way. See headline

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