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Midnitte ,

The irony of the probusiness party being so against DEI.

It's really not a surprise that having diverse experiences and opinions makes you a better business...

Alex Jones faces day of reckoning over what he owes Sandy Hook families ( www.npr.org )

It’s a day of reckoning today for Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and a long-awaited culmination for the Sandy Hook families who sued Jones for defamation. A federal bankruptcy judge in Texas is expected to force Jones to liquidate his personal assets, including ownership of his media company, Free Speech Systems, in...

Midnitte ,

A crime against humanity that InfoWars gets to stay in business.

Midnitte ,

Astounding to me that the Speaker of the House called a trial by a jury of Trump's peers a "political stunt".

It's the rule of law, asshat.

Midnitte ,

I can't imagine this is constitutional.

Midnitte ,

Fun fact, you shouldn't have to shake milk because it is a colloidal solution and, by definition, is already mixed.

Midnitte ,

We really deserve the next pandemic, huh?

Midnitte ,

It's just astounding to me how fragile our society is to disruption of something so short-term inconsequential.

Like, if the protests are so bad, the outcome is... canceled classes. Not even some critical function of our society in the here and now like... power production, or food production.

If this is the response to rejecting genocide, then these protests are sorely needed.

Midnitte ,

“Their behavior was unacceptable, extremely disruptive, and made co-workers feel threatened.”

If holding up posters is "defacing property" and you feel "threatened" by a sit in, you might be on the wrong side of history (and/or a Vault-Tec employee).

Midnitte ,

Such an absurd argument that the law only applies to documents.

Midnitte ,

Alright, see you guys in 2031 for the next one.

‘Building an authoritarian axis’: the Trump ‘envoy’ courting the global far right is unsettling diplomats and threatens to collapse US interests ( www.theguardian.com )

Meet Richard Grenell, vocal tribune of Trump’s America First credo on the international stage and the man hotly tipped to become secretary of state if the presumed Republican nominee beats Joe Biden in November’s presidential election....

Midnitte ,

In recent months, for example, he has pitched up in Guatemala, where he tried to stymie US state department pleas…

Wow, remember when that would be considered treason? But I guess Republicans are used to that sort of thing.

In Alabama, abortion and IVF helped flip a red set in a special election ( www.motherjones.com )

Democrat Marilyn Lands won a special election for an Alabama state House seat, flipping a Republican-held seat by campaigning on abortion rights in the deep-red state that bans abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest. Lands won 62 percent of the nearly 6,000 votes cast, while her challenger, Republican Teddy Powell, won...

Midnitte ,

I’m still amazed Adam’s won - he just seems absolutely terrible for a multitude of reasons.

You’d think a city that elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman could do better…

Midnitte ,

Of course they did, who was trying to stop them?

The FTC takes too long to respond to such price gouging, and now that price is baked into prices.

nrk9819 , to Random
@nrk9819@mastodon.social avatar

Everytime I want to love @firefox , I realize that it doesn't support View Transitions API 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Midnitte ,

Also doesn’t seem like it’s feature complete.

The View Transitions API doesn’t currently enable cross-document view transitions, but this is planned for a future level of the spec and is actively being worked on.

Midnitte ,

Trump worked with a subsidiary of a Swiss insurance concern called Chubb whose CEO was a Trump appointee during his time in office.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there was something corrupt going on here…

Midnitte ,

Complicated feelings on this.

It does certainly seem like allowing this would have been damaging to democracy in the long run (could Texas just boot off Biden because he’s the democratic candidate and some made up charges relating to the border?), especially since he has not been tried and convincted, but so damaging in the short term to allow someone who is such a clear and present danger to democracy to remain eligible.

Midnitte ,

Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

The ruling also bars him from using the NY banking system so he can’t use it to get a loan for the bond.

Will be interesting to see how he pays the bond - does he front his own money, does he somehow get a loan with insane interest?

Hate to see it

Midnitte ,

He’s going to do that regardless

Midnitte ,

Especially since this seems like something that was freely accessible

But in an indictment laying out 14 counts against Burke that include conspiracy and wiretapping, prosecutors allege that the journalist went too far by tapping into a streaming feed site where he acquired unbroadcast video clips of former Fox News star Tucker Carlson and other personalities.

Sounds almost like Elon threatening people who post his flight logs, when the flight logs are freely accessible…

Midnitte ,

Technically, it’s for faulty seat sensors that determine if the airbag will trigger.

Honda says that a weight sensor, which is meant to disable the passenger airbags if the seat is occupied by a child or child seat, might not work properly, allowing the airbags to deploy during a crash.

Midnitte ,

NPR reported on this well, it’s spread across a large number of sectors in the economy.

Midnitte ,

Sure, but none of those things have ever been demonstrated to actually exasperate mental health issues.

Can we really say the same thing about the internet when we can see how quickly YouTube radicalized people? When we see the consequences of covid conspiracies and disinformation?

We’ll cope, but the internet is a new kind of beast that we’re continually coping without a solid plan.

Midnitte ,

During her talk with The New Yorker she seemed poised to use it to help women, so definitely looking forward to whatever project she founds.

Midnitte ,

What’s more insane is how there’s even a market to buy this debt for pennies on the dollar.

Private insurance was a mistake.

Fake Joe Biden robocall tells New Hampshire Democrats not to vote Tuesday ( www.nbcnews.com )

The New Hampshire attorney general’s office says it is investigating what appears to be an “unlawful attempt” at voter suppression after NBC News reported on a robocall impersonating President Joe Biden that told recipients not to vote in Tuesday’s presidential primary....

Midnitte ,

A window into our scary, messy, future

‘I’m not ready, brother’: US man to be put to death months after botched execution attempt ( www.theguardian.com )

Kenneth Smith, 58, is facing execution by an untested method that has never before been used in capital punishment in the US. It’s a technique that has been rejected on ethical grounds by veterinarians for the euthanasia of most animals other than pigs: death by nitrogen gas.

Midnitte ,

Not to mention the possibility of false conviction.

Midnitte ,

Also from CEOs just copying behavior.

You saw it with the recent tech layoffs - “well if Google thinks they need to lay off people, maybe we should lay people off - they must know something we don’t”

President Biden: student loan borrowers enrolled in SAVE “who took out less than $12,000 in loans and have been in repayment for 10 years will get their remaining student debt cancelled immediately" ( www.whitehouse.gov )

“Borrowers who may be eligible for early debt cancellation to sign up for the SAVE plan at studentaid.gov,” a statement by the White House says.

Midnitte ,

I wonder why that limit, and if they’ll raise it…

Midnitte ,

Indeed, I’m curious how they came to that specific number, though, and what they might plan for the future…

Midnitte ,

This was my thought as well, but it’s also important that the rule is more generous then the title let’s on.

With each additional $1,000 of debt, the window for forgiveness increases by one year. For example, a student who took out $13,000 in loans will now have their debts erased if they’ve been in repayment for 11 years — or in 12 years for those who borrowed $14,000 and so on.

So… you can’t be in repayment for eternity, which is a great change. Now we just need to shorten that time frame to 0.

As the other commenter pointed out, there’s a specific political party hamstringing these efforts that need to be voted out.

Midnitte ,

And of course, this is exactly why we had the “norm” of presidents divesting themselves and placing their business interests in blind trusts.

Instead, Trump completely ignored that and claims his business was just running as normal and the fact that these foreign governments paid his business was just “normal business” (I’ve got a bridge to sell you for 400x over market price).

Just really demonstrates how openly corrupt he is and the contempt he holds for the rule of law and our principles.

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