starrox , to Politics in How big are Donald Trump's legal problems? avatar

If I can let my cynical self speak for a moment: From all I've gathered, not too much if he can prolong the trials until he is possibly reelected (insane to even type that out). Motherfucker will just self-pardon himself like a good little fascist. He also has a favourable judge in the Miami court from what I've heard. A little pro-trump judge to preside over Trumps trial, the biggest presidential crime drama in the US since.. Watergate? Dunno.

Honestly its mad he's allowed to run his campaign with several trials for high crimes on the table.

spaceghoti ,

He also has a favourable judge in the Miami court from what I’ve heard.

The case was randomly assigned to Judge Cannon, who was already censured by the higher courts for her obvious bias toward Trump. This case will not remain in her docket.

Honestly its mad he’s allowed to run his campaign with several trials for high crimes on the table.

This is absolutely a problem, but on the flip side then Republicans would have tied Hillary up in the courts rather than risk her winning in 2016. I mean, they launched how many Congressional investigations against her while they controlled the House? It worked as a smear campaign, and if it carried legal consequences she would have been barred from running at all. Imagine that they do this to every potential Presidential candidate that Democrats have to offer. Even ones you like.

player1 , to Politics in How big are Donald Trump's legal problems?

Honestly he was caught red handed. I really think he’s screwed with the classified docs case. His own AG, Bill Barr as well as his former attorney, Ty Cobb, said as much. Also he is having a really hard time finding competent counsel to represent him. Part of that is since his attorney must have security clearance but it’s also likely because any half decent attorney sees how screwed he is on this case.

stanleytweedle , to Politics in New York City to hand out fliers urging migrants to go elsewhere

Seems pretty pointless no matter what your opinion on immigration is.

NotTheOnlyGamer , to Politics in New York City to hand out fliers urging migrants to go elsewhere avatar

But aren't they a sanctuary city? Doesn't this go against that?

PatFussy , to Work Reform in Why is technology not making us more productive?

Productivity is just measured differently. Every major company has a hand full of process engineers and PPI teams whos only task is to speed up processes and save the company money. The money saved is thrown into a bucket called productivity but its expected YoY for the various different groups. If they stop to use whatever changes its not measured negatively which is confusing.

yessikg , to Work Reform in Why is technology not making us more productive? avatar

Because technology doesn’t fix upper management flaws

TheBeege , to Work Reform in Why is technology not making us more productive?

Whenever I work with non-engineers, it’s baffling to me how impractical they are. They don’t measure things. They don’t test things. They don’t try new ways of doing things. It’s like work is just a place to hang out and push some paper.

I get that we ideally don’t want to work, but I would be so bored being so ineffective. I think the article is trying to distinguish between these two kinds of people with respect to IT. With IT, you need to measure. You need to test. You need to plan. You need to experiment. A new idea or implementation can start an entire industry. So many people just don’t get that.

The great part is that if you create a good environment, the shit is fun. During good times, I fucking love my job. At bad companies, every day is a living hell.

If we could fix the bugs in modern capitalism, we could see real competition kill off these boring, ineffective companies, ideally in favor of driven but balanced places where people can do cool stuff. Plus, with a good social welfare system, if people wanted to fuck off for a few years, there would definitely be enough surplus production to support that (there probably is now, but it’s all hoarded…)

marche_ck ,

Because their performance matrices are evaluated by how closely they follow their SOP. They are forced to follow it even if it’s brain dead. It is up to the ones setting the policies and procedures (the management) to make sure that their SOP and workflow they put in actually works.

If the management don’t give a shit, keep giving bullshit orders and setting bullshit targets, workers with common sense will leave from all the frustration, leaving only the kinds of people you met running the department.

TheBeege ,

That makes sense, but I’m also taking about employees who operate without an SOP.

But your point about bullshit orders and targets makes sense. So it’s more an individual company’s culture than a general trend? Maybe I’ve just had bad luck

marche_ck ,

Sadly its a widespread thing in most workplaces 😭

marche_ck , to Work Reform in Why is technology not making us more productive?

There is also another side to this: a lot of these “tech companies” are not really built to provide meaningful products and services, instead their aim is for speculative valuation in the stock market.

There is also the use of tech in bussiness that is inherently unproductive economically. Like all the shops on Amazon, they are mostly selling the very same thing out of Amazon’s warehouse bins. These “online business entrepreneurs” aren’t actually adding anything new to the market.

Then there is also tech companies “cannibalising” on existing markets. For every tech companies rapidly rising, there are tens to hundreds of brick and mortar businesses going under. Added together the total sum of resultant economic growth will of course be very much smaller than expected.

Scew , to Work Reform in How the 'lazy girl job' took over work avatar

It’s a prop to promote whoever-she-is’s tik-tok channel. If you haven’t been looking out for yourself and constantly overwork yourself… no shit you shouldn’t be doing that. Anyone who’s worked is attempting to optimize less work for more pay. My distaste is for the article, btw. To address your question, it’s just rebranding like you suggested. Why come up with something new when you have the next generation’s social media app and all the ideas that worked on your generation to fuel the channel?

SheeEttin , (edited ) to Work Reform in How the 'lazy girl job' took over work

A content creator says

I stopped reading there (and not just because I can’t close the fucking popup)

mo_ztt , to Work Reform in How the 'lazy girl job' took over work avatar

So… I’ve dealt with people who take this girl’s approach to their work, when their work getting done well was necessary for something I needed, and I definitely didn’t like it. I also think this girl in the article is extremely at risk of having her job replaced by an AI and winding up behind the 8 ball when that happens and the market gets that much more challenging.

That said, for as bad as it is, I think this is actually closer to the answer than is everyone working for Amazon and peeing in bottles and $26k per year and no health insurance.

Duchess , to Work Reform in How the 'lazy girl job' took over work avatar

i don’t see how it’s a revolutionary idea that you work based on the wage you’re paid. i get a low wage so i do very little work. i’m trying to get anything better paid but for now i’m giving exactly as much effort as a low wage job requires.

Rolive , to Work Reform in Why is technology not making us more productive?

It does, however the result is that the small group of assholes that “own” the company get insanely rich. Workers rarely benefit from increased productivity.

Mongostein , to Work Reform in Education staff could strike in September - union

Good. Fucking do it.

TurnItOff_OnAgain , to Work Reform in Education staff could strike in September - union

There were rumors of an education strike in my state years ago, so the state made it against the law for education workers to strike.

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