sentient_loom , (edited ) to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes avatar

Apparently he’s the same guy who said that millennials can’t afford homes because they eat avocado toast.

kiranraine ,

Like couldn’t be that jobs don’t think we’re worth a livable wage and that they union bust or coworkers can’t be convinced to do so…like I want things better for myself but without others banding together at any job I get it never will…

lobut ,

No, no according to this CEO. When he was young he worked 7 days a week non stop till he got a house. Kids nowadays just don’t want to work. They want to spend $40 on avocado toast and coffee and not work. Definitely not salary growth for workers being horrible.

kiranraine ,

Yea can’t be the fact they make excess that used to be taxed appropriately that forced living wages. Not to mention greedflation on necessities like meds and groceries(not including that avocado toast which is a dumb point bc that’s cheap af). Don’t forget those like me with severe social anxiety that keeps getting worse ontop of being audhd that isn’t “high need” enough to be considered for disability or nothing(tho the latter could be me overthinking while in the middle of a autistic burnout from pandemic and other life shiz up to this point…)

foo ,

In reality he got a loan from his grandfather and extensive support from his employer

NuPNuA , to Politics in Eminem tells Republican Vivek Ramaswamy to stop rapping his songs

The very act of political candidates coming out on stage to populat music like wrestlers seems bizarre enough to my non-American brain. The fact that they don’t seem to realise they need permission to use licensed works when they’re trying to run a country is even more bizarre.

TheAndrewBrown ,

I don’t know about this case, but in the past, the candidate had purchased a block of rights from a record company so they had the rights to use it but something about the way those contracts work allows the original artist to forbid them from using it even after purchasing. I’m not an expert by any means though.

thetreesaysbark ,

I wouldn’t be surprised if they do know, and this is all just free “look at me! I’m being told what to do by the man!” publicity.

NuPNuA ,

Lol, imagine telling my 13 year old self listening to The Slim Shady LP that Eminem would be considered part of the establishment one day 😆

wildbus8979 , (edited ) to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes

You said what you said, you’re place in the line to the wall hasn’t changed.

Chetzemoka , to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes

"We need to see pain in the economy"

"There's been a systematic change where employees feel the employer is extremely lucky to have them"

"claimed that shift is hitting productivity in the sector"

This attitude is an actual mental illness. Productivity is killing us, killing our climate. What we need is LESS PRODUCTIVITY and more leisure, more time to care for one another, focus on food production, distribution, healthcare, and education, things that involve taking care of other humans. Why should everyone everywhere forever have to live on the razor's edge of their ability to keep up with life?

Nemo ,

more time to care for one another, focus on food production, distribution, healthcare, and education, things that involve taking care of other humans.

These are productive pursuits.

Tigbitties , avatar

"I agree. Let's monetize the fuck out of them" - some greedy fuck

Nemo ,

And that’s the real problem. Not productivity itself, but monetization.

Chetzemoka ,

We need to end the habit of prioritizing things based on whether or not they are "productive." It's ok to be unproductive. It's ok to be lazy and fuck around and socialize and just generally hang out helping people.

Sorry, this is a particularly sensitive issue for me right now where our Chief Nursing Officer acts like if we have time to have any conversation with our colleagues, then that means we have enough time to manage one more patient. When the fuck did being able to have a little downtime at work become such a terrible offense?

(Yes, we're unionizing. Because absolutely fuck this mentality.)

Kolanaki , to Star Trek in Star Trek: The Deep Space Nine episode that predicted a US crisis [] avatar

I noticed this with cyberpunk stuff, too. The genre has been incredibly prophetic. It just sucks that it’s all the stupidly bad shit and not a single one of the super cool sci-fi things.

Throbbing_Banjo ,

I read this comment on the toilet using a pocket-sized computer that everyone I know owns, and we’re all addicted to.

Nobody’s buzzing around in flying cars, but if they were, they’d be so ubiquitous we’d just say “meh, we should have jetpacks by now.”

I do agree with you that we’re getting all the Bad Stuff though.

kautau ,

This is very true. I use iSH on my phone to run python scripts and ssh into servers, I use Working Copy to make git commits from the toilet or my bed. Like for all intents and purposes, my phone is a cyberpunk “deck,” but I suppose cyberpunk is literally named “The Dark Future” for a reason, considering all else that is going on.

Etterra ,

Oh yeah. You know after World War III it’s not going to be warp engines that get invented.

Kolanaki , avatar

But we might have neutrino (?) bombs; those theoretical bombs that can just vaporize people and leave buildings and infrastructure intact.

eran_morad ,

Neutron, not neutrino.

danielquinn , avatar

We should be reading/watching/sharing more solarpunk then!

Kolanaki , avatar

The problems lie in the “punk” part. Just like cyberpunk’s prophetic bad stuff isn’t the cyber. Pretty sure solarpunk is still about the societal issues existing in what could be a utopia if they didn’t. Wealth inequality, bigotry, etc. You’re just not polluting the planet because everything is green.

danielquinn , avatar

Um, no. It’s the very opposite of that. Solarpunk addresses inequality and bigotry directly.

Kolanaki , avatar

I mean that those things still exist in the world. The stories are about fighting those things, usually as John points out. Unless you’re saying the status quo is without inequality and bigotry and the heroes are trying to be a counter to that?

melmi , avatar

No, there may be inequality and bigotry in some solarpunk fiction but unlike cyberpunk it’s not about “our heroes fighting the system that will almost inevitably crush them”. Solarpunk is innately hopeful, and there’s conflict (kinda intrinsic to storytelling) but it doesn’t require the existence of inequality or bigotry, and a lot of solarpunk fiction explicitly doesn’t have any bigotry in it period.

Cyberpunk might be about “our system sucks, and our heroes may or may not want it to change”, but solarpunk is about “the system of the modern day was bad, and so we replaced it entirely”. The “punk” part doesn’t require that the heroes are individually punks within the context of their own world, it’s called punk because it’s in contrast to our modern system. Also because -punk is kinda a generic term for genres at this point.

zaphod , (edited ) avatar

Is it prophetic, or do we just have a techno-capitalist elite that looked as those books as a roadmap rather than a cautionary tale?

Odinkirk , avatar

“Meanwhile, Black Mirror presumably got back to the work of its horror-based arms race, as the show continues to try to find a doomsday prophecy that tech giants might still view as a warning and not a corporate benchmark for [next fiscal quarter].” – AVClub

SinningStromgald , to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes

Yeah, dude, we still eating you.

StarkillerX42 , to Politics in Eminem tells Republican Vivek Ramaswamy to stop rapping his songs

Welp, I guess they’ll have to go back to Ted Nugent on loop

Riccosuave , avatar

He isn’t white, so I don’t think Ted Nugent wants him using his music either if you catch my drift.

Alexstarfire ,

That’s what I said. Tad Nugent.

LDPanda , to U.S. News in Bodycam video shows Ohio police fatally shooting pregnant black woman avatar

OK, I get that she was driving away and it might have been at an officer hard to get all the views when one’s dead. Anyway, 1 He could have easily stepped aside and got the make, model, and tag etc so as to not escalate the situation 2 How the fuck is step 2 shoot to kill. Could’ve shot the radiator or a tire or you know not fired a gun. This is why shit’s so messed up, there’s no middle ground you’re either complying with them or you’re a deadly threat nothing in between. De-Escalation training needs to be mandatory every few months.

Sharpiemarker ,

The question for me is, is a couple hundred Dollars of alcohol or groceries worth someone’s life? Why not let her go and pursue charges against her rather than executing her in the parking lot?

StringTheory OP ,

In a video statement a day after the shooting, Belford said two officers were helping someone get into a locked car when a supermarket employee told them several people were leaving with stolen items.…/police-fatally-shooting-a-pregnant-blac…

I have a hard time seeing a 7-months pregnant woman being part of a gang of thieves and running from a store with her arms full of bottles of alcohol.

And if she was part of the gang, you record her license plate and get the security camera pictures and call her in. What the hell are cops being taught?

jarfil , avatar

7-months pregnant woman being part of a gang of thieves

That’s possibly the only part of this that I could understand: some people use the “fake pregnant” or “fake obese” strategy to fit in more stuff under their clothes… so just by seeing someone who “looks like” they’re pregnant, you can’t “rule out” them being a thief.

Shooting even a confirmed thief, still isn’t justified.

Seathru ,

What the hell are cops being taught?…/warrior-cop-class-dave-grossman-killo…

Melkath ,

Cocaine. Meth. Steroids. Affiliations with nazi organizations.

95 percent of cops.

SheeEttin , (edited ) to Work Reform in How the 'lazy girl job' took over work

A content creator says

I stopped reading there (and not just because I can’t close the fucking popup)

turtlepower , to Work Reform in Tim Gurner apologises over call for more unemployment to fix worker attitudes avatar

I’ve got the table set, when do we eat?

dhcmrlchtdj__ , to Texas in Texas battles second-biggest wildfire in US history avatar

slow down texas, it’s only february

WarmSoda , to Politics in Mar-a-Lago IT manager implicates Trump in classified files case

I was just thinking, this guy is 77. I hope his kids were in on this too. You just know one of them is going to try some shit in the future if they aren’t given a reason not to.

fiat_lux ,

Jared Kushner saw his father go to jail in 2005. He just made sure that his father got a pardon in 2020.

I think the goal is to "win" enough power/money that consequences don't apply, like his buddy Mohammed bin Salman.

blackstampede , to Politics in AI 'godfather' says universal basic income will be needed

I'm not sure that it would help unless you have a plan to keep businesses and landlords from gauging their customers and tenants.

jsomae ,

I see people say this a lot and it seems like a math error to me. That's like saying all forms of wealth redistribution have this flaw.

davel , (edited ) avatar

For Universal Basic Income (UBI) to work, the state would have to control the prices of universal basic needs, otherwise the capitalist class would raise prices to absorb it. But state-provided goods & services and state-imposed prices are antithetical to our current hyper-privatized, hyper-financialized neoliberal capitalism.

How Bankers Became the Top Exploiters of the Economy

Adam Simpson: […] You write about rent as it relates to land. […] I’ve seen, for instance, Thomas Paine associated with ground rent and its obvious inequality, the notion that someone has a right to a piece of land that obviously no one can really “own.” He argues for distributing that to everyone in the form of a universal basic income. That seems to be a popular idea now, particularly in Silicon Valley as well as other places. I wanted to know your perspective on universal basic income.

Michael Hudson: I think it’s a misnomer. There’s no problem with giving more people enough income to live. Even archaic societies operated on the mutual-aid principle. There’s a lot of pressure for the Federal Reserve to create a trillion dollars by giving everybody an extra $500. Why are they willing to do that? Because most people would use the $500 to pay the banks – so the banks wouldn’t have to lose money and default as a result of their reckless and unproductive lending. The problem’s not only income, but what people have to spend it on. Paine didn’t talk about universal income, he talked about everybody should have the right to a place to live, a means of their own self-support. That’s independent from income. Once you economize and financialize it, you put in a distortion.

You don’t want to give people income to buy what really should be public goods and services outside of the market. You don’t want to give people more income simply to pay monopolistic public utilities for extortionate charges for water, sewer, electricity, cable TV and education. These are things that should be removed from the marketplace, not giving people the income to buy overpriced and monopolized real estate and infrastructure services that should be public in the first place.

Adam Simpson: I completely agree. That’s my criticism of this ongoing universal basic income debate. It might be a good idea if we solve a lot of other things first. One of them being financial parasites, because in my mind people talk about a trickle-down economy. I get a sense right now that we have what more or less amounts to a trickle-up economy. At the end of the day the rich are going to get theirs. The idea of providing universal basic income or a stimulus, eventually it’s going to work their way up to the top of the system.

Michael Hudson: The key to any such analysis is circular flow. If you give people income, what do they spend it on? As I said, people have to spend 75% of their income on things other than the goods and services they produce. You don’t want to give them services to bloat this [Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (FIRE)] sector that is sucking income upward to the 5%. You don’t want to give more people income just to pay higher rents and bank loans to the 5% at the top. You want to do the opposite.

njm1314 ,

I mean I'm all for hanging landlords

blackstampede ,

Ancient problems require ancient solutions

PrincessLeiasCat , to Texas in Texas battles second-biggest wildfire in US history avatar

I wonder how much Governor Secession will ask for in aid from the federal gubment.

FenrirIII OP , avatar

Watch him take the money and pull another border stunt.

vexikron , to Star Trek in Star Trek: The Deep Space Nine episode that predicted a US crisis []

Currently homeless due to crime, longtime Star Trek fan here.

Yep. Mhm.

Waiting to be beamed out any time.

catharso OP , (edited )

You the crimer or the crimee?

Actually nevermind. I wish you all the best! 🙂

Prosper etc. 🖖🏼

vexikron , (edited )

Uh… another victim of capitalism.

My former landlord, my former employer, various corrupt businesses and my own family managed to all commit a series of crimes against me in rapid succession, which made me poor and thus unable to afford a lawyer, and homeless, which made me lose all my evidence I would need to stand a chance of winning any court case, in addition to everything else I have ever owned.

I have nearly died about ten times now in the past year and a half.

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