Waldowal , to Politics in Mar-a-Lago IT manager implicates Trump in classified files case avatar

This is great, but is also going to result in alot of tinfoil hat wearers claiming: “The Dems and Hunter Biden’s laptop got to him! They threatened him and his family and forced him to testify against Trump!”

mriguy ,

They’ll say that regardless. You can’t try to manage their crazy by trying to placate them. First of all, it won’t work, because they can’t be satisfied, and second, then they’ll just move on to something more crazy that you’ll have to accommodate.

Poob ,


Who cares? They already do this

nkat2112 OP , to Politics in Eminem tells Republican Vivek Ramaswamy to stop rapping his songs avatar

I’m lovin’ it.

adespoton ,

I’m pretty sure McD’s would join the suits if any campaigner ever tried to use that one….

nightmareofahorse ,

I do like the idea of some hardline republicans buying Big Macs just to burn them

StarkillerX42 , to Politics in Eminem tells Republican Vivek Ramaswamy to stop rapping his songs

Welp, I guess they’ll have to go back to Ted Nugent on loop

Riccosuave , avatar

He isn’t white, so I don’t think Ted Nugent wants him using his music either if you catch my drift.

Alexstarfire ,

That’s what I said. Tad Nugent.

OceanSoap , to Politics in Eminem tells Republican Vivek Ramaswamy to stop rapping his songs

Hmm, I don’t know how this could possibly be taken seriously in a court, otherwise any video out there of anyone singing a song would be included in some sort of infringement.

adespoton ,

ASCAP doesn’t cover political campaigns. Also, most campaigns don’t want to be seen performing an artist’s work against their direct wishes; it doesn’t tend to look good.

Dawn , avatar

Cover songs have always been a copyright violation, it’s just that musicians don’t go after them cause they will almost always look like the asshole for doing so, and the companies normally dont because the amount of money they would be able to get out of the lawsuit wouldn’t normally be worth it.

Clent ,

There is a ton of licensing that is occurring behind the scenes.

Typically, the venue pays for it but other arrangements are possible including explicit permission from the copyright holder.

Obligatory: fuck copyright law. Stupid idea that dates back to when owning people was still cool. Society operated just fine without for hundreds of thousands of years. No one should be allowed to own culture.

babyphatman ,

While technically cover songs are copyright infringement, anyone can cover a song as long as they obtain a mechanical license and follow some guidelines.

I think copyright should be abolished and replaced by a tax that pays artists, writers, journalists, and musicians. This will eliminate the middleman copyright legal industry and allow for far more creativity.

NuPNuA , to Politics in Eminem tells Republican Vivek Ramaswamy to stop rapping his songs

The very act of political candidates coming out on stage to populat music like wrestlers seems bizarre enough to my non-American brain. The fact that they don’t seem to realise they need permission to use licensed works when they’re trying to run a country is even more bizarre.

TheAndrewBrown ,

I don’t know about this case, but in the past, the candidate had purchased a block of rights from a record company so they had the rights to use it but something about the way those contracts work allows the original artist to forbid them from using it even after purchasing. I’m not an expert by any means though.

thetreesaysbark ,

I wouldn’t be surprised if they do know, and this is all just free “look at me! I’m being told what to do by the man!” publicity.

NuPNuA ,

Lol, imagine telling my 13 year old self listening to The Slim Shady LP that Eminem would be considered part of the establishment one day 😆

faintedheart , to Politics in Eminem tells Republican Vivek Ramaswamy to stop rapping his songs

How the fuck an immigrant became a republican? His name looks like an Indian. If republican people have absolute power these kind of people won’t even be able to touch their foot in the USA.

odium ,

Because his net worth is over a billion.

Bananigans ,

Brahmins gonna Brahmin.

erin ,

You can’t run for president if you’re not a natural-born US citizen. His name doesn’t mean he was born elsewhere. If the idea is that he’s a second or more generation immigrant, so is everyone that isn’t a First Nations citizen.

But yeah, anyone part of a group the Republican party hates (POC, LGBTQ+, working class, etc) that supports the party has some bizarre cognitive dissonance going on.

traveler ,

Because he does not believe in anything he says, he’s just trying to bank on the votes of morons who believe in that bullshit. Look up for his history, he’s an expert on banking on idiots.

captainlezbian ,

Dude, he was born in Cincinnati. It’s not even weird for a Cincinnatian to have an Indian af name and immigrant parents. Unfortunately it’s also not weird for such Cincinnatians to be republicans.

PowerCrazy ,

How the fuck people like you so out and racist?

nostalgicgamerz , to Politics in Eminem tells Republican Vivek Ramaswamy to stop rapping his songs

Wow BMI actually doing something…useful??

Tenthrow , to Texas in Second US tropical storm in a week drenches Texas avatar

Yet still not a drop in Dallas

btaf45 , to Politics in Trump pleads not guilty in Georgia election fraud case

Does Crybaby Trump have to sit in the corner for throwing food on the wall? Sure looks like it in the pic.

jordanlund , to Politics in [News[ Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years for Capitol riot avatar

Tarrio is probably crapping himself right now. His sentencing is Tuesday.

lasagna , to U.S. News in Police pull over car with huge bull in passenger seat avatar

No seat belt. Figures.

LDPanda , to U.S. News in Bodycam video shows Ohio police fatally shooting pregnant black woman avatar

OK, I get that she was driving away and it might have been at an officer hard to get all the views when one’s dead. Anyway, 1 He could have easily stepped aside and got the make, model, and tag etc so as to not escalate the situation 2 How the fuck is step 2 shoot to kill. Could’ve shot the radiator or a tire or you know not fired a gun. This is why shit’s so messed up, there’s no middle ground you’re either complying with them or you’re a deadly threat nothing in between. De-Escalation training needs to be mandatory every few months.

Sharpiemarker ,

The question for me is, is a couple hundred Dollars of alcohol or groceries worth someone’s life? Why not let her go and pursue charges against her rather than executing her in the parking lot?

StringTheory OP ,

In a video statement a day after the shooting, Belford said two officers were helping someone get into a locked car when a supermarket employee told them several people were leaving with stolen items.…/police-fatally-shooting-a-pregnant-blac…

I have a hard time seeing a 7-months pregnant woman being part of a gang of thieves and running from a store with her arms full of bottles of alcohol.

And if she was part of the gang, you record her license plate and get the security camera pictures and call her in. What the hell are cops being taught?

jarfil , avatar

7-months pregnant woman being part of a gang of thieves

That’s possibly the only part of this that I could understand: some people use the “fake pregnant” or “fake obese” strategy to fit in more stuff under their clothes… so just by seeing someone who “looks like” they’re pregnant, you can’t “rule out” them being a thief.

Shooting even a confirmed thief, still isn’t justified.

Seathru ,

What the hell are cops being taught?…/warrior-cop-class-dave-grossman-killo…

Melkath ,

Cocaine. Meth. Steroids. Affiliations with nazi organizations.

95 percent of cops.

jcarax , to U.S. News in Police pull over car with huge bull in passenger seat

Cops are on such a power trip these days, what a load of bull.

BigTrout75 , to U.S. News in Bodycam video shows Ohio police fatally shooting pregnant black woman

I agree with de-escalation training. These events seem to have a common elements.

  1. Officer tells person to do something.
  2. They don’t do it.
  3. Officer repeats request yelling.
  4. Person ignores request. 5.Officer brings out the gun.
  5. Person ignores and tries to escape.
  6. Officer shots.
violetsareblue , to U.S. News in Bodycam video shows Ohio police fatally shooting pregnant black woman

I’d like to point out that there’s few times scarier/more life threatening than interacting with a cop - esp as a black person. Something about knowing someone can murder you and people will make excuses for them.

I don’t blame her for driving away at all. Exactly because of the bullshit cops pull- aka their guns. There’s no amount of following directions that will save you if the cop is racist/trigger-happy enough.

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