TigrisMorte , to Work Reform in Frontier Airlines CEO says the pandemic made workers 'lazy' and less productive: 'People are still allowing people to work from home, all this silliness, right?'

Want me to come in? Pay me for my time and expenses to do so.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , to Work Reform in Denver basic income reduces homelessness, food insecurity avatar

Turns out the solution to poverty is to just give people money.

GeneralVincent ,

Well if you think about it, you can actually give money to those in poverty by instead just giving that money to the rich. Because it just trickles down. So I think we should start this program with the rich people, and wait for some sort of trickling down effect to occur very soon. Any day now.

UltraGiGaGigantic ,

Digital bill of rights.

Our data comrades.

Delta_V , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

Also, nobody wants to hire anymore.

If employers get to say it when they can’t fill poverty wage positions, the rest of us get to say it when employers fail to offer 7 figure salaries.

z3rOR0ne , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says avatar

Pfft. This article isn’t nearly in depth enough on the topic.

How about the fact that minimum wage hasn’t kept up with inflation? How about the fact that social security and medicare will be gutted by the time they reach elder years? If they reach those elder years at all with all the homelessness, famine, drought, war, and genocide that is already here and creeping into even the most affluent parts of society?

When you ask why kids don’t want to work these days, perhaps you’re not asking the right question because the better question is so uncomfortable, you’d rather not ask it?

Cuz the better question is “Why would kids even want to live in this increasingly nightmarish world my and previous generations have all had a hand in creating?”

But hey, don’t worry about it. Just keep your head in the sand, keep removed about shit you don’t want to understand, and count your stock options, capitalism daddy. /s

SlopppyEngineer ,

Recently the boss asked since guy why he doesn’t put in more effort for the end of year evaluation and a promotion. Guy opens a spreadsheet that he’d been working on. It basically shows that even when he’d double his wage in that promotion, he still would not be able to afford a house and felt striving for a promotion in those circumstances didn’t matter much. The boss left.

OpenStars , avatar

When you ask why kids don’t want to work these days…

It’s simple - just don’t ever ask:-). \s :-( 🥲

And yeah, the rate of suicide (including overdosing) is quite shocking. Or depending on who you ask I would guess, “excellent” (evil laughter while wringing hands). Factors like race or even class doesn’t seem to matter to them (edit: okay so they do matter, but it still happens across all of them) - globalization and mechanization means fewer workers are necessary, hence what is not necessary is irrelevant, to The (Illuminati’s) Machine, that cares only for survival of the fittest. :-|

Oh, and no - “keeping removed about shit” implies things like not actively voting to take away further rights & privileges. Roe v. Wade was just the start! Next are elections and democracy itself… I only wish I could add a /s here, but from the chatter… it’s no longer just a joking matter anymore? :-( That generation isn’t done yet it seems, implementing the will of whatever their chosen TV Man tells them to do:-(.

Like “You Must Bow Before the Will of God” - oh so you mean like care about people, taking care of widows & orphans, pay workers the wages they are due, always show kindness and compassion even to the undeserving, stuff like that? “No, I meant lower taxes on the top 0.0000001% - and also wipe my butt for me”. Ooookkkkkkaaaaayyyyyy then…

On the bright side, Gen-Z has stuff figured out - they know how to be happier, simply by not giving a shit:-D. Yes they will suffer - as will we all - but less so, having broken free from that horrible mindset that blinded their predecessors? :-)

GreenMario , to Work Reform in Return-to-office orders look like a way for elite, work-obsessed CEOs to grab power back from employees

Once you have enough money to buy anything, all thats left is power and high scores. That’s why we should eat them.

some_guy , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says

“Gen Z is catching on. Vilify them!”

bedrooms , to Work Reform in The data is in: Return to Office policies don't improve employee performance or company value, but controlling bosses don't care

I think these managers who love open office don't understand we need individual rooms.

Also, before talking about returning, there are bigger factors that contribute to productivity. Having a secretary is probably far more important than working in an office.

And to completely de-motivate to return, I work for my life, not the other way around.

bionicjoey ,

I think these managers who love open office don’t understand we need individual rooms.

It’s hard to understand while sitting in a corner office

minorninth ,

I think it’s more that it’s hard to understand when you’re extroverted and your job depends on talking to people all day.

captainlezbian ,

Yeah I’d kill for an office at this point. Like it’s not even to fuck around, I just need to not be constantly distracted or on show. I’m a professional, part of my job is sitting there thinking, I’d like to have space to do that. But nope, open office plan with insane upper management

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , to Work Reform in Jamie Dimon says employees can go work somewhere else if they don't like long commutes into the office, thinks remote work doesn't cut it avatar

So he's going to limit his talent pool to people who both live within commuting distance and aren't good enough at their jobs to find remote work.

That's a bold choice.

some_guy , to Work Reform in I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices

“I’m a complete piece of shit.”

dumpsterlid , to Work Reform in I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices

I think this would be a good time for people to on mass leave google maps reviews with references to this article and the owners greed. Make everyone who searches for Fatburger see that they don’t treat their employees with basic decency and respect.

agissilver ,

en masse

dumpsterlid ,

ent moose

Kit , to Work Reform in Gen Z is forcing a workplace reckoning that should have happened years ago

Gen Z is leading the good fight that we could not. I wish them the best and they have my support at every turn.

vasametropolis ,

As a millennial, I will defend the “could not” in the sense that we were told lies that took too many years into adulthood to detect. Now that we recognize them as lies, we can reliably pass on reality instead of pissing in their ears and telling them it’s raining.

Even to this day, my instinct is to pull up my bootstraps and try harder, since that’s what I was programmed to do. It’s all I know how to do. Maybe Gen Z has better programming and can form their identity around fairness instead of hard work that generally doesn’t pay.

iheartneopets ,

I think this is not quite true or fair. As millennials, it seemed like we were just about the only generation seeing through the bullshit and weren’t benefiting largely from the system that the other gens were. We were alone, so of course we didn’t make much progress. Now we have help from gen z (and hopefully gen alpha in a decade or so), and with our powers combined we are able to start to affect real change!

It’s an exciting time. Millennials, don’t discount yourselves. We walked (felt like limping much of the time) so our Gen Z brethren could help us all run.

woodenskewer , avatar

Not to mention I feel like I spent my whole working life having the “grateful to have a job” mindset. I’m not now, but worked construction through the housing market collapse, a recession or two thereafter. Many corporate bailouts. It wasn’t exactly easy to find a decent job if you didn’t “know” someone.

The global pandemic was a neat addition to the chaos of it all.

Jakdracula , to Work Reform in Gen Z is prioritizing living over working because they've seen 'the legacy of broken promises' in corporate America, a future-of-work expert says avatar

My grandfather was a soldier so my dad could be a farmer so I could be a poet.

xX_fnord_Xx ,

My grandfather was a garbage man so my father could be a fireman so I could stock grocery shelves whilst writing the Great American Novel on my days off.

jonne , to Work Reform in The data is in: Return to Office policies don't improve employee performance or company value, but controlling bosses don't care

Wasn’t this always just a way to do stealth layoffs?

centof ,

For some companies, yes. Ultimately, it all extends from greed. Gotta keep my using my land because otherwise it will lose value. Gotta layoff people to make profits go up. Must make money printer go, Brrrrr.

BaldProphet , avatar

It's ironic because only the largest of companies actually own the land their offices are on. Most companies are seeing higher costs as a result of holding onto offices that they don't actually need.

RTO is in effect making employees significantly less productive because their productivity is countered by the added expense of leasing and maintaining offices.

Bipta , to Work Reform in Tech workers react to UPS drivers landing a $170,000 a year package with a mixture of anger and admiration

Some tech workers questioned whether UPS drivers deserved high pay

Always tearing each other and ourselves down instead of wondering whether the billionaires deserve so much.

Eezyville , avatar

I don’t know who some of these tech workers think they are to have the audacity to think they have a say in what someone else “deserves”.

Madison_rogue , to RedditMigration in Inside Reddit's path to an IPO, where employees see 'thrash' from constant pivots and say more managers may leave amid a flattening avatar

I wonder when buying these 3rd party apps as acquisitions, if Reddit brought along their dev(s) in the process. It sounds like they didn't, which would be so shortsighted. Because what it seems is that once Reddit had these programs in their possession, they didn't know what to do with them, or how to integrate them into their own source least with Spell this seems to be the case. I have no idea about Alien Blue, which I had used at one point prior to using Reddit's own mobile app. All they had to do with Alien Blue is rebrand...why didn't they?

How do you employ nearly 2,000 people. an army of unpaid moderators, and not come up with proper tools to navigate your own program, or find profitability off its user data? I think that Huffman has had no plan, leads a top-heavy organization, has been coasting along the company putting out day-to-day fires, and now he's scrambling to quickly find something profitable to show his investors.

There are a lot of things that don't make sense at the core of Reddit, because Google, Chat AI, and ad revenue are the places to make a profit...not API usage from 3rd party apps. I watched a really great video of the history of D&D last night on Nebula, and wow talk about lessons that Reddit could learn about 3rd party contributors.

(I'm going to link the video, but you need a subscription to Nebula and/or Curiosity Stream to view it). TL;DW summary: D&D works best as a business when it collaborates with 3rd party contributors and its fans.

Shocked Pikachu face there...

AtomicPurple , avatar

That video was just posted to YouTube this morning. No paywall link:

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