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Kit OP ,

I actually have a degree in networking lol

Alex Jones faces day of reckoning over what he owes Sandy Hook families ( )

It’s a day of reckoning today for Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and a long-awaited culmination for the Sandy Hook families who sued Jones for defamation. A federal bankruptcy judge in Texas is expected to force Jones to liquidate his personal assets, including ownership of his media company, Free Speech Systems, in...

Kit ,

I was in a fragile mental state when Sandy Hook occurred and I actually bought into his BS. Luckily it didn't take long for me to wise up, but I feel immense guilt to this day that I ever doubted the tragedy. Glad to see this monster finally get his just desserts.

Study finds 1/4 of bosses hoped Return to Office would make staff quit ( )

HR software biz BambooHR surveyed more than 1,500 employees, a third of whom work in HR. The findings suggest the return to office movement has been a poorly-executed failure, but one particular figure stands out - a quarter of executives and a fifth of HR professionals hoped RTO mandates would result in staff leaving....

Kit ,

His fears happened to me. I worked a fully remote job for 5 years and ended up getting a horrible boss who worked me insane hours and liked to remind me that he could replace me with someone in India for 1/10th my salary.

I left and got a hybrid job that is 2 days in office. It pays 50% more, has a free gym, free EV charging, 30 days of vacation, and better health insurance. And I have a niche specialty so they won't be able to replace me easily. Feels much more secure.

Kit ,

You need a 4 year degree to understand the wall of text in that explanation.

Kit ,

I'm not sure why some people do this, but the counter is to be visibly uncomfortable and keep your reactions short. People engage when you engage, for the most part. When they cross a line, keep it at "I see." and don't ask for more details. You might appear aloof but I guarantee that the rest of your colleagues have learned similar defense mechanisms to avoid the same conversation.

Pretend you're their boss's boss - how would he or she react if an employee trauma dumped?

Kit ,

Regarding your balding comment, many transmen go bald after starting on testosterone so that makes sense.

Kit ,

In what realm is $19/hr “lucky” wages? And who is working an office job for $11??

Gas station employees and fast food employees make $15/hr here and I’m in one of the most affordable cities in the US. Office work starts at around $20 for low skill positions.

Kit ,

I use YouTube Shorts quite a bit and have never seen that kind of content. It’s all gaming and cooking stuff for me, which matches my search history.

Kit ,

Slang for イラッなり (iranari) which means “Annoyed”

Kit ,

It’s safest to keep your bed against an interior wall instead of a window, in case of earthquakes or other natural disasters. Or even someone crashing their car into your house, bombs dropping, etc.

Kit ,

Broken glass hurts.

Kit ,

I can’t stand working til 5. After work I still need to go to the gym, cook dinner, eat, clean the kitchen, walk the dog, spend time with my family, and relax. How is that possible?

I got a job that allows me to set my own hours and work 6:30-2:30 and it has been a godsend. Feels like I have a life again.

Kit ,

My Shiba is the same. He goes through a stuffed toy in a few hours of pure bliss. We got him an indestructible silicone toy and he plays with it all the time, though, and it has held up for a few months now.

Kit ,

Challenge accepted. I ran a Zillow search with your criteria and prices range from $260k for a fixer upper to $390k for a recent renovation. I’m in a major city, but it’s one of the most affordable in the US. You must be in the suburbs to be seeing those prices. Also bear in mind that the “Zestimate” has no bearing on reality - you need to look at homes that are actually up for sale.

Kit ,

You said they’re small and cheap. Small is right, but the household income needed to afford the fixer upper is nearly twice the average household income in my city.

Kit ,

This image has been around for ages. There was supposedly a medical reason that they had to shave the dog.

Kit ,

Gen Z is leading the good fight that we could not. I wish them the best and they have my support at every turn.

Kit ,

Fuck the grindset. I worked 65 hour weeks for five years and will never go back. My new job is hard capped at 40 thanks to a union.

Kit ,

First time home buyers in the US don’t need any cash for a down payment or closing costs. You can roll it all into the mortgage. This is how the majority of first time homebuyers get started. You just need a good credit score and enough income to qualify for the mortgage - which is impossible in some cities and easy on a McDonalds wage in others.

Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay ( )

As part of his Labor Day message to workers in the United States, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday re-upped his call for the establishment of a 20% cut to the workweek with no loss in pay—an idea he said is “not radical” given the enormous productivity gains over recent decades that have resulted in massive profits for...

Kit ,

I started working a 6:30am-2:30pm job and it’s life changing. The first hour is just getting settled, I spend lunchtime organizing my calendar and Emails, and I still have time for a full day of activities after work.

Kit ,

It’s definitely not for everyone! I’m one of those weirdos who wakes up super early every day naturally. My partner, on the other hand, naturally sleeps til 10 or 11.

Kit OP ,

I haven’t tried. The vast majority of my streaming is in the same network and direct play at 1080p. The rest is remote when I’m at work at 480p because I have to use data instead of WiFi.

I’ve heard that the M1 Mac Minis can transcode at 4k but I didn’t want to shell out the cash for it.

Kit OP ,

That’s disappointing. I wonder if the M2 is more capable. Granted at that price point there’s little reason to go Mac instead of Linux or even Windows.

Kit OP ,

What’s the best way to convert to 1080p x256?

Kit OP ,

Admittedly I was mostly drawn to the clean form factor of the mini stack. It’s just so pretty.

It was a happy bonus that Plex was originally designed for Mac and works flawlessly on Mac hardware.

Kit OP ,

Yep you got it, the Ministack enclosure. The brown wood base I got on Amazon - it’s a no name brand, just search for Mac Mini wood stand.

Kit OP ,

Yep that’s it!

Kit OP ,

I’m running Mac OSX.

Kit ,

I’m a trans guy who transitioned in the 2000s. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have on the unique perspective of men’s issues from someone who spent 20 ish years as a woman.

Kit ,
  1. For me, testosterone primarily feels like the ability to focus and critically think - like my head was foggy before and is now clear. Everything seems to be logical, and my ability to troubleshoot complex issues is dramatically stronger when my T levels are good. Without T, everything feels extremely emotional and even minor things feel like they’re high-stakes. That’s not to say that I don’t feel emotion with T, rather the emotions are more appropriate for the situation. I do find that I care less about people in general when on T - For example, when I see a stranger with a problem I don’t feel like I have an obligation to help them whereas before I had an intristic need to help everyone around me.
  2. I had many biological changes, such as a change in body fat and muscle, significant facial/body hair, hair thinning - which is a miserable conversion in and of itself, period loss, and changes in my genitals that I would prefer not to discuss. All of these were euphoric to me, meaning they made me feel good and more like myself.
  3. I think that the best way for a man to understand a woman and vice-versa is to roleplay online as the opposite gender. For example, you may have noticed that people are more willing to help and harass you as a female character. Male characters mostly get ignored.
  4. I thought on this one for a while and couldn’t come up with a strong response that doesn’t just parrot the talking points of this community.
  5. I felt indifferent and uninterested in strip clubs before transitioning. I still feel the same way. They just seem like a bad time to me.
  6. Before transitioning I didn’t understand gender dynamics at all. I thought it was a level playing field and had no grasp on the many courtesies and dangers that women face that men do not, and vice-versa. It’s often frustrating to see people rag on men’s or women’s behavior/privilege/issues, because people rarely hit the mark on reality.

I did also want to mention that one thing blew my mind - The way that the dynamics of a room change when it’s all men, versus when there’s a single woman in the room. With all men, it seems like guys relax and suddenly don’t feel the need to walk on eggshells. Social courtesies become significantly less important and men tend to communicate more directly. Next time you’re in a room of all men and a woman walks in, keep an eye out for the subtle differences in how men behave.

Kit ,

I replied above just now. I got stuck on #4 and thought on it for the night.

Kit ,

To be clear, clarity of mind is my own personal experience and it’s unclear if T affected me that way because that’s what it’s like for everyone or if it can be attributed to dysphoria. In other words, it’s possible that I didn’t feel right in my body so I couldn’t focus on the things around me.

Bear in mind that Estrogen levels drop during menopause so you’ll find out one day. :)

My horniness was not impacted by T.

Kit , (edited )
  1. I did not find that people take me more seriously at work as a man. However, I work in tech and all companies I have worked are focused on ensuring that women have an equal place at the table. I imagine that other fields yield different results. – I did want to note that I had the opposite experience with healthcare. As a woman, doctors were less likely to take me seriously. As a man, they take anything I say to be the truth and trust me to make decisions.
  2. Disadvantages of being male are:
  • People are more reluctant to help you with anything and everything, as if he’s a man, so he’s got it.
  • Harder to date and socialize. It’s downright isolating at times.
  • Strangers are less likely to trust you.
  • There are fewer social programs to help men in need. I was homeless for a spell and there were no shelters for men, for example.
  • It’s much harder to get a job in tech as a man, because companies try to meet a gender quota despite most applicants being men.
  • Strangers are more likely to be violent towards men.
  • Must be careful around women so they don’t think I am a danger. For example, if walking at night and a woman is coming from the opposite direction I feel obligated to cross the street so they don’t think I’m going to attack or harass them.
Kit ,

If you yearn for a male only space, check out the Freemasons. There’s something there for everyone, and it’s a great way to make friends later in life.

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