
The first act of the second episode of season 2 of DS9 is possibly the best scene in all of Star Trek

I’m rewatching it now, it’s so well written that it almost stands out from the rest of the episode. It comes off like something from David Mamet or The West Wing. It’s not Far Beyond The Stars or In The Pale Moonlight, the stakes of the episode are too low. But the material it gave all the actors to work with, the...

"Undetermined" language seems to prevent seeing content in other languages.

As a noob this is likely me, but I tried to start a community on another server and I can’t see the post (my other account used to make said community) made and set as english. Unless it’s just me being a noob, that can’t be good. A cursory look seems to confirm that I can’t see anything aside from “Undetermined”.

Is there a tendency to regard books which make us feel bad as "better" than ones which don't?

I’m dragging myself through an “award-winning” “best-selling” “recommended” book I got from the library and wishing I hadn’t. (Yes I know those phrases mean little and I can stop, though I’m nearing the end after hoping it would stop being so hopeless. Yes I can be naively optimistic ;) .) The characters and...

[ELECTRICAL] I am planning a project and need help

I am drawing out diagrams for a project I want to do to involve loads of buttons in a 8x8 grid but… I don’t know how to go about driving them, if someone could show a simple way to not use a lot of pins to accomplish this I’d be happy as then I’d be able to continue drawing out my plans....

Reddit comments getting reported

I run a decent sized sub. I’ve noticed the last few days that all my sticky posts that say where else you can find us are getting mass reported. I usually have like 6 reports a week. I’m getting a report on every post made that gets the sticky all of a sudden. I just took the word “Lemmy” out and we’ll see if that...

Efficient basement dehumidification?

I have 2 standard freestanding units in my basement and crawlspace running 24/7. I want to get something more energy efficient, will last a while, and that’s easy to maintain. I am considering an Aprileaire dehumidifier. Based on this www.energystar.gov/productfinder/…/results it would appear they have a high efficiency...

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x02 "Ad Astra Per Aspera"

::: spoiler Logline Commander Una Chin-Riley faces court-martial along with possible imprisonment and dishonorable dismissal from Starfleet, and her defense is in the hands of a lawyer who’s also a childhood friend with whom she had a terrible falling out. :::...

Recently discovered House of Leaves and it is fantastic

I’ve never had a book that I so immediately wanted to dive right back into. If you haven’t heard of it, but like a good mystery (closer to a self-contained ARG than Agatha Christie) or a good 500 page movie review, I could not recommend it more! This weekend I’m planning to do another read-through to catch things I might...

Opinions on Solarwinds Patch Manager vs. Barebones WSUS?

Greetings, all! I’m new to Lemmy and to this community, but hoping there might be some here with opinions to offer on whether Solarwinds Patch Manager is worth the price or if I should just continue to make due with plain WSUS. Initially I found WSUS to be unreliable and a general pain in the ass, but after some tinkering I...

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