
Options for equalizing temperature between the basement and the rest of the house in summer?

I live in a pretty old house in the midwest, built 1929, bought in '21, single-story, ~1300ish sqft, and with a large, spacious basement. Every time summer comes around I've had issues with the basement getting MUCH colder than the rest of the house (like >10 degrees F difference), presumably due to poorly-insulated floors and...

If you ever worked shifts and transitioned to a 9 to 5 job, how difficult was the change?

I’m a nurse working shifts and sometimes 5 days without a pause and I still don’t know if I’m gonna take one of the 2 9 to 5 jobs my hospital system has offered. I’d earn less money, but I’m already 45 years old and I don’t know if I should call it quits and settle for a regular job 5 days a week and free weekends...

And They Had A Plan

Back in 2023 I started a new game in #Satisfactory where I did set out (on a whim) to build the #BattlestarGalactica – and fair warning: I never finished it. I found some measurements of this iconic ship from the #BSG verse online, which is apparently something like 1.44km x 551m and converted this to 179.6 x 68.9 Satisfactory...

Any suggestions for how to get good sports photos?

Most of my photography has been of relatively stationary subjects, where I just use single-servo AF and either focus & recompose or move the single focus point to where in the frame I want the subject, or largely-individual sports like triathlon. But I've struggled getting sharp shots in team sports photography with a large...

How often do I actually need my heat pump system tuned up?

I had a heat pump installed about a year ago. It came with one free service and the installing company has been calling me almost every week to come out and do the complimentary tune up. I know that I obviously should take a free tune up, but it made me wonder. How often do I actually need this done? What are they actually...

tRNA suppressor mutation to transcribe nonsense mutations

Okay, so I know this might be a bit hyperspecific, but I don't know where else to ask it. I'm working through a microbiology lecture, and the professor says the the B strain of E. coli has a tRNA suppressor that allows it to transcribe phage genes that have any nonsense mutation. That seemed a bit vague, so I decided to look it...

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