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Akasazh , avatar

I wish this person a sense of belonging and if being loved for what they are. Even by themselves. It does really make clear what kind of handicap gender dysphoria is, it reads like a irl purgatory.

Akasazh , avatar

Your positivism regarding this fact is both infectious as a bit disconcerting.

Akasazh , avatar

An old Warner brothers cartoon style wall walk

Akasazh , (edited ) avatar

That site is hilarious if you’re a Dutch speaker. ‘Kut’ is a colloquial term for the female reproductive organ, but also a common swear word, akin to cunt. The word is used as an adjective too, for something being terrible. So KUT news would be very bad news indeed.

The ‘need more KUT?’ blurb really made me laugh out loud.

Akasazh , avatar

In that case Trump would be eager to go to prison.

Can anyone give me advice on how to solve this T1-11 siding rot? ( )

I recently bought my first house and I noticed some rot happening beside our garage door. It appears that when the cement driveway was poured, they got too close to the siding and now water is wicking up into the wood. I figure I can cut back the siding and replace it but how do I stop this from happening again?

Akasazh , avatar

The birds don’t take my fancy, but I’m a sucker for puns and collective nouns, so here’s my upvote.

Akasazh , (edited ) avatar

A friend who is an airline pilot once told me one of the stewardesses made hamburgers on the hotel room iron, to safe money. They actually get an allowance to eat at the location, still she did that. So stingy.

Akasazh , avatar


Akasazh , avatar

Hamberder gunk

Akasazh , avatar

Hey somehow the USA thought the term president was for life. Every ex one is still addressed as such.

They obviously didn’t foresee a curmudgeon like trump becoming president and smearing the office with the never dying crud and stench of corruption and ball sweat, but it’s still how is supposed to be done…

Akasazh , avatar

It’s quite grainy, what’s the iso setting?

Akasazh , avatar

Fascinating, haven heard this perspective. Could you (or fellow countrymen) fill in a bit more backstory?

Akasazh , avatar

Don’t rush it mate, enjoy the buzz. I’ll do to and turn into bed in a mo. Interested to read up on it tomorrow.

raises glass in general direction of the USA

Akasazh , avatar

Great write-up. For someone on the other side of the pond the internal state politics are rather hard to follow.

It makes sense now, as I could not really parse the sudden tien around in Georgian backing. Them dropping Trump seemed it off character.

Good that they did, though it’s an enemy of my enemy sort of thing, but I’m happy someone called a limit to his bullshit, albeit for almost the opposite reason.

Akasazh , avatar

Much obliged!

MAGA Lawyer Doubles Down on Election Lie After Arrest for Trying to Steal Election Himself ( )

While leaving the courthouse, Eastman reportedly resisted his attorney’s efforts to steer him away from an awaiting gaggle of reporters. Eastman then doubled down on the election lie used to justify the allegedly illegal effort to keep Trump in office, telling a reporter that there was “no question” in his mind that the...

Akasazh , avatar

Eastman spoke of a:

‘Crossing the Rubicon for our country’

A political and military move which in the end dissolved the Roman republic, ushering in the imperium.

That is kind of a curious metaphor. Either he is completely aware of this and blatantly doubling down or he’s unaware of the implication and just found a fancy way to say ‘watershed moment’.

But either way of interpretation is a bit stupid, which is on brand.

Akasazh , avatar

It’s a bit diminutive and almost as near sighted as ‘masculinity is meat eating’ to equate masculinity to boner strength and frequency.

Akasazh , avatar

I am very depressed and never feel like my feelings are valid. I can’t point to a boogeyman and say “that’s the reason my life sucks” cause I’m the boogeyman and the only reason my life sucks is because I suck.

At least that’s the better attitude. If you are depressed and you cope by hating on whatever minority you get told to hate, it won’t really cure your depression.

The only thing that helps is learning to love yourself and doing things, however small, to love yourself a bit more. It’s very hard to do, and it wont reward you as instantaneously as drugs or cash. I hope you find that and wish you luck.

Alas the internet thrives on rage funneling. Hard to avoid, but very toxic. There’s also an extreme left flavor of funnel, though.

Akasazh , avatar

GL bro, I know how hard it is, so keep on keeping on, you hear? Baby steps

Akasazh , avatar

Unfortunately it seems like the people of the USA rather have a criminal than a woman in charge…

Akasazh , avatar

Yeah I know, is just frustrating. If they’ve had representative voting the GOP would be insignificant…

Akasazh , avatar

I’ve read about a system where excess energy from solar panels is stored as energy in an underground reservoir.

I’ve tried finding an article, so to see if it included your heart pump idea. I think it may be feasible, but I’m not sure how efficient the system would be.

So I’m quite interested, but cannot be of more use, hope someone gives you more of an answer.

Akasazh , avatar

Sort of, it wasn’t in bedrock, but in a cement resevoir.

But cheers for the source!

Akasazh , avatar

To be honest, that pressure storage is from the link the other guy came up with. The idea I’ve read about was about storing thermal energy in underground water, more akin to your original plan.

But I could not find the link to where I read about that, unfortunately.

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