Anticorp , to Men's Liberation in I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are

Men aren’t “broken” just because we interact differently than women. It may be news to that trans man, but we don’t have the same emotional needs as women. We interact in ways that work for us. It is fashionable today to refer to all masculinity as toxic, but we are not the same as women, hard stop. Stop trying to pretend that we are.

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

I think it’s worth examining how much of this is internalized toxic masculinity versus an innate feature of men.

HelixDab2 , to Men's Liberation in I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are

I believe that’s why the suicide rate in men is so much higher. I recently saw that men are four times more likely to commit suicide than women.

That’s accurate, but doesn’t convey they entire picture accurately.

Women attempt suicide at a significantly higher rate than men. The ways women tend to attempt suicide are the ways that are least likely to leave a significant mess; overdosing, hanging, drowning, cutting wrists in a bathtub, etc. Men that attempt suicide are more likely to use methods with a high probability of success, like jumping or firearms. At one time, women’s incomplete attempts were deemed to be a “cry for help” rather sincere suicide attempts, but this is not correct.

jackpot , avatar

rant incoming:

oh come on 4:1 consistently on an almost global scale is way too far to say that all of these women’s attempts are sincere, 4:1 is batshit. it’s the same as when someone says ‘ive attempted ten times’, cause no they didnt, if they did genuinely theyd certainly be dead. theyre not ‘cries for help’, theyre more like them getting internal validation for their feelings. garbaj on youtube made a great video about the romantising of alcholism but it applies here too. i know what i said is a tough pill to swallow but thats the cold truth. im not saying women en masse arent depressed or that theyre doing it for attention, i am saying far less of them are sincerely suicidal and want internal validation of their depression. same shit with sh, it becomes a contest of who can hurt themselves the most as you dont feel your pain is legitmate. people also do this wjth the whole ‘i only got 4 hours sleep’ ‘i only got 2 shut up’ ‘my life is harder, you had it easy’ ‘i drink 4 beers a day’ ‘yeah wrll i drink a bottle of vodka’. people may or may not say this stuff out loud but people definitely fucking feel it deep down and start hurting themselves to feel like their emotions are justified. people need to get that someone having it ‘worse’ or ‘better’ means jackshit to your feelings, the whole ‘be grateful’ for what you have cause ‘a kid in africa…’ narrative is such a fucking dogshit way of thinking and leads to this shit by undermining and delegitmising feelings. if youre unhappy, you dont need to prove it. just cause someone needs alcohol to cope doesnt mean their circumstances are worse / feelings are more valid (those two things do not directly impact one another, dont think i mean that). even if their feelings were ‘more valid’ somehow, why the fuck does that matter to yours. this isnt some sucide competition, your depression is independent of theirs, they have no relationship.

imnotneo ,

dude. I’m not disagreeing but paragraphs are a thing

peanutbutterjams ,

So all those men who die from suicide matter less?

At what point do you realize that you’re talking about other human being’s lives and stop using them as a scorecard?

And who decided they weren’t “cries for help”? I only ask because of the recent attempts by feminists to cover up the fact that the majority of the homeless are men by (1) giving homeless stats by every dmeographic except “men” and (2) fabricating the category of the “hidden homeless” (i.e., women who live in homes that aren’t theirs…but still live in homes).

feedum_sneedson , to Men's Liberation in I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are


xdre , to Politics in [News] Trump rally interviewer backpedals after man calls to "kill them all"

Got caught slippin' in 4K.

lemonflavoured , to Politics in [News] Trump rally interviewer backpedals after man calls to "kill them all" avatar

In some ways its not that surprising that people are being this open about it. But it is a bit worrying.

reddig33 , to Politics in Discussion: Ginni Thomas "may have crossed the line"—Lawyers on fake electors plot

She’s crossed many lines. This just might be the one that actually gets her in trouble.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Discussion: Ginni Thomas "may have crossed the line"—Lawyers on fake electors plot

This is the wrong label to use for this submission. Please change to News.

Discussion threads should not link to external sources. Discussion threads should be a place for you to post original content with regard to a question or a prompt posed about a larger concept, and not necessarily about a singular event in the politisphere. This is clearly explained in the sidebar and community / submission rules.

Please correct. Thank you!

MomoTimeToDie , to Politics in If Trump were innocent, he'd "walk over fire" for speedy trial: Swalwell avatar

Lol what? A huge amount of people specifically waive their right to a speedy trial, entirely to allow more time to build a solid defense. Guilty or not, just trying to rush through the case is a surefire way to get fucked in court.

Jaysyn , to Politics in Matt Gaetz would rather have Russia than Ukraine in NATO avatar

Russia was offered a spot in NATO in the 90's. They declined.

Tetra , to Politics in Matt Gaetz would rather have Russia than Ukraine in NATO avatar

This is idiotic in too many ways to count

effingjoe , to Politics in Matt Gaetz would rather have Russia than Ukraine in NATO

Someone should probably ask him why he thinks NATO was formed in the first place.

takeda , to Politics in News: LAPD taking selfies with Donald Trump sparks outrage

How appropriate that corrupted people like to hang out with corrupted individual.

xc2215x , to Politics in News: LAPD taking selfies with Donald Trump sparks outrage

Not surprised people would be outraged.

keeb420 ,

not surprised class traitors love an actual traitor.

style99 , to Politics in Republicans are losing money because of Trump avatar

In November 2020, Joe Biden defeated Trump by 306 electoral college votes to 232, resulting in him being inaugurated as president the following January. Trump is continuing to insist the contest was "rigged" against him, though this claim has been repeatedly dismissed in court and by independent legal and election experts.

It turns out that making repeated false claims is a stupid business decision. Amazing, that anyone still thinks of Trump as a business genius.

chatterbox , to Politics in Trump indictment "getting closer" after Giuliani interview—Watergate lawyer

I want nothing more than to see Rudy's deposition or on the stand. I can only imagine him popping another leak and farting out loud when pressed during questioning.

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