Hairyblue , to Politics in Biden Won't Pack the Supreme Court, and It's Killing Democracy avatar

Better title is Republicans are working to kill democracy by using corrupt right wing Supreme Court.
I agree Biden should pack the court to get average citizens to respect the Supreme Court again. Because the rulings the current court are making are not what the majority of us want.

Don't vote for Republicans, they don't care about our democracy.

scaredoftrumpwinning ,

In this climate I don’t see how Biden could pack the court. It would never clear the senate. Even though on paper Democrats are in control it is only on paper and not real life.

The rulings the court makes should be based on law not opinion, even if it is popular opinion. That being said accepting bribes from people that you are ruling on their cases and making rulings on made up stuff doesn’t really smell lawful. Those bribes would get anyone fired in corporate America but seems AOK for this banana court.

This court will go down in the history books (in some states, I’m sure FL won’t allow it) as the worst court session yet. Roberts will be known for a enabler of the illegitimacy of this court. Roberts response instead of leading is don’t say bad things about us you might hurt our feelings. He seems concerned about the image but isn’t doing a thing about it.

The best thing I can think of is vote out the party of hate, greed and power and see what we can do after the elections.

Hairyblue , avatar

Biden was asked in the 2020 Primary about packing the court and he said "no". Unless I'm remembering this wrong and I don't think I am. And it looks like Biden will be our choice again for the election, so I don't see this changing, unless he says he NOW would pack the court.

I'm for packing the court. Only other way is impeachment.

QHC , avatar

I would assume that Biden said that because he knows it is not practical and would be a waste of his limited time and political power.

Obama made a similar compromise in not pushing for single payer but instead focusing on the compromise that became the ACA. He used basically all of his first term to get that passed, and while it may not have gone far enough for a lot of progressives--including myself--I sure am glad we have that instead of nothing!

monkey_fish ,

And it has to clear the house as well which definitely won't happen before 2025. I wish people understood the current limitations of the presidency and paying laws in general.

holo_nexus , avatar

Because the rulings the current court are making are not what the majority of us want.

The job of SCOTUS is not to rule based on what the “majority” of people want. It’s to check the constitutionality of the policies and laws passed by the other 2 branches.

Jaysyn , avatar

They aren't doing that either. Just last week they released back to back completely contradictory rulings, one of them allowing businesses to use intrinsic characteristics to decide that they don't have to make a cake for you, but somehow, that's not ok when another business (colleges) does it.

They've decided that the pure fantasy of a religion is the most important characteristic a US citizen can possess.

Fuck impeachment, they are frauds & half of them should be incarcerated for taking bribes.

holo_nexus , (edited ) avatar

To start, your confusing the cake case with the one from last week that had to do with a website for gay marriage (cake happened years ago). In both, they ruled that the 1st amendment rights of free expression and freedom of religion supersedes state nondiscriminatory laws.

For the record, I’m completely opposed to the rulings. But what you claim to be “pure fantasy of religion” is not something a large portion of the population would not agree with as they believe is some sort of faith, and the right to believe that faith is something that is protected by our 1st amendment whether you like it or not. I mean, it’s something that makes our country great is it not?

In regards to affirmative action, it was bound to be overturned due to its own discriminatory nature. Are there massive discrepancies in access to quality education, funding, wealth, and opportunities on a socio-economic and racial basis that is widespread all throughout society? Of course! But affirmative action is NOT the answer or solution to this, again due to its own discriminatory nature (and therefore, unconstitutional).

The whole bribery thing with Roberts and Thomas is a separate issue, and there needs to be severe consequences for such actions. Does SCOTUS have massive problems currently? Yes! But the faster we realize that it was meant to be a non-partisan institution with the sole purpose of interpreting the constitution and not ruling based on what the majority of people want, the faster we’ll realize that the institution is currently broken and we need to be very careful with what solutions are implemented (and no, packing the court is not a solution. It’ll make the whole situation exponentially worse)

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in Ginni Thomas under scrutiny following arrest of Michigan fake electors

Lock her up

Hellsadvocate , avatar

Can we lock him up alongside her?

IHeartBadCode , to Politics in Matt Gaetz would rather have Russia than Ukraine in NATO avatar

For a guy who is on the US House Armed Services Committee, he sure as hell understands surprisingly little about World War II and the Cold War. Russia has expansion interest since after World War II. In fact, that's how a lot of Soviet Russia was formed. The allies bombed the fuck out the nations, the nations were destitute, broken down countries are really easy to just sweep in and take over. The thing as we all know about that last part is that, it's easy to topple leadership in a country, it's mighty difficult to maintain your grasp on the nation cough Iraq cough.

NATO aims to combine a military strength to act as a deterrent towards expansion into member states, which is why a lot of Europe is in NATO. The only thing guiding NATO is the fourteen articles of the North Atlantic Treaty, outside of that, nations are free to govern themselves. This is in opposition to how Russia was going about adding Ukraine, Moldova, and so on to their collective group.

NATO in very loose terms is a different way of doing a USSR, if that helps Matt Gatez to understand "WHY" we can't just:

extend NATO to Russia and make it an anti-China alliance?

Russia isn't interested in upholding the means by which nations govern. It's like asking the San Francisco 49ers why they won't invite the Boston Red Soxs to come play a game. They aren't doing things that have enough similarities to not have a ton of friction on the collaborative and still call it "football" or "baseball" as we know it. We can totally invent something completely different, but per the definition of things being what they claim to be: Something completely different is in fact completely different than NATO currently be, and thus, we would just invent something different (oh say like a G and some number after it) that has less friction to facilitate interchange in that regard.

But even then when we try something different and invite Russia, they still just have to go edgelord and fuck their membership up. So we literally tried to take Chad to get ice cream at McDonald's as a way to see if they're ready to go to an actual sit down place, AND Chad just couldn't help but to take a shit in the ball pit. So since Chad still is shitting in ball pits, we cannot take Chad to the sit down place with the nice dessert. That's just how it be currently.

So hopefully that's dumbed down enough for even him to understand why we "just don't go and do that thing". If Russia cannot help itself to fuck it's membership up with the G8, they sure as shit aren't going to act proper in a setting like NATO. How is this a thing that eludes this guy?

blightbow , avatar

Even if he understands, it doesn't suit his narrative. He is a far-right politician who says what his owners (domestic and otherwise) want to hear on the cameras. It's a coin toss whether he actually believes some of the things that he says, but largely inconsequential at the end of the day because he isn't going to argue in good faith even if someone miraculously trips over a genuine belief that he holds close to him.

joeyjojojrshabadoo , to Politics in Matt Gaetz would rather have Russia than Ukraine in NATO

Matt the pedophile?

cupcakezealot , to Politics in Discussion: Ginni Thomas "may have crossed the line"—Lawyers on fake electors plot avatar

The headline has the same energy as Jeffrey Dahmer may have crossed the line when he used mayo on his people sandwich.

Kata1yst , to Politics in Discussion: Ginni Thomas "may have crossed the line"—Lawyers on fake electors plot avatar

It's amazing to witness how distant and thin the line is for the wealthy and powerful.

dingus , avatar

People think Elon Musk is an idiot (he is, but that’s beside the point I’m making) because he acts like the rules don’t apply to him.

The thing is, for the most part, they don’t. He breaks the law with abandon because he knows he can get away with it and what punishments that can and will be handed down to him will be so miniscule that he can hand-wave them away each time he’s faced with them.

In other words, part of the reason people like this are grand fucking idiots is because they’ve literally had no pushback, like ever, for their fucking chicanery.

What’s really funny is that you can actually replace the name “Elon Musk” in my first sentence with a litany of other names “Donald Trump,” “Rudy Giuliani,” and so on. There really is a whole swath of society who are the biggest fucking morons you will ever meet because they’ve been completely enabled by a system that refuses to punish them because they have money.

Dave Chapelle is now a rich piece of shit, too, but there was a point where it seemed like he understood this disparity in policing behavior. Considering this sketch was from around 2005, it’s kind of wild to see how things have only become worse and more brazen since then.

Arguably, the worse and more brazen issue is another nail in the coffin of “these motherfuckers are absolutely stupid as shit” because they think we can’t see through their charade and how much more out-in-the-open their corruption is now. They’re not even hiding it.

mPony ,

The "not hiding it" is a flex.
It's the "hey, look what I can do" playground mentality expressed by a hyper-rich hyper-powerful person. It's "grab the legal system by the pussy."

StarServal , avatar

We need a Poor Nobody Black Man clause to the legal system. If we really want the legal/justice system to apply equally to everyone, then everyone’s identity should be obfuscated and presented as being a poor black man of no fame or renown.

It shouldn’t have to be this way, and it’s regrettable that people who naturally fall under one or more of those categories experience a different system than if not, but that’s exactly why it could be effective. It could either see the system changed to be less prejudiced, or it could see actual justice being done to those who deserve it most.

Or I’m just totally out of my mind and don’t realize it.

Unaware7013 ,

I'd rather see fines as a percentage of income. It would lessen the burden on the poor and actually give the wealthy meaningful consequences.

But I know that's literally the opposite of how the system is designed.

bedrooms ,

I'd say maintained.

be_excellent_to_each_other , avatar

Dave Chapelle is now a rich piece of shit, too, but there was a point where it seemed like he understood this disparity in policing behavior. Considering this sketch was from around 2005, it’s kind of wild to see how things have only become worse and more brazen since then.

You'd be hard pressed to find a single episode of Chappelle's Show where he doesn't make direct or indirect reference to police brutality - back when I was young and dumb and unaware of my own privilege enough that I still thought it was a rarity and he was actually making jokes.

But despite his other recent controversies, I haven't heard anything whatsoever to make me think he's backpedaled on that topic. Has there been some event that I missed?

Emu , to Politics in RFK Jr replaces Trump as Russia's favorite candidate avatar

I can't believe Cheryl Hines is married to this guy, and he's an open anti-semite and she works for Larry. SOOO WEIRD, I wish Larry would cut ties with these racist scum

DarkGamer , to Politics in RFK Jr replaces Trump as Russia's favorite candidate avatar

It's hard to be an effective Russian asset from prison.

Col3814444 OP , to Politics in Florida insurance premiums have soared 206% since DeSantis became governor

Sure millions of people will lose everything they own during the next big storm, but at least the ‘gays’ were put in their place, eh Florida?

lowdownfool , avatar

At least they won't be "woke".

rafoix ,

New GOP slogan. “I’m broke, not woke!”

argv_minus_one ,

Don’t get too cocky. The same thing is happening in California, if I recall correctly.

lowdownfool , avatar

At least California isn't waging a culture war attempting to erase whole swaths of the populace.

Drusas , to Politics in News: LAPD taking selfies with Donald Trump sparks outrage

Wonder if they're also gang members.

Arotrios OP , avatar

As someone who lived in LA, I have no doubt. I'm not scared of cops generally, but my interactions with the LAPD and LASD have led me to believe that they see themselves as violent enforcers, not civilian protectors. They were threatening, quick to intimidate, and bragged about killing suspects... or as they put it, "bad guys". That they've got members in their ranks who would openly align with an indicted traitor only reinforces my opinion that both departments need serious reform.

whygohomie , to Politics in Biden Won't Pack the Supreme Court, and It's Killing Democracy

The court was already packed by right wing ratfucking. I still want to knkw what Trump said to Kennedy that made him stop dead in his tracks and resign shortly after. And the fucking Scalia rules for thee but not for me debacle. And all that to say nothing of Leo and the Federalist Society.

Maybe part of the problem is the media never calls out right wing court packing, but then screeches from the rooftops when Biden even thinks about rebalancing the court.

tetris11 ,

I still want to knkw what Trump said to Kennedy that made him stop dead in his tracks and resign shortly after.

Got any more info on that?

themadcodger , avatar

I thought it was to protect his son from being exposed in some shady deals?

Tinister ,

I like using "stacking" to describe what happened. McConnell stacked the court.

It implies the same amount of ratfuckery but cuts off the useless retort of "nuh-uh they didn't add more than nine justices".

wagesj45 , to Politics in Biden Won't Pack the Supreme Court, and It's Killing Democracy avatar

HEADLINE: Rich Old Man Doesn't Care About Future

e_t_ Admin , to Politics in Libertarians want control over Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell

You can always trust a libertarian to fundamentally misunderstand how society works and to make insane proposals based on their misunderstanding.

bestnerd ,

Yeah but if they air the court case, it’s gonna be fantastic

btaf45 ,

Why do Libertarians hate freedom?

Ensign_Crab ,

Because Black people can enjoy it too.

argv_minus_one , to Politics in [News] Trump rally interviewer backpedals after man calls to "kill them all"

I mean, yeah, that’s exactly what they intend to do: kill us all. Genocide of everyone not in their cult. And then of everyone who is in their cult.

btaf45 , to Politics in Discussion: Ginni Thomas "may have crossed the line"—Lawyers on fake electors plot

Reminder that Steve Bannon frankly confessed Trump's Start the Steal conspiracy plans to a group of Trump insiders before the election.

…audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election.

Let’s listen. [Begin Videotape]

STEVE BANNON: And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory, right? He’s going to declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner. The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump’s going to take advantage — that’s our strategy.

He’s gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it’s going to be even crazier. Because he’s gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden’s wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit.

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