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Bill Maher postpones return to the air, the latest TV host to balk at working during writers strike ( )

Bill Maher has delayed returning to his HBO talk show during the ongoing strike by writers and actors, a decision that follows similar pauses over the weekend by “The Drew Barrymore Show,” “The Talk” and “The Jennifer Hudson Show.”...

keeb420 ,

i stopped when he had milo y on and complained about being cancelled. and then it came out milo y is in favor of kids getting groomed and molested in gay clubs.

keeb420 ,

i hate these greedflation causing piece of shits. complete and total arrogance. admiral klancy said it best

keeb420 ,

well since he failed to learn from it maybe they should repeat the lesson.

keeb420 ,

They act like the biggest patriots ever and then do shit that shows how much they actually hate America.

keeb420 ,
  1. Unionize everywhere.
  2. Fuck Sawant.
keeb420 ,

Watching her be a rep for Seattle it became clear she's about herself and her party above all else. She's a socialist version of trump, which is the last thing we need on the left.

The GOP’s Ludicrous Claims of “Election Interference” ( )

Now that Donald Trump has earned his fourth criminal indictment, the MAGA base of the Republican Party has rallied around Trump’s dismissals of the legal charges he’s facing. We hear across the MAGAverse that the prosecutions targeting the former president are simply “election interference”—aimed at derailing Trump’s...

keeb420 ,

Let them cry. How can we have a nation if we don't have laws. We must have law and order.

keeb420 ,

Oh no they might have to make some personal sacrifices for the betterment of Georgia and the country.

keeb420 ,

sounds like something the doj should look into. it sounds like theres multiple counts of denying people their civil rights to me, among other crimes.

Republicans Are Wrong on Abortion—and They Know It ( )

A recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll found that 80 percent of voters oppose a federal abortion ban, including 65 percent of Republicans. And what’s more, their base knows that’s exactly what their party is trying to do. Another poll from Navigator found that a majority of voters also “believe it is likely that...

keeb420 ,

They don't care. It's not about abortion or the babies it's about control.

keeb420 ,

I have no idea why buy he reminds me of Ramsey from game of thrones.

Emails reveal Secret Service contacts with Oath Keepers ( )

The emails obtained by CREW as part of an ongoing public records request offer only a snapshot of the communication between the Oath Keepers and the Secret Service. As they focus solely on the time period around the Fayetteville event, the extent of the contact Stewart Rhodes had with the agency remains unknown. The agent...

keeb420 ,

Just another reason to not trust the secret service would stop trump if he tried to flee.

‘We are burned out’: UAW ready to take on automakers in contract negotiations ( )

"The forced overtime – we are working to death. We are working 12-hour shifts, seven days a week, every day, week after week, month after month, year after year. We are burned out,” added Ferdinandsen. “These companies are profiting the way that they are and trying to convince the American people that they’re hurting,...

keeb420 ,

i beleive it. i work in a union warehouse and we can be made to work overtime or take an attendance point. if the company isnt hiring, or not hiring enough, then the poeple who do work there will have to pick up the slack.

keeb420 ,

Now this is funny.

keeb420 ,

Or you get a slap on the wrist like so many who tried a coup on Jan 6th.

keeb420 ,

Cops: we don't get to pick and choose what laws we enforce.

Also cops:

keeb420 ,

and so far theyve done fuck all about it happening. lock this walking crime spree up already. hes a flight risk and hes attacking judges and intimidating witnesses.

keeb420 ,

Sounds like some of my coworkers. I'm not vegetarian but some of the comments about the products in the warehouse are laughable. One coworker said he'd never eat fake meat. Same guy can't understand how someone could be transgender. He's a good person from all accounts I've heard but is stuck on that mindset. It's nice to have something to snack on that something didn't have to die for.

keeb420 ,

He might not be the best president but he might be the best person to be president.

keeb420 ,

There's more the justice dept an do then what the currently gridlocked congress can do.

keeb420 ,

The ones we would think need to be replaced are largely in republican controlled areas. So that would likely gain them support from their base.

keeb420 ,

What more could aoc do here? She can't force a vote on it. And even if she could it'd be shot down with the current congress.

keeb420 ,

While I agree on the point that dems should be trying to reach disaffected voters in red states and that these Republicans who would vote against ethics for tc justices should be replaced. I don't see this doing that if they couldn't already with how corrupt the republican party openly is now.

keeb420 ,

It's not an excuse when it's describing the reality of the situation. Dems can't call a vote here and if they could somehow force a vote it would get voted down just by numbers. Republicans don't care they are openly corrupt.

keeb420 ,

Dems in the last 3 years have done more than trump and Republicans in 4. If they can't bother to see reality then that's on them.

keeb420 ,

What are democrats supposed to kidnap them and force them to vote? I could agree that dems need to be much better at messaging but they can't force people to pay attention to what's happening.

keeb420 ,

If people aren't paying attention to how openly corrupt the republican party as a whole is, this vote won't do much to change that. There's playing hardball and then there's giving your opponents an easy W.

keeb420 ,

You're just making that realization... we've been in this place since Republicans first blocked trumps impeachment solely on political grounds. Hell at least since Obamas last Supreme Court pick was blocked.

keeb420 ,

If you can't already hear thomas boasting "I just beat a Democrat led witchhunt..." I don't know what to tell you. And the republican base would eat that up. It's would be a very easy win for Republicans.

Texas Workforce Commission years behind on recovering back wages for workers, report finds ( )

According to a new study by Rutgers University’s Workplace Justice Lab@RU in partnership with the Workers Defense Project, Torres is among the 3 million Texas workers that have been paid less than the stagnant $7.25 an hour minimum wage between 2009 and 2022. Some of them have outstanding wages ordered from the TWC that have...

keeb420 ,

Another reason why Texas is the one star state.

"I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds ( )

Economic analyst Steven Rattner on Monday shared a pie chart showing that all but 1% of the $3 billion in investments in former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s private equity firm Affinity Partners came from foreign sources after he “spent much of his White House tenure cozying up” to Saudi Arabia and...

keeb420 ,

No shit. He's corrupt af. Between the bone saw incident and him potentially selling out our secrets from trumps trove of classified documents he should be under the jail. If I can see it it should be painfully obvious to anyone who can actually do anything.

keeb420 ,

I thought they wanted law and order and people to stand up for.the rule of law?

Oh wait. This just in they are hypocrites in everything.

You Don't Need to Keep Every Electronic Box!

Just cleaned out mt garage, closet, and attic. No clue why I kept every single box of anything electronic/tech based in the last ten years. I just tossed boxes for phones I haven’t had in years, old CPU and heat sync boxes, boxes for 100mbps nics, old modems I don’t have anymore. I’ve never needed any of these and have...

keeb420 ,

only kept my monitor box in case i need to move. first world problems of owning a super ultrawide.

keeb420 ,

like abbot would let anything that might benefit the poors through.

keeb420 ,

if youre no longer fit to make decisions for yourself on a permanent basis, like dementia here, you should be forced to resign. im not calling for someone who needs it for a short term injury or impairment though.

keeb420 ,

i hope they vote it down. this is some grade a bullshit.

“We’ve Changed the Game”: Teamsters Win Historic UPS Contract ( )

Today, the Teamsters reached the most historic tentative agreement for workers in the history of UPS, protecting and rewarding more than 340,000 UPS Teamsters nationwide. The overwhelmingly lucrative contract raises wages for all workers, creates more full-time jobs, and includes dozens of workplace protections and improvements....

keeb420 ,

While I don't mind the idea it has to be done right to work. And i don't trust modern trek to do it right.

keeb420 ,

It feels like they actually like star trek which is a departure from what I got from picard and the Kelvin timeline movies.

keeb420 ,

We have room in prison. Lock them all up.

Would You Try New Pastimes If Star Trek Level Medical Care Was Available?

Star Trek’s level of medical care is far more advanced than today’s. As Beckett says in LD, “Doc will wave a light over it.” Yet, in Star Trek people aren’t shown doing hobbies and pastimes that are much different from what’s done now. Still, I wonder about differences in a society where people know they won’t be...

keeb420 ,

I'd take up white water kayaking if I could just walk into the infirmary and get it taken care of.

keeb420 ,

Nah fam. Your wage is between you and the employer. The cost of coffee, in this case, is between me and the owner. People should be paid a liveable wage off top and not need to ask the customer to cover your wage twice, once with paying for coffee and the second with the tip.

keeb420 ,

Like gop judges care about silly things like ethics

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