admiralteal , to Politics in Trump allies craft plans to give him unprecedented power if he wins the White House

Imagine being proud of "day 1" oil drilling expansions. "I promise to deliver to the US expensive, polluting energy sources that are destroying the planet even though non-polluting sources already exist, are far, far, far cheaper, and are actively dropping in price even still."

Make America Great Again = return us to the good old days of leaded gasoline and oil crisis.

experbia , avatar

well yes, if they don't figure out a way to produce another generation of lead-poisoned brain-addled self-destructive malignant narcissists, the republican party will never survive!

memfree , to U.S. News in "It feels like I'm not crazy." Gardeners aren't surprised as USDA updates key map.
douglasg14b , avatar

The interactive map doesn’t seem to exist at that link for me 🤔

There’s a zip code search but it doesn’t appear to work I’ve tried a good dozen zip codes around me with no results unfortunately.

memfree ,

By chance are you using adblockers? I noticed it loads scripts from,, and so on, so I bet there are some hooks in there. What I don’t understand is why a .GOV site includes commercial junk that the citizenry might opt to block.

ryathal , to Work Reform in Swedish dockworkers are refusing to unload Teslas at ports in broad boycott move

Sweden is a weird place where basically everything is decided by union contracts. There isn’t even a national minimum wage as there’s enough union power that they effectively get one in the contracts. Companies that try to fight it generally end up losing when they can’t do literally anything without a union blocking them.

vrek ,

So when can Sweeden take over the world?

gribodyr , avatar


Swedneck , avatar

when us nordics can stop being silly and form a union again.

Iron_Lynx ,

Once their brand of unionism is exported to the EU and turned into the norm all over it, I guess they’ll be halfway there.

Dyskolos ,

That’s not weird, that should be normal.

meekah , avatar

I think Sweden’s Union culture is especially interesting in the way that they do cross-trade-strikes. Like this article mentions, not only the mechanics who would be affected by the contract are striking. Instead basically anyone providing a service to Tesla stops providing services to them until they submit to the unions. It’s really quite a nice system. I’d seriously consider moving there if it wasn’t so conservative in some other ways…

mundane ,

I usually think of us (swedes) as very progressive. In what way would you consider us conservative?

cikano ,

Could be weed being illegal here, or the increase of xenophobia / right wingers, or both

meekah , (edited ) avatar

Like the other commenter assumed, I am talking about the rise of right wingers and xenophobia. Maybe I just read about it a lot and think it’s worse than it is. Seeing as this is also happening where I live, in Germany, I suppose it really isn’t that strong of an argument.

I do realize you are relatively progressive in a lot of areas like renewable energy, social services etc.

mundane ,

I see the loud right winged racists as a result on how progressive we are. It’s basically a response to us taking in a lot of foreigners a few years ago. Progress is never a straight line.

Swedes are really welcoming to new solutions if they are logical and beneficial.

  • Iso 8601 dates are the norm (yyyy-mm-dd). No weird order or backslashes.
  • Electronic payments are basically the only form of payment.
  • early adoption of high speed internet for most homes.
  • parents get 80% of the salary for 390 days (to share) to stay home with young kids.
meekah , avatar

You definitely have a point about progress not being a straight line. I would also like to think we are pretty progressive here in Germany but the recent few years have made me question that. Especially because I don’t really agree with the german right wingers being a direct result of the refugees we took in around 2015. A lot of them are very anti establishment generally, almost on a conspiracy theory level. But nontheless, you are right that no curve can forever go up, even if the trend is headed that way.

I don’t really think the first 3 points are markers of real progress, but I have to agree they are nice aspects of day to day life.

The last part is definitely interesting. I know we have something somewhat similar here in germany, but as always, it is hidden behind a huge wall of bureaucracy. Is that similar in Sweden or us bureaucracy more lenient/easy?

Usul_00_ ,

My experience in Sweden suggest those are a very few online loudmouths, not at all indicative of how a visually diverse group was treated there. In fact, one black American mentioned how awesome it was just to be, and have their skin not be an issue in any wsy.

profdc9 ,

Aren’t cross-trade strikes a consequence of union solidarity? I think large federated unions in other countries engage is similar protests.

meekah , avatar

I’m not sure about other countries, but I haven’t heard of anything like that here in germany. To be fair, I’m not even really sure how big unions are here, but I always felt like there is pretty decent coverage. I know there is the IG Metall, which apparently has pretty good coverage of a lot of industrial trades. Then there is ver.di that covers a lot of more office-type jobs, and I think there is another one for train drivers and workers. I have heard of a lot of people in IG Metall, but I’ve also read that the other unions don’t have that many members. Maybe we don’t do cross trade strikes because of that?

Jaysyn , to Politics in Once Florida's favorite son, Floridians turn on DeSantis in his bid for president avatar

I will boycott and bad mouth any company or organization he joins in the future.

No quarter for .

style99 , to Politics in Once Florida's favorite son, Floridians turn on DeSantis in his bid for president avatar

No honor among Nazis.

Classy , to Work Reform in A manufacturer tried the 4-day workweek for 5 days' pay and won't go back

Funny, I work in a prominent RV company and in 2022 we went to 4 days, too. Productivity is up, morale is high, and there is zero discussion of returning to 5. I wonder if my company partook in that experiment. Has a list of companies been posted anywhere?

fiah , to Politics in This school board made news for banning books. Voters flipped it to majority Democrat avatar

why do we even know the political leanings of members of a school board? It ought to be a non-issue, but I guess the previous members just couldn’t help themselves after ingesting too much fox news

ChicoSuave ,

Because right wingers lack subtly and nuance. They don’t understand how to talk about something that they don’t agree with and lack the mental flexibility to entertain an idea without agreeing to it.

Right wingers hate everything that makes people happy except hurting others. They love to hurt others. So they have taken to attacking people where they can, like schools and at the hospital. Places that people have to use are the places authoritarians are attacking with ideology to force their future on children who can’t make their own choices.

SatanicNotMessianic ,

I understand the sentiment, but the reason is that most voters don’t have the bandwidth to even really learn about their federal representatives, much less their local politicians. Having a letter next to your name is probably the least amount of relevant information you can convey. It’s basically one bit in a two party system.

It takes a lot of time and effort to be an informed voter. When ballots arrive, I can spend hours on sites researching the legislation and candidates, and even then most of what you’ll find are press release types of statements with generic phrasing. You end up learning to hear dog whistles and using those, unless the candidate/initiative is big enough that it gets attention in the local press.

At this point, if someone is running as a Republican, I am going to assume that they’re a supporter of the LGBT-phobic, misogynistic agenda embraced by the national party. It is the party of Trump now, and they take a firm stand against everything I agree with. I appreciate the signal, even if it is a single bit of information, just in case I can’t find anything on the candidate.

korewa ,

Been voting democrat for a while now in Texas. I wrote a letter to my congressman about speakership. He was republican, so the local gop now thinks I’m republican. So they sent me packets to vote for the republican candidate for school board. I voted the opposite.

jennwiththesea , avatar

In WA state they are nonpartisan, but not really. All that means is, as a voter, you have to read between the lines of everything they say, and as a supporter you spend an inordinate amount of time finding and providing proof of the views of these people to other voters. At this point I would really appreciate a D or R (or L, I, whatever) next to their names.

Adalast ,

Honestly, the question comes down to indoctrination. Republicans play very long games. They see themselves as losing now, but if they can control the education system and mediate what the next crops of voters know and think, then they can make sure that they start winning again. They have been dismantling it for decades, but it was quiet, and slow, and they made sure to avoid making waves so their agenda didn’t get noticed. The current barrel of monkeys in the post-Trump world are trying to be noisy and forceful and are getting caught. Take a long look through the history of state and district decisions regarding coursework and guidelines for educators and you will see pretty quickly who had political motivations and who was trying to make sure the population stayed dumb, docile, and pliant.

AbidanYre , to Politics in This school board made news for banning books. Voters flipped it to majority Democrat

If your local school board is making national headlines, there’s a good chance something is very wrong.

They’ve just taken a very big step in correcting that problem.

Dead_or_Alive , to Politics in The White House and some Republicans pan Johnson's 2-part plan to avoid a shutdown

I don’t have much faith that this will be resolved without a new speaker who can reach across party lines. Mike Johnson is as MAGA as they come, I can’t see him making a compromise that is for the good of the country rather than for the good of his extreme wing of the GQP.

We could potentially have a government shut down for months while Republicans figure this out.

Jaysyn , to Politics in This school board made news for banning books. Voters flipped it to majority Democrat avatar

Good. Fuck the .

sanguinepar , to Politics in This school board made news for banning books. Voters flipped it to majority Democrat avatar


Zombiepirate , to Politics in This school board made news for banning books. Voters flipped it to majority Democrat avatar

Antifa wins another one!

captainlezbian , to Work Reform in A manufacturer tried the 4-day workweek for 5 days' pay and won't go back

As an industrial engineer it’s amazing that this is proving effective in manufacturing environments. I’d suspected it would but much like with WFH, I assumed this was one of those things that had a chance of catching on for office workers but wouldn’t in factories.

The 40 hour work week was a massive success not because it was just right but because cutting hours so workers can rest was hugely beneficial

Lamb , to Work Reform in A manufacturer tried the 4-day workweek for 5 days' pay and won't go back

I wish my workplace tried 6 hours day for an 8 hours day pay. I work as a QA tester and 8 hours isn’t humane. If you don’t know what QA work is, it’s basically banging your head against a wall. I’d be happy to do it for 6-7 hours a day, but 8 is too much for my sanity.

themurphy ,

It’s too much for everyone, unless your work is your life.

In jobs where 8 hours are no problem, you usually have some periods of time, where you can shut off your brain. Driving to a new location, frequent breaks in the office or practical duties for some variation.

Corporate desk jobs are awful longer than 6-7 hours.

Lamb ,

Agreed! I think all should do max 6-7 hours a day, but it’s really bad when you have an especially mind-numbing work. :(

HubertManne , avatar

In most of my jobs I like to use the last hour to lay out what im doing the next day

li10 ,

I’d say I only get 6 hours of work done a day. With WFH I just potter about and go on my phone for the rest of it.

I felt bad about it for a while, but the alternative is that I quit and leave my employer in the shit because the team is tiny and they struggle to recruit.

Steve , avatar

I work 12hour shifts. 3 days a week. I’m telling you, that’s way better. Sure the shifts are long. You won’t do anything else those days. But you get used to it in a month or two. Once you do adjust, having 4 day weekends each and every week is life changing. I could never go back.

Lamb ,

I used to work 10 hours shifts 4 days and 12 hours 3 days. It was not better. The days off I was a zombie.

jordanlund , to Politics in The White House and some Republicans pan Johnson's 2-part plan to avoid a shutdown avatar

Didn’t they do something similar years ago?

Agreed to keep funding the military, everone else was on their own?

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