gentleman , to Politics in State guard set up by DeSantis is being trained as personal militia, veterans say

@Col3814444 Using Trump’s playbook, except organized rather than stochastic. Pure fascism to create this private paramilitary force. He’s been working on this for a long time.

Madison_rogue , to Politics in State guard set up by DeSantis is being trained as personal militia, veterans say avatar

“I don’t even think the governor knows what’s going on. I don’t think this is a fly on his radar right now,” Newhouse said, noting that DeSantis is a former navy lieutenant.

"Oh I'm afraid that the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive"

DeSantis knows exactly what's going on.

Drusas ,

He's not an idiot; he's a fascist. He knows what he's doing and it's all deliberate.

wwyvern , to Politics in State guard set up by DeSantis is being trained as personal militia, veterans say

Not surprised at all… nor am I surprised that the spineless legislature let him do it We need to unelect this bonehead from any and all positions of authority he might ever actually dream of having.

a-man-from-earth , to men in Book review: What About Men? by Caitlin Moran (Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian) avatar

Removed because it appears you're a hit-and-run spammer.

TranslucentTaco , to men in Book review: What About Men? by Caitlin Moran (Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian)

Why is it that callow bitches like this always go for the t-shirt collection and then contrast that with their 'designer' jeans. Blue jeans are also casual dress, massively overpaying for a tag does not mean you magically have your life together.
My t-shirt collection is a display of my support for dozens of artists, content creators, and charities xwho go out of their way to make sure their material is good and their sourcing is ethical, and yeah some of them are even left over from high school, because I'm still fit enough to wear them and because I don't shop 'designer' fast fashion garbage that's pumped out by slaves and into a landfill by next year because it's either not trendy, the elastic's worn out, or you're just too fucking fat now.

Sorry my first post-nigration comment is full of vitriol but shit like that hits a nerve.

Nobody , to Work Reform in Hollywood actors’ union recommends strike as talks deadline passes

Hollywood execs want to keep producing $200M trash films based on recognizable IP. The long term plan is likely to shift to AI for writing and eventually even simulated acting performances. A new Marvel movie starring CGI Frank Sinatra or whatever. If the creatives don’t make a stand now, they’re going to get steamrolled in the near future.

itsathursday , to Work Reform in Hollywood actors’ union recommends strike as talks deadline passes

What are the issues that they want resolved? The article never mentions this.

Cl1nk , (edited )

Both SAG-AFTRA and the Writers Guild of America (WGA) are demanding increases in base pay and residuals in the streaming TV era plus assurances that their work will not be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI).

This is a document from the WGA strike, demands.…/3a9aa2e3-02eb-45bc-a286-10e7f061b77f

Another more detailed article about the SAG possible strike…/hollywood-poised-for-historic-shu…

FlyingSquid , to Work Reform in Hollywood actors’ union recommends strike as talks deadline passes avatar

I can’t wait to see the all-AI content the studio heads come up with and think we’ll watch so they don’t have to pay writers and actors.

The sad part is, people probably will watch it- the first time, for the novelty. But they won’t watch it for long.

Cl1nk ,

There is a Disney show that is already using AI for their intro scene. Is rather boring

StarServal , avatar

Is it Secret Invasion? That info has a very AI feel.

Cl1nk ,

yeah, exactly not even a complicated type of AI, just some prompting and blending in After Effects, Id expect this from a student film not Disney

snooggums , avatar

The sad part is, people probably will watch it- the first time, for the novelty. But they won’t watch it for long.

I thought this about "reality" TV back in the day, but people still watch that trash.

JackGreenEarth , avatar

Soon after Hollywood can make it, people will be able to make it themselves for free using their own computer.

a-man-from-earth , to men in Book review: What About Men? by Caitlin Moran (Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian) avatar

OK. So The Guardian is its usual bigoted self. (And in future, please archive shit like this, so we don't send traffic their way.)

Why did you post this here and what do you think about it?

AngrilyEatingMuffins , to Politics in The US supreme court has hijacked American democracy

If we’re going to have a political move against corruption please please PLEASE don’t let it end with the judges

Iceblade02 , to Politics in The US supreme court has hijacked American democracy

The entire idea that the law is made by a judge interpreting the text rather than the intent when writing it is such bs. If a law is a problem, rewrite it, that’s why they’re called legislators!

MedicPigBabySaver , to Politics in The US supreme court has hijacked American democracy

Nothing will fix that disaster. Americans are so apathetic and the voting game is rigged.

effingjoe ,

I think it's the opposite of apathy. Republicans, as a rule, are perfectly fine with corruption and abuse of power that benefits them. From representatives, down to the random voter in Alabama that lives on welfare and complains about socialism. It's less apathy and more some kind of political nihilism.

Your conclusion is still accurate, though. I don't see the whole country banding together to set things right when half of them don't see anything wrong.

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

Exactly this. As someone who grew up in a rural Missouri town that, in 2020, brought out Confederate flags and mimed lynchings at a 15-person Black Lives Matter protest, I know very well that there are a lot of people in this country that want this kind of stuff. Their entire conception of politics is the wielding of power to hurt those that they think deserve it.

Liberals that grew up in Blue suburbs of coastal cities often are comically unaware of just how unfamiliar they are with huge swaths of the country. While there aren't a crazy huge amount of truly fanatical conservatives, those that do exist are extremely loud and extremely politically active. If they're not opposed, they win.

Enthrone ,

I am from New Jersey and have lived in PA for almost twenty years. I also spent three years in STL County for school. These people you described from your hometown are here as well. They’re in abundance everywhere.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Anywhere outside of a city - really any city, even in blue states - is incredibly conservative. And because land gets votes and not people, this gives conservatives an overwhelming amount of power. Only once in the last thirty years has a Republican won the majority of votes, but thanks to the electoral college they've held the office for almost half the time.

MedicPigBabySaver ,

The people that need to vote & protest really don’t understand their potential power. Like the countless workers who won’t/can’t strike for better $$ & conditions.

blivet , avatar

You’re not helping.

skellener , to Politics in Trump asks for classified documents trial to take place after 2024 election avatar

How about we just have the trial right fucking now!!

DarkGamer OP , to Politics in Trump asks for classified documents trial to take place after 2024 election avatar

Obviously he wants to pardon himself. Trump fancies himself to be above the law, and until now he hasn't had any meaningful consequences for his many illegal and immoral acts.

empireOfLove , avatar

He probably also thinks once he becomes president again, executive privileges would apply and he could simply day he is withholding all those documents legally.

DarkGamer OP , avatar

I'm sure he will continue to spew self-justifying lies, but that's not how any of this works. The crimes he's accused of are a slam dunk, heaps of evidence, Trump was even bragging about having the classified documents and showing them off to others to self-aggrandize and gain favor, including Kid Rock of all people.

floofloof ,

The courts need to act quickly though, because obviously he will stall for time in the hopes he’ll be president again and able to pardon himself.

DarkGamer OP , avatar

The courts need to act quickly though, because obviously he will stall for time in the hopes he’ll be president again and able to pardon himself.

Unfortunately, a felony conviction would not disqualify Trump from running. He could run from prison like Eugene V. Debs did. To disqualify Trump the best bet would be invoking the 14th amendment for having, "engaged in insurrection or rebellion," but that would be unprecedented, it's an open question whether congress could disqualify a presidential candidate, and that's a different matter than the classified documents scandal.

Flaky_Fish69 , avatar

I really hate people saying invoking the 14th for his insurrection is unprecedented like the act itself is the problem.

It’s also unprecedented that we have a political candidate that tried to overturn the last election by force of violence (you know, an actual bonafide insurrection).

THAT is the problem- and it’s an unprecedented problem. The 14th established the precedent, and no, trump IS guilty and we all know it- “innocent until proven guilty” is a legal assumption designed to ensure due process and the protection of civil liberties. It is an assumption and not a statement of fact.

DarkGamer OP , avatar

I really hate people saying invoking the 14th for his insurrection is unprecedented like the act itself is the problem. It’s also unprecedented that we have a political candidate that tried to overturn the last election by force of violence (you know, an actual bonafide insurrection). ... The 14th established the precedent

That's not what's being said here, and the precedent regarding the 14th probably isn't what you're presuming. From the article I linked above:

The [14th] amendment was invoked one time in more than a century to bar someone from office
There is some historical precedent, as the amendment has been used to bar someone from office — but only once in more than a century.
In 1919, Congress used the 14th Amendment to bar Victor Berger, a socialist from Wisconsin and an elected official, from joining the House because he actively opposed the US entering World War I.
In that case, a special committee convened and concluded that Berger was unfit for office. He was then barred by a simple majority in the Senate and the House. Because of this, some believe congressional precedent shows only a simple majority is needed.
But Congress barring someone from joining its own body is notably different, Kalir said.
"To think that the US Congress could prevent someone from becoming president of the United States other than through impeachment is big — it's a big legal leap."
Berger's case was also 102 years ago, and there has been no use of this section since.
Kalir said if it were invoked today, it could be challenged in court and ultimately take years to play out.

It might be possible, but it's never been done before so it's likely to be challenged and appealed. Since Republicans have corrupted the supreme court I wouldn't hold my breath that this will work, nor do I expect majorities in both houses to uphold the law when it comes to Trump. It should certainly be attempted regardless.

skellener , avatar

Then make it unprecedented. This traitor fascist dictator should be in prison now.

assembly ,

Is there a chance that he could push the trial back that far? It shouldn’t be allowed to happen. Imagine he gets re-elected and pardons himself. That is going to make the election insanely stressful for everyone.

Ganondorf , avatar

Last I read the judge overseeing the case was appointed by his disgusting self so it depends on how badly the judge cares about a) being a political puppet b) a 77 year old selfish narcissist that will drop them like a rock at the first sign of any trouble.

Entropywins , avatar

Judge Cannon has been shutdown by the 11th circuit over the special master she allowed... basically her bosses said what you requested goes against the constitution and she was thoroughly rebuked... imho she has already played her support for trump card and will have to cross all her t's and dot all her i's or she's done for

Flaky_Fish69 , avatar

maybe. I'm not holding my breath. the special master thing was pretty stupid though.

admiralteal , to Politics in Teen dies in sawmill accident as US states aim to roll back child labor laws

Some more biomass for the orphan-crushing machine.

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