a-man-from-earth , to men in Book review: What About Men? by Caitlin Moran (Stuart Jeffries, The Guardian) avatar

OK. So The Guardian is its usual bigoted self. (And in future, please archive shit like this, so we don't send traffic their way.)

Why did you post this here and what do you think about it?

AngrilyEatingMuffins , to Politics in The US supreme court has hijacked American democracy

If we’re going to have a political move against corruption please please PLEASE don’t let it end with the judges

Anna , to Politics in The king of dark money effectively controls the US supreme court now | Joel Warner avatar

Right blames something on Soros: lol one man doesn’t have that much power

But this dude is totally pulling all the strings of the government, the king of dark money, got it

ProdSlash , avatar

Remember bribing Supreme Court Justices is exactly like literacy programs and organizing to expand voting rights.

chaogomu ,

The left doesn't say that one man doesn't have the power to pull strings, the left says that there's no evidence of Soros doing it.

A subtle distinction, but an important one.

Leonard Leo literally hand-picked every judge that Donald Trump appointed, all 234 of them, including 3 supreme court justices.

Leo then paid for nonsense cases to be filed in jurisdictions with friendly (read his own hand-picked) judges. These cases were all based on lies. Because it never mattered if there was any truth to them. They then get kicked up the chain to Leo's hand-picked supreme court, where the justices rule how Leo wanted from the beginning. Well, 3 hand-picked, and 1 bribed, all that's needed from there is to get Alito to fall in line, and that man has Fox News brain so bad that it's scary.

And that's how one man can shape the law in any way he wants, even if congress and the presidency are controlled by Democrats

bedrooms ,

You don't have to say it's subtle. It's far from that to people who can read.

sensibilidades ,

That's a nice straw man you made there. Unless, of course, you're specifically aware of anyone in this thread making that argument.

Widget ,

The classic "why don't people agree with me when I try to blame Jews for global conspiracies?"

3425asdfqwer4 , to Politics in The king of dark money effectively controls the US supreme court now | Joel Warner

Arm yourselves and organize. Politicians aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them.

Hellsadvocate , avatar

Can anyone explain to me how guns will help if the national guard is at your door? Or the military? Do people really think that they could go to war against the United States because the US government becomes overrun by fascists?

At worst you'll be labeled a terrorist and immediately murdered. Even if you ignore the military, brandishing a gun Infront of a cop is a death sentence (if you aren't white).

Machinist3359 ,

The black panthers are really the best example of the (few) benefits and many costs of armed community defense. It's much worse now, too.

SirEDCaLot , to Politics in Biden condemns ruling against race-conscious admissions: ‘This is not a normal court’ – live

I think this was probably the correct ruling.

If you are considering race as part of a college admissions, then you are NECESSARILY racist. You’re not picking the best applicants, you’re picking the best applications of a race mix you want.

Now, I’ll be the first to say that certain minorities are under-represented in colleges. But that’s not necessarily the fault of the admissions process. If the admissions process truly is race-blind, as it should be, then we should be asking why fewer people of whatever race are showing up as competitive candidates. And that brings us to the REAL problems- that a lot of minority applicants come from poor neighborhoods with bad primary education, crap high schools full of gangs and drugs, and few resources like books and computers and other opportunities to excel. And THAT is the problem we should be fixing.

Remillard OP , avatar

I think that's basically the argument that just puts blinders on and assumes everything is perfect and why pretend otherwise. A comment I've read that I think has some merit is that they didn't put an end to legacy admissions, bias for donors, employee families, and other special recommendations. These are all systems that favor class and are predominantly white. So why did the justices pretend that admissions are all based around merit and achievement when they are not?

If more were being done about the systemic causes, then I think there would be less frustration with this decision. Since we clearly have quite a long way to go on the systemic issues, this ruling is pretty naive in my view.

wlh0242 , to Politics in ‘Full fascist’ Trump condemned after ‘treason’ rant against NBC and MSNBC

Gas was $1.80 under Trump…it’s $5.50 under Biden…I’m still waiting for something to be “Built Back Better” rofl.

Lucidlethargy , avatar

What idiot convinced you that gas prices are directly controlled by the president?

collegefurtrader ,


wlh0242 ,

These two??? “Karine Jean-Pierre was asked Tuesday if President Joe Biden was responsible for gas prices going back up - after taking credit for them going down this summer”…/joe-biden-mocked-for-tweet-taking-cr…

AbidanYre , (edited )

You mean in 2020 when there was zero demand for gas because no one was leaving their house?

Also, according to AAA there are two states with premium at >$5.50 and only six that are even >$5.00 so I think you might be full of it.

wlh0242 ,

So you’re confirming that gas is at $5.50 which is 60% higher than when Trump was in office? Thanks for the confirmation.

AbidanYre , (edited )

If you can show me an article saying premium in California was $1.80, sure. But that’s not what the nationwide average is talking about and I think even you know that.

We could also look at what was going on in the rest of the economy at the time, but something tells me you don’t really want to.

Nougat ,

Go home, Russian propaganda.

wlh0242 ,

Is that all you can come up with? The old Russia Propaganda bs? I think you people have warn that one out just a bit lol.

Nougat ,

If the nesting doll fits.

Drusas ,

Gas hasn't been that cheap since I was in high school 20 years ago. And even if it had been, the president does not control gas prices.

wlh0242 ,


Yes, under Trump the US was energy independent… a President’s policies have an indirect impact on oil prices…come on keep up.

some_guy , to Men's Liberation in In the age of relentless online pornography, chatrooms, sexting and smartphones, the way teenage boys learn about relationships has changed dramatically

There was a kid staying with a relative (I think) in a building across from me and I joked that I’d start blasting hardcore porn on my projector with my blinds up to teach him about the birds and the bees.

Plastic_Ramses , (edited ) to Work Reform in ‘In the US they think we’re communists!’ The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living


jpreston2005 ,

not a company town if the employees own the company, then it's just the employees town.

MysticDaedra , to Work Reform in ‘In the US they think we’re communists!’ The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living

That's corporate socialism, not communism. As someone who lives in the US, I don't know anyone who would call that communism. I guess?

someguy3 ,

I think the term they used is best: co-operative

WhatsThePoint ,

I live in a red state, it is common to call any collective action communism. It’s common historically for the right to call collective action or ownership communism.

njm1314 ,

You must have a very very very narrow group of people around you.

GreatDong3000 , (edited )

Corporate socialism? Honestly never heard that. Market Socialism is the form of socialism that seeks to have publicly-traded companies abolished and replaced by co-ops. Mixed with state owned companies in the case of natural monopolies and basic services (transport, electricity, education, health, etc).

Market Socialism is very much aligned with OG Marxism, so I see how red-scared people may call it communism.

atro_city , to Work Reform in US supreme court sides with Starbucks in union case over fired employees

Americans while their unionization efforts are being destroyed: guess I'll buy another iPhone/venti latte/amazon product/...

Viking_Hippie ,

And I had been on such a good run of nobody saying shit relevant to this comic..😮‍💨

LucidDaemon ,

Saving this

atro_city ,

I can't admit I'm part of the problem, so I'm not

Viking_Hippie ,
atro_city ,

Ha ha ha, I don't get the point, so I'll project my incomprehension with a comic.

Viking_Hippie ,

Nope. It's you that aren't comprehending that there's no ethical consumption in capitalism and that there's also no survival without consumption.

Thus it's literally impossible to live up to your imaginary standards of caring about workers without being a hypocrite.

An argument that you're making in bad faith, from ignorance, or both.

bassomitron ,

Don't you know, you can just go live off the grid and become completely self sustaining... Wait, how do you pay for your property taxes... Hm...

Kimano ,

I mean that guy is being an idiot, but it's also not quite that simple. There is still more and less ethical consumption. A fairphone is more ethical than an iPhone, and pointing that out in good faith to someone complaining about Apple's behavior seems entirely fair.

It's not a complete fallacy to point out that someone is consuming something less ethical when they have a better option. Obviously it's impossible for anyone to do this with literally everything, but absolutely you can avoid Starbucks because of their treatment of unions, and frequent a local coffee shop instead.

Granted this is mostly assuming two people having a good faith discussion, which on the internet is infrequent lol.

Viking_Hippie ,

A fairphone is more ethical than an iPhone, and pointing that out in good faith to someone complaining about Apple's behavior seems entirely fair.

True. However, a Fairphone isn't available to everyone. Every place that sells phones will offer you several kinds of iPhones with several payment plan options for those of us who don't have $1000 available immediately. Same with several brands of Android phones for those of us that aren't gullible enough to buy into the overpriced walled garden bullshit of Apple.

Fairphone, on the other hand, isn't available from your local provider, though. You have to buy them outright online. At least that's how it is here in Denmark.

Your example actually proves my point further: iPhones are universally available whether you can really afford one or not, whereas getting a Fairphone is much less straightforward in every way.

I'd love for my next phone to be a Fairphone but unless my financial situation changes significantly, that's not possible due to the universal favoring of less ethical brands.

It's not a complete fallacy to point out that someone is consuming something less ethical when they have a better option

Bolded the key words. The frequent lack of an ethical (or even less unethical) option is my point. The only way to ALWAYS have the ethical choice available you ironically have to be wealthier than is ethically achievable.

absolutely you can avoid Starbucks because of their treatment of unions, and frequent a local coffee shop instead.

Not always, no. Like Walmart with grocery stores, Starbucks have been forcing out competitors to the point that they have de facto monopolies on coffee shops in some areas. You can't choose a local shop if it doesn't exist.

Granted this is mostly assuming two people having a good faith discussion, which on the internet is infrequent lol.

True lol

Rooskie91 ,

Hey fuck face, I didn't ask to be born here, and there isn't really other things to buy in America. So fuck you and the anti-solidarity horse you rode in on.

Also, what a ridiculous leap of logic to make. "Stupid Americans, always," shuffles deck of ridiculous hypotheticals "celebrating union losses by buying iPhones.

atro_city ,

You didn't ask to be born there, but you don't have to belong to the group of Americans that consume without any regard.

Also, how is knowingly buying products from anti-union companies a "leap of logic"? Do you even know what that means?
You don't need to buy Apple products to function in society, nor do you need Starbucks products, nor do you have to use Amazon. There are small local retailers you can support, as well as fair trade products, second hand goods you can purchase, and a lot more.

Friggin' iPhone lovers get triggered so easily.

Woovie ,

You're a doofus

barsquid ,

Be kind, they're just 13 years old.

funkless_eck ,

how do you get a well paid job without a computer and phone?

MonkeMischief ,

Having worked in an environment helping people who either didn't have either, or didn't know how to use them, and needed jobs...I discovered basically the answer is somewhere between "Wait outside at Home Depot" or "You don't."

littlewonder ,

Yes, let's all give up on labor rights if at any point the only reasonable option is to buy from a corporation.

You might want to familiarize yourself with the concept of whataboutism so you can at least make logical arguments on your hot takes.

uriel238 , avatar

Actually my wife worked for a company that used iPhones and provided her a phone. I suppose, at the point she was worried about job precarity and got a separate non-work phone, she could have gone android (the principle offerings of which are also FOXCONN made) but she was quite busy with an agenda from her company (to which she was loyal) to learn a new user interface and alternate between the two.

I, in the meantime, had no company phone, and was on a tight budget, so I went android and shopped around, not for a fair-trade phone but for one on opportunistic sale, as I can't afford a conscience.

Apple sucks. But really, so does Google. So does Sony. So does Samsung. So, evidently, does Asus, though I like their interface choices more.

In the end, we consumers end-users don't have the political power to influence the market when the government fails to be public serving. (Called government failure since that's Its alleged job.) It's why we erected a non-feudalist government in the first place.

Blaming iPhone users is like blaming car owners in the States, when the automotive and fossil fuel industries systematically dismantled mass transit nationwide.

chunkystyles ,

You think you're so clever. You aren't.

atro_city ,

I don't think I'm clever, I think I'm right.

Most Americans consume without a second thought. It's not a surprise they are the biggest polluters, consumers, and wasters on the planet.

chunkystyles ,

Yeah, no systemic issues at play here. Just the majority of Americans being individually shitty for purely personal reasons.

atro_city ,

Yes, blame everything on the system. Americans are just drones guided by the system by a deluge of ads, indoctrination by the media, school, and government. Taught to consume from the day they exit the womb, every American mindless follows the lifescript incapable of individual thought. A nation of puppets blabbering about freedom, being #1, and the American dream.

Sure, if that's what you want to believe.

boatsnhos931 ,

Where are you from so I can make fun of your people?

atro_city ,

Planet earth.

boatsnhos931 ,
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