argv_minus_one , (edited ) to Politics in The GOP’s Ludicrous Claims of “Election Interference”

The “justice” system is indeed two-tiered, as evidenced by the fact that Trump is still publicly running his mouth. When the rest of us get caught up in the “justice” system, we’re swiftly tried, found guilty of existing while poor, and sentenced to do hard labor in 100-degree heat until it kills us.

keeb420 , to Politics in The GOP’s Ludicrous Claims of “Election Interference”

Let them cry. How can we have a nation if we don't have laws. We must have law and order.

HipPriest , to Literature in A Book Is a Book Is a Book—Except When It’s an e-Book

I like the part where they point out that writers probably have more leverage than they think about having a say - but then maybe many writers don't consider the ebook side of things when thinking about getting their work published.

It's obvious that 'they' are out to demonise IA as something like Pirate Bay whereas it really, really isn't. Aside from the massive amount of obscure reference material, I found BBC documentaries on there from the 80s about some history which is otherwise unobtainable. I can understand if there's some legal points which need to be worked out between both sides in order to keep the site going... but that obviously isn't what the publishers are going for.

TokenBoomer , to Politics in In Defense of Drug Decriminalization—Yes, in Oregon

Maybe we should find out why people are turning to drugs to mollify their discontent?

jordanlund , (edited ) to Politics in In Defense of Drug Decriminalization—Yes, in Oregon avatar

Oregonian here. 110 has been an absolute disaster. The intent was good, legalize the drugs and incentivize treatment. You get busted with drugs it’s a $100 fine, and that fine is waived if you seek treatment…

You don’t even have to GET treatment, you just have to call a toll free number and ask about treatment options.

The first year, just over 16,000 people were ticketed. Less than 1% opted to ask about treatment.

Meanwhile every no-account addict is rolling to Oregon, Honduran gangs are operating in our streets with impunity 2-3 blocks from the police HQ, theft is up, property crime is up, and the only “harm reduction” portions of 110 that ARE actually being used are free needle exchanges and Narcan distribution.

Fire Station #1 stated they did 76 overdose calls on Labor Day weekend:

“In some cases we treat the same patient in the same week. And we know through our partners of AMR (ambulance service), that the same patient has overdosed multiple times in a day,” says Friedericks. “I know that even when we try to help, our help is unwanted, wares on all of us.”

xenu , to Politics in American Evangelicals Await the Final Battle in Gaza | The Nation

Dear Jesus,
Please rapture your followers so the rest of us can fix this planet.

floofloof ,

“They’re nothing to do with me.” - Jesus

Cargon , to Politics in American Evangelicals Await the Final Battle in Gaza | The Nation

We have a moral obligation to encourage these people to self rapture.

Chuymatt , to Politics in American Evangelicals Await the Final Battle in Gaza | The Nation

So selfish and the antithesis of Christ-like.

RizzRustbolt , to Politics in American Evangelicals Await the Final Battle in Gaza | The Nation

Isn’t their stupid hill in Hebron?

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