Franzia , to Politics in Republicans Are Wrong on Abortion—and They Know It

I love this. We finally have a wedge issue. And Biden’s PAC just keeps pushing it. Put this in front of Repiblican voters, and some of them are gonna notice conservative politicians to be the power hungry, evil control freaks that we see them as.

jordanlund , (edited ) to Politics in In Defense of Drug Decriminalization—Yes, in Oregon avatar

Oregonian here. 110 has been an absolute disaster. The intent was good, legalize the drugs and incentivize treatment. You get busted with drugs it’s a $100 fine, and that fine is waived if you seek treatment…

You don’t even have to GET treatment, you just have to call a toll free number and ask about treatment options.

The first year, just over 16,000 people were ticketed. Less than 1% opted to ask about treatment.

Meanwhile every no-account addict is rolling to Oregon, Honduran gangs are operating in our streets with impunity 2-3 blocks from the police HQ, theft is up, property crime is up, and the only “harm reduction” portions of 110 that ARE actually being used are free needle exchanges and Narcan distribution.

Fire Station #1 stated they did 76 overdose calls on Labor Day weekend:

“In some cases we treat the same patient in the same week. And we know through our partners of AMR (ambulance service), that the same patient has overdosed multiple times in a day,” says Friedericks. “I know that even when we try to help, our help is unwanted, wares on all of us.”

TokenBoomer , to Politics in In Defense of Drug Decriminalization—Yes, in Oregon

Maybe we should find out why people are turning to drugs to mollify their discontent?

Daft_ish , to Politics in The Scariest Lie at the GOP Debate Wasn’t About Donald Trump

No shit, but I thought we were past this ‘save the planet’ crap. The planet is a giant rock and soon to be a marginally hotter rock. We’re talking about saving millions of human lives.

Sunforged , to Politics in AOC and Democratic Colleagues Learn Lessons From Latin-America’s Resurgent Left

This is some amazing lip service. Truly brave leadership.

markr , to Politics in Inflation Is Falling. So Why Are the Fiscal Austerians Back in the Headlines?

Cmon, that’s easy. When inflation is up: we need us some austerity. Then when inflation is down, obviously that is when austerity is called for. If you are confused, please see: when do the rich need tax cuts.

TheMage , to Politics in A Longtime Political Organizer in AOC’s District Says She’s the Real Deal

Real deal? Have you heard what comes out of her trap? We are down to I think 10 years until we’re all dead due to climate “issues”. Unemployment was down a few years ago due to people having two jobs. I could go on and on. But, Okee dokee.

rebul , to Politics in A Longtime Political Organizer in AOC’s District Says She’s the Real Deal

Has she sponsored a single piece of legislation that became law? Seems like most of her blathering is racebaiting and blaming the rich for society's ills.

Be brave, dear reader...offer a sensible rebuttal instead of a lazy downvote.

Schwab002 ,

Have a look yourself:

Here’s the stuff that passed:…/O000172?q={"bill-status…

Here’s everything she put forward:…/O000172

She’s active and great legislator.

rebul ,

She isn't the sponsor of any legislation that has been passed according the link you posted.

She has been to the border for a fake cry photo op.

She has blamed Republican hostility towards her as rooted in their desire to date her.

She has blamed billionaires as being the root of all evil in the world.

She has voiced support for those that "choose not to work".

She is proficient with Twitter.

I haven't seen anything that makes her 'presidential' so far.

Schwab002 ,

She literally co-sponsored every piece of legislation in the first link.

I see you’ve swallowed a lot of right wing propaganda and hate about her. She’s not perfect, but she’s very bright and energetic and progressive, trying to help protect our the environment and help working class people. That’s enough for me to consider her one of many good potential choices for '28.

I’m curious. Who do you think is a good presidential candidate for '24 or '28?

rebul ,

She did not literally co-sponsor the legislation, she bandwaggoned along with several others to get credit. Just because I disagree with you, and don't see any facts to support the notion she is an effective legislator, doesn't mean I have swallowed propaganda. Don't be so fragile, choose to have an open-minded approach.

As for good candidates, I'm not aware of any. It's always been a case of choosing which candidate will harm me the least.

cobra89 ,

The argument of “sponsored bills” passed in Congress to determine legislative effectiveness is either ignorant of how Congress works, or is disingenuous.

The last 2 Congresses have been the least effective in history and have passed the least legislation of any Congress ever. Any impactful legislation that AOC could propose of course isn’t going to get any traction because there’s only a handful of progressive members of Congress.

Your argument appears to be we shouldn’t elect any progressive members of Congress because they won’t be effective because there’s not enough of them to pass legislation. Do you see how backwards that logic is? You’re creating a chicken before the egg problem.

Only 1 piece of legislation sponsored by Bernie Sanders got to the President’s desk, and it was vetoed and didn’t pass. Yet I don’t see anyone making the argument that Bernie Sanders is an ineffective lawmaker.

AOCs and other progressives’ agenda isn’t to introduce new radical legislation, it’s to pull proposed legislation to the left so that it is more effective than it otherwise would have been. Pelosi has needed AOC’s and the rest of the squads votes to make legislation pass and has had to give concessions because of that fact.

They screamed about Build Back Better and told Pelosi not to call the vote and warned that relying on Joe Manchin to pass it would result in less effective watered down legislation. Instead of listening to them and trying to alter the bill to get more votes, Pelosi called a vote anyway and surprise surprise Manchin did an about face and wouldn’t pass BBB and we were forced to take the watered down Inflation Reduction Act.

So as a result of Pelosi trying to push through legislation by doing a deal with the devil (Manchin) we got less effective legislation and not BBB which would have been something similar to FDR’s new deal and second new deal which were instrumental in putting people to work in this country and building our infrastructure. Would you call that effective legislation?

Schwab002 ,

Well said.

AnonymousBaba , to Politics in The Scariest Lie at the GOP Debate Wasn’t About Donald Trump

repulicans are cancer to this world

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