abff08f4813c , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

I have a very bad feeling about this.

I have a feeling that it will really go like this:

A: So here's our feedback as admins to you, the mods, on how you've been running the subs.

M: Actually, we'd like to say ..

A: No, your feedback for us is that you're happy and we're doing great listening to you.

M: Actually, that's kinda the opp...

A: No, that's definitely YOUR feedback to US.


A: Goodbye, ex-mod.

dipbeneaththelasers ,

You left out the last step.

A to users: The feedback we've gotten from the mods has all been positive.

TragicNotCute , avatar

A to users: It seems like actually you are the problems soooo

crowsby , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins avatar

This shit just feels like more work.

What if they miss their standup? Are the admins going to assign moderators tasks in Jira next? What if they don't agree on the story points, should the moderators still consider themselves committed to the work this sprint?

Also, how much will the feedback from these conversations weigh in on the moderators' quarterly performance reviews?

donuts , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins avatar

"Feedback" isn't worth shit compared to open, community platforms like Kbin and Lemmy where users have real agency and control.

Jaysyn , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now avatar

How about that, two things I wouldn't use if you paid me. :D

Tulko , to RedditMigration in Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time avatar

The whole point of r/Place was to happen only so occasionally. I really got hyped for the second one, because I was too late for the first one. It happening every year would kill the hype for me. So thanks, I’ll pass and stay logged out.

e_t_ Admin , to Work Reform in DoorDash fired an employee for trying to organize a union, NLRB alleges

That's a p̶a̶d̶d̶l̶i̶n̶' nominal fine

jclinares , to RedditMigration in Reddit blaming website crashing on subreddits going private avatar

To add a bit more context, this comment is from a former Reddit dev, who is now the creator and developer of Tildes, one of the Reddit alternatives that's been gaining traction in the last week:

(I used to work as a backend developer at Reddit - I left 6 years ago but I doubt the way things work has changed much)

I think it's extremely unlikely that this is deliberate. The way that Reddit builds "mixed" subreddit listings (where you see posts from multiple subreddits, like users' front pages) is inefficient and strange, and relies heavily on multiple layers of caches. Having so many subreddits private with their posts inaccessible has never happened before, and is probably causing a bunch of issues with this process.

YourAuntiTali ,

Anyone happen to have invites? I’m trying to get my foot in a number of different sites

tyg13 ,

Same. At this point, I'm open to using almost any reddit-like site that isn't reddit. With this many disgruntled former users, there's bound to at least one major alternative that blows up, just a matter of finding (and seeding) it.

TheRazorX , to RedditMigration in Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time

By the way, this announcement helped me solve where the ugly pixelated Reddit app logo is from: you can see it in Reddit’s r/Place announcement video. For some reason, that video also includes pixelated images of a fire in a garbage can.


Haemaker , to Work Reform in DoorDash fired an employee for trying to organize a union, NLRB alleges

“Fired for insubordination”

“Yeah! They kept trying to form a union when we told them not to!”

abff08f4813c , to RedditMigration in Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time

Probably their line of thinking is that it doesn't really matter where the chips fall as long as the chips can be cashed in. If they can make ad money on protest traffic then so be it. (I'm not fully convinced that this is the case (that protest traffic brings in ads revenue), but who knows.)

Maybe they just want another safe sub. At least they know that r/Place won't go NSFW or go private in protest.

Rozauhtuno , avatar

At least they know that r/Place won’t go NSFW

inb4 giant blue dick

Flax_vert ,

People should just put sexual stuff on R/Place to make it as advertiser unfriendly as possible

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 , avatar

They'd probably just remove that (and would have a good argument for doing so). I suggest either not giving it traffic or drawing links to Reddit alternatives.

Bishma OP , avatar

Time to apply Rule 34 to r/Place

IDatedSuccubi , to Work Reform in Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas — for free, forever

I mean, videogames already have contracts specifically designed for that. Contracts like these always have limitations to time, amount of products released, restrictions on surrounding themes, etc, and, of close, closure terms. They have shit ton of detail in them, and are studied by studios very carefuly. These actors have their own agents and lawyers that really know how to do their job. Ain’t nobody letting them use their face for “eternity”.

SamsonSeinfelder ,

That was true in the beginning, yes. But now that this topic is not any more a special thing for some game or movie but developing into the modus operandi, media companies start to crack down on those rules and try to alter the deals with as much force as possible to gain an advantage. The strike of the SAG right now is only the beginning of reactions to these new developments of maximizing profits by taking advantage of uneven bargaining power.

givesomefucks ,

They’re doing it to extras that are desperate… People that will do pretty much anything to get on screen, let alone say a line.

But like 99% of today’s stars did that work before becoming stars.

If someone signs this “deal” and then gets famous a decade later, they stop getting paid and studios just use their digital likeness.

Ragnell , avatar

Ain’t nobody letting them use their face for “eternity”.

Hence the strike.

Camzing , to Work Reform in Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas — for free, forever

Their scanned image should be under copyright to the person 70 years after death, the same that they demand.

teft , avatar

With payable royalties.

swnt , avatar

Such a sweet response!

NVariable , to Work Reform in Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas — for free, forever

The 1% really believe AI is their golden ticket to get rid of all of us. They’re going after professions with strong unions first and publicly, so that they can try to poison us all against collective bargaining, which is our only chance against them.

Acetanilide ,

I wish I could double boost this

randomaside , to Work Reform in Actors say Hollywood studios want their AI replicas — for free, forever avatar

Has anyone else seen the movie “The Congress” starring Robin Wright?

Madison_rogue , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else avatar

Yet this little hidden gem rests at the bottom of the page after the article.

Volunteer-made project that fights bots on Reddit is shutting down

Grab some popcorn, the bots are coming.

notavote ,

Please come to lemmy, we will need BotDefende pretty soon.

DannyMac , avatar

As a biological language model, I disagree.

Tygr ,

I was just going to say this. Holding on to the illusion of power as a major moderator is about to turn into a shitshow. Even Reddit themselves have been caught using chat bots to sway public opinion.

Reddit has decided to make every bad decision (favoring profits) possible, all at once.

AshursBanHappyPal , avatar

This feels a bit like Reddit is that city planning guy who insists on opening the Ghost Containment Unit in Ghostbusters.

e_t_ Admin ,

But Reddit does have a dick: its CEO.

Royal_Bitch_Pudding ,

Peck was a part of the EPA and had legitimate reasons to investigate them.

Venkman was a dick and didn’t cooperate with Peck’s investigation, so Peck got pissed and went nuclear on their ass cause he thought they were charlatans.

The guy who actually flipped the switch even told Peck he’s never seen anything like that and didn’t want to do it.

Pandoras_Can_Opener , avatar

I really wonder about bot synergy. How many haiku’s will one not write that another will correct the spelling on and a third find that all words are in alphabetical order?

RoboRay , avatar

Then another bot will repost the original and start the cycle over again.

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