Album , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple? avatar

Mint never worked well for me, would regularly fail to load the data from my bank and sometimes it would even create duplicates.

I just use a spreadsheet now. Pretty much all banks have an export feature, i setup a column with category dropdowns

pnutzh4x0r , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple? avatar

Ugh. I shared this with my wife and she is really saddened by the news. We have over a decade of historical data on Mint and she really values the insights it has been able to give to her in planning for a family.

Hopefully, the community can suggest some viable alternatives :|

cabbagee ,

Be sure to export your data. I wouldn’t be surprised if alternatives made a feature to upload old data, and at the very least you could pop it into a spreadsheet so it’s not completely lost.

BolexForSoup , avatar

Almost every financial app I’ve ever interacted with allows you to export a .CSV file. Hopefully they allow that.

TCBloo , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

My wife and I use Monarch Money. It’s good, but not free.

naught ,

Second this. YNAB is a glorified spreadsheet. Monarch is what Mint et al shouldve been

cabbagee ,

The thing I love most about Monarch is that they actively work to improve it. It’s not perfect but they really listen to feedback and every one of my bug reports has been addressed quickly.

karakoram ,

I’ve had exactly the opposite experience. They respond quickly to tell me that nothing will change and I need to live with it.

Corgana OP , avatar

How is it with connecting (and staying connected) to different services? My biggest complaint with Mint was how randomly some connections would fail due to not having a standard.

TCBloo ,

Some of them fail occasionally. The problem account I have (out of 20+) is my Mohela student loans, but I just reconnect it every few months since the balance doesn’t change much.

railsdev ,

I tried Monarch coming from Truebill. I honestly didn’t find it useful and ended up canceling it.

TrickDacy ,

$15 a month is steep. It took longer than it should’ve for me to find that price too, so I get sketchy vibes from this service

PhilipJFryJr ,

They also usually do a Black Friday deal for 50% off. Highly recommend!

Zarxrax , to Personal Finance in is going away. Are there any alternatives that are as automatic and simple?

Wow, this is news to me. I found it so useful to be able to see all of my financial information in one place. I don’t want to have to open up 4 or 5 sites all the time just to make sure my bills are getting paid and I don’t have any fraudulent transactions.

Screwthehole , to Politics in News: Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to build a new agency to police Big Tech

The SEC does such an amazing job reigning in banks and wall street, I’m sure it’ll be a raging success

HarkMahlberg , avatar

The answer to a dysfunctional government is not dismantling government, but replacing it with a functional government.

Aatube , avatar

Replace it with an anarchy government!

snooggums , avatar

So, look at the failures of the SEC and avoid those problems.

What will happen is the same as the SEC, but the opportunity to learn exists.

nicetriangle , to Fediverse in Threads is rolling out its Following feed avatar

Still not available in the EU because it’s a privacy shitshow.

Monologue , to Fediverse in Threads is rolling out its Following feed avatar

wow so revolutionary

noodlejetski , to Fediverse in Threads is rolling out its Following feed

absolutely revolutionary.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now avatar

I think that this is just for r/place (and even then it's still scummy), but if the Reddit executives have shown us anything, it's that they don't act according to rational thought. I could easily see them keeping this pixel icon as the default, no matter how stupid that might be. Or they might keep coming up with things to make new icons for so you always have to pay if you just want the default original.

You really never know with Reddit.

VulcanSphere , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now avatar

Gonna love The Lord of Snoo's shenanigans.

xc2215x , to RedditMigration in Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else

Spez demands complete control again, nothing new.

NevermindNoMind , to RedditMigration in The Reddit moderators who coordinate many celebrity AMAs will no longer do so

Mods will stop doing the following

Active solicitation of celebrities or high profile figures to do AMAs.

Email and modmail coordination with celebrities and high profile figures and their PR teams to facilitate, educate, and operate AMAs. (We will still be available to answer questions about posting, though response time may vary).

Running and maintaining a website for scheduling of AMAs with pre-verification and proof, as well as social media promotion.

Maintaining a current up-to-date sidebar calendar of scheduled AMAs, with schedule reminders for users.

Sister subreddits with categorized cross-posts for easy following.

Moderator confidential verification for AMAs.

Running various bots, including automatic > flairing of live posts “Moving forward, we’ll be allowing most AMA topics, leaving proof and requests for verification up to the community, and limiting ourselves to removing rule-breaking material alone,” the moderators added. “This doesn’t mean we’re allowing fake AMAs explicitly, but it does mean you’ll need to pay more attention.”

It’s wild that Reddit basically had a volunteer PR department. Good for them for essentially shutting that shit down.

MrComradeTaco , to RedditMigration in The Reddit moderators who coordinate many celebrity AMAs will no longer do so

The hammer.

Fuck those billionaires.

FreeBooteR69 , to RedditMigration in Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: Reddit “was never designed to support third-party apps” avatar

Deleted my account with the message "Your contempt for your users disgusts me". Oh well, account since 2012 permanently gone. Long live the Fediverse!

SmolderingSauna , to RedditMigration in Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout ‘will pass’ avatar

This just in from

"Investors are fed up. Fidelity, which led Reddit’s $700 million funding round in 2021 with a $10 billion valuation, has cut its Reddit company valuation by 41% since it invested. This could scupper Reddit’s plans to eventually go public with a reported valuation of $15 billion."

Who actually loses a game of chicken of this magnitude?!? u/spez, you listening?!?

Serinus ,

The app owners will work with him to prevent AI training from taking data from the site for free. And any issues the third party apps have doing that will be shared by the official app. They're not special in that regard. You can't really have public secrets behind a paywall. It doesn't really work.

There are many, many options here that are only being held back by Huffman's ego. Imagine losing billions in valuation because of personal ego. I bet investors are thrilled.

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