Timecircleline , to aww in My cat LOVES playing hide and seek in her fort. I have to build it every morning.

Wow! Female ginger cats are a rarity. I love that she waits for you as soon as you pretend to leave

Joeyfingis OP ,

She would be so sad if I stopped playing before she was tired. I know I can leave when she doesn't come out of the fort, then she naps in there for a few hours.

xmunk , to Work Reform in Why Americans Overwhelmingly Back Unions Now with UAW President Shawn Fain interview

I'll give you the meme TL;DR.

We're all looking at the labor market, saying, "There's got to be a better way!" And unions showed up with the fucking ShamWow.

DerArzt ,

Let's just hope they didn't bring Vince with them.

argentcorvid , to Work Reform in Why Americans Overwhelmingly Back Unions Now with UAW President Shawn Fain interview avatar

Is it because they actually started doing shit?

specialseaweed , to Work Reform in Formerly Anti-Union Volkswagen Worker Explains Why He Switched to Pro-Union

Good video. The guy was well spoken.

Sunforged ,

I like that he often pauses to formulate how to express his thoughts.

Great interview.

WhatsThePoint , to Work Reform in Formerly Anti-Union Volkswagen Worker Explains Why He Switched to Pro-Union

This is the kind of frank talking missing in so much of today’s discourse. The corporate media has polarized everything so hard for sales it’s really killed good honest discourse.

bmsok ,

He nailed it with bringing nuance into the conversation, too. Very good example of a well thought out opinion.

Viking_Hippie , to Work Reform in Starbucks Challenges Govt Ability To Defend Worker Rights, SCOTUS To Decide [8:04 | Apr 23 2024 | The Hill]

Was going so well until she let Robby speak again!

That guy is consistently as full of shit and oversimplifying as a high school freshman who just discovered Ayn Rand and gets all his news from talk radio 🤦

Blackout , to Work Reform in Formerly Anti-Union Volkswagen Worker Explains Why He Switched to Pro-Union avatar

Having a leader you can trust makes such a difference. UAW is successful because they know Fain is one of them.

llii , to Work Reform in Formerly Anti-Union Volkswagen Worker Explains Why He Switched to Pro-Union

That's really great!

RainfallSonata , to Work Reform in FTC bans non-competes: a business owner's thoughts [08:57 | Apr 26 2024 | Louis Rossmann]

Thank you for the summary. I've removed my downvote for posting a video.

BaldProphet , to Work Reform in FTC bans non-competes: a business owner's thoughts [08:57 | Apr 26 2024 | Louis Rossmann] avatar

My jaw dropped when I heard this self-identified business owner say that suppressing wages is a bad thing.

We need more business owners like him.

Badeendje , (edited ) to Satisfactory in Optimizations coming in 1.0 avatar

I really like their updates and direct way of interaction with the community. Some of their updates are a bit more technical like this one, but they seem to understand that some of their uses love needing out with a game. Their priorities seem very much in order. I also love that they have a good vision on their game and actively reduce tedium so people can focus on the core gameplay and don't get bogged down with busy work to keep the game progressing.

captain_aggravated , avatar

Noise about "our parent company" is worrying. There's been a rash of severely stupid "corporate" decisions lately in the gaming industry. I hope Coffee Stain isn't the next one killed.

tkk13909 , to KDE in KDE Plasma Constantly Stuttering, Try This!! avatar

Why is this being downvoted?

ada , avatar

If I had to guess, it's because it's a click bait headline that offers nothing useful to people until they've committed to watching a video

twei ,

Which part of the title is clickbait?

ada , avatar

"Try this..." where "this" is intentionally vague until you click on the link is standard clickbait tactics...

herzenschein Mod , (edited ) avatar

Everything. It doesn't accurately describe the issue (animation stutter when using an HDD or during heavy I/O) and it doesn't mention the solution (put the cache folder in tmpfs), plus it obviously follows the traditional sensationalist tone used in clickbait.

The point is to be deliberately vague to bait people into watching it.

twei ,

Okay, but when I have the problem that my KDE is stuttering, I'm not searching for ".cache folder on Low-IOPS Drive causes my stuttering issue", because, yk, I'd have to know the solution for that. I'd probably search for "why does KDE stutter".

YamiYuki OP ,

Yea…I got lazy and just used the video’s title

GadgeteerZA , avatar

I suppose having a short summary with the post would go a long way in helping everyone decide whether to watch it or not. I do wish everyone would put summaries in, as too many just comment on the headline without even following the link. For me, what is always important before following it is, why would it be of interest to be to follow it further.

ada , avatar

So, when I first saw this headline, my process went like this

"Stuttering? I've got stuttering when I'm under Wayland. Is this link about nvidia stuff, which I'm already across or some other thing?"

"Hmm, no more context in the headline. Oh, and it's a video link, so I can't even click on the link to get a quick summary to know if it's relevant to me. I don't want to watch the video if it's not relevant to me"

And that was the end of it. I never bothered to click on it.

bitterseeds , avatar

@tkk13909 @YamiYuki Because people like to do that, it gives them some sense of power that they really don't possess. I wouldn't care that much about it if I were you.

RedWeasel ,

Not sure, but the tldr is try using a faster drive for you cache folder.

tkk13909 , avatar

Yeah I watched the video unlike some people

Zeppo , to Men's Liberation in Are Men Okay? – SOME MORE NEWS avatar

easy answer: no
also, I appreciate this dude but it gets difficult sometimes as he is so relentlessly negative. He's right, but it can be hard.

glimse ,

I'm happy to see someone express that opinion. I have so much in common with this guy's stance on things (and even a lot of the bitterness) but I just can't stand watching him. I really, really don't like the "I'm hungover and angry" schtick and it makes it hard to watch.

anon6789 , avatar

Also in this camp. The news he covers is depressing enough without purposefully making it more gloomy. I've liked him just fine on things like Behind the Bastards where he's just been regular Cody. Robert will beat some things into the ground, but for the most part it's tolerable because he's just trying to lighten the mood.

I wish some of these podcasters and YouTubers would just be themselves and let the content speak for itself. They do a great job and don't need bits to get attention. I'd think anyone watching it for the bits doesn't really care about the message anyway.

glimse ,

I don't mind a good takedown video but I'm not big on alcoholism as the punchline. "I drink because I'm so angry about this" just doesn't resonate with me

But in his defense, his fans LOVE that presentation style and he's catering to them.

I also had no idea he was in the Behind The Bastards crew! I wanted to check it out but I only drive for like 20 minutes twice a week (and that was my podcast time)

anon6789 , avatar

Robert has the same substance abuse jokes, which are the ones in particular that annoy me also, but it's generally just at the ad breaks when I hit skip anyway. They were together at Cracked, and many of his guests are former Cracked employees. I gave up on Cody's show with that Wormbo puppet thing becoming a regular feature. That on top of the downer mood was too much for me.

The actual Behind that Bastards show is my favorite of the group's work, but if you're interested in their product but also interested in social activism and learning about political movements, unions, immigration, and civil rights, perhaps give their It Could Happen Here a listen. I listen to it in the big weekly compilation, but it's a series of 20-30 minute stories, each hosted by a different person on the team.

glimse ,

That last suggestion seems very up my alley, thanks!

jh29a ,

yeah oh my god

WanderingVentra ,

He has the occasional show on happy things, too. I like the shtick but it did take me awhile to warm up to it, and I could see how others couldn't get to that point. Tbh, I think the puppet helped me, too. Muppets automatically add silliness and happiness to any show. Except for maybe the Dark Crystal lol.

Zeppo , avatar

I enjoy it in some moods, not as much in others. I generally like it for 20 minutes but can't watch an entire episode at once. My ex would just screech "WHAT IS THAT TURN IT OFF I CAN'T TAKE IT" but well, that's sort of how I feel about her.

In defense of his exasperation, the topics he discusses generally are infuriating and deserve such treatment.

WanderingVentra ,

Ya I have to do like 20-30 minutes at a time, too lol

misk , to Men's Liberation in Are Men Okay? – SOME MORE NEWS avatar

In general, good points but I'm seriously annoyed by glossing over education gap. It has diasterous effects on building relationships and in the long run on fertility.

acockworkorange , to Men's Liberation in Are Men Okay? – SOME MORE NEWS

Short answer: no. Long answer: nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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