Col3814444 OP , to Politics in Republican attorneys general demand access to out-of-state abortion medical records

Highly disturbing and obviously the next step in this Christian fascist bullshit - only a matter of time till they start rounding up and charging women who have EVER had an abortion with murder.

Eldritch , to Politics in Watch BLM get outwitted by Ben Shapiro. How soon until the libs start going after ethnocentrism? avatar

Shapiro has never outwitted anyone ever. Well maybe except for himself. I’ll never understand people’s fascination with him. Or desire to associate with him or what he calls thought.

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

I wouldn't get on a plane with Ben Shapiro because he'll destroy the left wing


Eldritch , avatar

Nah. Nothing about Shapiro is humorous. Just sad.

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

Don't let your lack of values coerce you into thinking that your lack of values is justified.

Blame the culture, not the skin color. Only then will you truly understand.

Look beyond superficial attributes and instead delve into the underlying cultural dynamics that contribute to individual's behavior.

Eldritch , avatar

Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they lack values. When it comes to fascists in America it’s honestly often quite the opposite. They disagree based on intense values shared with many other races classes etc.

And the fact that American Conservatives so often claim to be color blind etc. All while perpetuating systems with disparately racial outcomes. Only proves their dishonesty.

There are no cultural dynamics that contribute to Shapiro’s behavior. And don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that he has no values. They just don’t extend much beyond self interest and personal wealth and power. He has no concern for anyone else. And his seeming lack of concern for programs with racial disparities outside of the ones that might impact him personally or be abused to him personally proves it.

Bdata71 , to Politics in Republican attorneys general demand access to out-of-state abortion medical records

That is just it Roe vs Wade was about privacy, that the government has no right to know what you do. By elemiminating roe vs Wade the Supreme Court has said that it is ok for the government to know what it’s citizens are doing with out probable cause.

j4yc33 , avatar

It was telegraphed super hard when they attacked Roe and not Casey but claimed it was about abortion, and in the ruling they managed to take aim directly at the 14th amendment, which they have slowly been doing in other cases.

It's not about abortion, abortion is an easy way to tug on heart strings, it's about absolutely destroying due process and privacy. Without due process and privacy there is no protection... really from the government at all.

borkcorkedforks ,

Privacy is a factor and part of the basis of the argument in Roe but that idea doesn't really hold up if you consider abortion to be a crime. An example in the medical setting is how some injuries have to be reported. It would be reasonable to point out how substance abuse isn't necessary reported but I doubt prolife people like that policy either.

To be clear I am pro-choice and there should be federal protections if not a full blown amendment for abortion, birth control, and other medical procedures but currently those protections are limited. That is how some states think they can do shit like demand medical records from other states. In general the idea of protections for privacy seems to be more limited than it should be.

For this particular issue the obvious thing outside of what should be legal would be that the states have no reason or jurisdiction to know anything. If there was a crime going on in that other state the demanding state has no grounds to charge anyone with anything. No crime was committed in their state even if a crime did happen. Said crime would be the business of the state in which the crime took place.

HandsHurtLoL ,

Shit this gets tricky because I wouldn't want states to not talk to each other about domestic violence if a person is trying to buy a firearm in a new state...

borkcorkedforks ,

The background check is a federal thing with federal laws regulating it. The states are supposed to report things to the feds for things to show up on the NICS. There have been failures related to the NICS due to states or military not reporting things to the feds but they don't really report stuff to other states for the background check. And if states are asked about things it's the feds doing the asking. The FBI manages the background checks and NICS.

There is also a big difference between states sharing info about convictions and a random out of state police department, ag, or governor asking a hospital to violate HIPPA for something that isn't a crime in that state.

Hairyblue , to Politics in Watch BLM get outwitted by Ben Shapiro. How soon until the libs start going after ethnocentrism? avatar

Black Lives Matter, too. Who could be against this? And Ben Shapiro has terrible opinions about minorities and the LGBT community. He is not a good person. And he is not quick witted.

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

Black Lives Matter, too. Who could be against this?

All lives should be treated as equals. "Social equity" is not equality. Since when is charity dignifying for the recipient?

Ben Shapiro has terrible opinions about minorities and the LGBT

Shapiro has stated multiple times that he would rather a child have two gay parents over being an orphan. I won't deny that some of his takes are a bit on the theocratic side. But he isn't theocratic, he recognizes that while his religious beliefs do influence his perspectives, not everyone should be coerced to live the way which he chooses to live.

He is not a good person

Clearly, in an echo chamber of leftys and libs, my opinion on Shapiro will not be recognized as the general consensus. However, it's best to keep a perspective that is open minded when listening to opinions with which you might disagree, instead of just attempting to nullify everything that is said simply because you dislike a particular person.

And he is not quick witted.

It is quite clear that many people recognize him as a well spoken and worthy debate opponent. While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, that opinion is not commonly recognized, as many people seek debates with him.

effingjoe , to Politics in Watch BLM get outwitted by Ben Shapiro. How soon until the libs start going after ethnocentrism?

Shapiro relies almost solely on the Gish Gallop debate technique:

The Gish gallop is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm their opponent by providing an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments.

Having too many shitty arguments for any one person to refute is not how I'd describe "outwitting" someone.

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

Shapiro is known for his fast-paced and articulate speaking style. He possesses a strong command of language, which enables him to present his arguments clearly and succinctly.

Shapiro is well-versed in a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, philosophy, and social issues. He often extensively prepares for debates by researching the subject matter, gathering relevant data, and constructing persuasive arguments.

Shapiro is known for his confident and assertive demeanor during debates. He is not afraid to challenge opposing views and presenting his own perspective.

Shapiro actively seeks out debate opportunities and is open to engaging with individuals who hold opposing views. His willingness to participate in discussions and defend his ideas contributes to his reputation as a debater.

You'd be more accurate if you stated that you have trouble following Shaprio's debate style as it is quite clear that many people recognize him as a well spoken and worthy debate opponent. While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, that opinion is not commonly recognized, as many people seek debates with him.

Clearly, in an echo chamber of leftys and libs, my opinion on Shapiro's debate style will not be recognized as the general consensus. However, it's best to keep a perspective that is open minded when listening to opinions with which you might disagree, instead of just attempting to nullify everything that is said simply because you dislike a particular person.

effingjoe ,

lol, no.

Zombiepirate , to Politics in At what point does blatant racism become acceptable and encouraged? avatar

If by “perfectly illustrates” you mean “bait-and-switched two situations that are not remotely similar for cheap propaganda to appeal to right-wing dipshits who don’t understand the difference between attempting to mitigate generational systemic economic oppression and buying an impulse item,” then yes… It did do that.

zazaserty , to RedditMigration in Submerged Berlin: The Aftermath of a Violent Storm - Don't Miss This Shocking Footage! avatar


Gordon_Freeman , avatar

I'd say it's a "karma" farming bot

ihab OP ,

Greetings to you

ihab OP ,

Greetings to you

cmnybo , to Linux in [SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man...

Arch is pretty easy to install, it just takes a bit more work than most distros. Try LFS if you want something hard.

guckfoogle , to RedditMigration in Corporate greed is destroying Reddit, so I'm leaving

you mean destroying the internet

McBinary , to RedditMigration in Corporate greed is destroying Reddit, so I'm leaving avatar

I went to reddit a little while ago to check on the status of my favored reddit app, and past the top 15 or so posts is the same shit I saw days ago. New content there has seriously dropped off.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in At what point does blatant racism become acceptable and encouraged?

Wow. This kind of mickey mouse attempt to prove affirmative action is "reverse racism" was invented by literal teenagers in conservative/Republican student groups across university campuses in the 1990's. Not only is it a total misunderstanding of how affirmative action works, it's full blown trite at this point.

Upsetting that this passes for TV journalism and I'm upset for those people interviewed who had to undergo experiencing this microaggression for the sake of this inept clown to try to make a point.

Unhappily_Coerced OP ,

affirmative action is "reverse racism"

I think we found the student who is "dumb as cardboard"

It's not "reverse racism", discrimination based on race is just "racism".

HandsHurtLoL ,

Oh THANK GOD you arrived at just this point of my life to shine light on the fact I'm stupid as shit. WHEW!! Now I can no longer be burdened with any decision making for the rest of my life. What would I have done without your scathing insight and rapier wit??? I shudder to imagine all the pitfalls I would have befallen without the kind and gracious light you've now shone on my life.

Hey everyone! Let's make @Unhappily_Coerced dictator for life! He's solved racism! Surely he has all the answers to the rest of society's ills!

style99 , to Politics in At what point does blatant racism become acceptable and encouraged? avatar

I think John Stossel has a knack for unintentionally proving that libertarians are consistently wrong about everything.

rikersbeard , to men in Do we actually want vulnerable men? | Aba & Preach

In my experience it’s not just emotional vulnerability, but any kind of weakness which is a huge turn off for women. Last time this happened to me was when I had Covid and depended on my girlfriend to pick stuff up from the store for me. She dumped me right after I’d recovered.

jimmydoreisalefty OP , to Work Reform in Economic Update: New Energies Organizing Unions [31:05 | MAY 27 24 | Democracy At Work] avatar


  1. [16:08] - Introduction and interview with Jaz Brisack and Casey Moore, organizers of Starbucks stores and of Inside Organizer School (IOS)

In this week’s Economic Update, Professor Richard Wolff comments on US megabanks once again taking new off-the-books risks, Elon Musk endorsing right-wing undemocratic census proposals and Fossil Fuel industry executives bribe Trump with campaign donations. In addition, we highlight the many US and global labor unions and workers who have joined the movement in supporting of ending the Israeli military actions in Gaza.

Finally, we Interview with Jaz Brisack and Casey Moore, organizers of Starbucks stores and of Inside Organizer School (IOS), a new organization that trains workers how to unionize their workplaces.

The Inside Organizer School (IOS) is a unique program aimed at making inside organizers as effective as possible in motivating and mobilizing their co- workers. The IOS branches off from traditional union organizer training which addresses staff development, focusing its curriculum instead on developing inside organizers who organize from within the workplace.

acockworkorange , to Men's Liberation in Are Men Okay? – SOME MORE NEWS

Short answer: no. Long answer: nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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