Ask Science

Is it possible that monozygotic twins are quantum entangled at conception?

Feels like a shower thought, but I seriously want to know if there are any implications, because it seems like identical twins are able to sense, understand, and almost be extensions of each other - finish each other’s sentences/thoughts. Some even claim to be able to sense their twin when they’re separate. Hard to believe,...

Could death by starvation be delayed by drinking your own blood?

Let's say you are dying of starvation. You pull one of your teeth out, causing blood to slowly seep into your mouth, which you swallow. The calories from the blood getting digested will delay the time you die of starvation, right? Or will losing blood while starving kill you faster?

Does stranger matter violate thermodynamics?

I’m just curious.Strange matter, according to my research, is a perfect state of matter with perfect density, etc. If it is like this, does that also mean that it violates the law of entropy?Because let’s see, if it converts matter around it into stranger matter, and after that it doesn’t react with anything else, I mean...

What's the difference between Force, Impulse and Force of Impact?

I was dealing with a problem which stated that two objects were moving with same velocity v and one was a car with mass m and another a truck with mass M, such that M > m. They collided and came to a halt. Their collision lasted for 1 second. Which experienced a greater force of impact?...

If we have such a high field of vision, why can't we focus on everything within the vision simultaneously?

Why is it that I am not able to read a book without moving my eyes if the entirety of the page is within my field of view? Why do I have to center my eyes on an object to observe it fully? And why is it that I am still able to view changes in surroundings in the edges of my field of vision despite there being supposedly no way...

Is it possible to receive an electric shock when you *stop* touching something?

I seem to remember as a young child being told that it is safe to touch a Van de Graff generator (for the hair demonstration), but that if you let go before it is safe you will get a nasty shock. I know a bit more about electricity now, and I'm a little skeptical now. Is it possible to get a shock from letting go of something?

Volcanic Pyroclastic flows: What are some good analogies to understand the full spectrum of causes?

I’m trying to wrap my head around something that appears far more complex than I first thought. I don’t understand the explosive elements and chemistry that drives ash production and the heat to create the eruption column. I’m aware of how molten metal behaves in a foundry crucible with flux and degassing required. So I...

What is the best medium for transmitting sound?

I know that sound doesn’t travel in a vacuum, you can hear it muddled in water, and different temperatures of air transmit better. But which is the “best”. Let’s say you had a speaker and a microphone in an enclosed case filled with whatever you wanted, which would be the best medium to ensure the best sound...

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