
berryjam , in Cat.


streetfestival , in Cat. avatar

There's a cat in that image

MacedWindow , in Cat. avatar

kitty :)

ArbiterXero , in My dog rocks a bowtie.

It’s buck from ice age, now all he needs is an eye patch.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,


Tylerdurdon , in My dog rocks a bowtie.

That is one dashing fellow. Pip pip!

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

He's such a card. Absolutely hilarious dog.

halvar , in My dog rocks a bowtie.

Bowties are cool.

FuglyDuck , in My dog rocks a bowtie. avatar

A face like that, you tried to rock a bowtie and failed, and pooch is just being a good wingdoggo and letting you know.

Not everyone can rock a bow tie… I can’t and it makes me sad.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

It's true.

TomMasz , in My dog rocks a bowtie. avatar

Mr. Steal Your Girl.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

Have you ever seen such a face.

DampCanary , in This guy was chilling in the middle of road. avatar

My prize was three-four weeks of once a week wisit to Infectious Diseases Ward and 7 shots total

wreckedcarzz , avatar

Man, did you pick the wrong road to chill on...

DampCanary , avatar

Or got dumb luck and found real spicy spiky potato next to road

plactagonic OP ,

Here they have only lices, nothing much to worry about.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I'm guessing rabies can be anywhere. And while I've never heard of anyone getting rabies from a hedgehog, I wouldn't want to be the first.

plactagonic OP ,

Rabies are eradicate here, but still controlled some neighboring states still have few cases here and there.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Rabies are eradicated there as far as you know. And you certainly don't know if it has any other communicable diseases unless you are some sort of expert on hedgehogs.

jordanlund , in Nudibranches are cute. avatar

Send nudibranches.

intensely_human , in My buddy!

It would appear you’ve not fed him enough. The poor thing is reduced to a single back leg.

Mouselemming , in Fluff pile

You can't just post something like this without making sure they're okay! Like either they're being adopted or at least their mother is coming right back to take care of them, and is getting plenty to eat! And someone is going to see they all get spayed/neutered, including mom!

Kolanaki OP , avatar

Mom was just to the right of the photo. This was about 5 minutes after they were suckling. And they're taken care of by my nextdoor neighbors.

jordanlund , in Fluff pile avatar

NGL, I know mom has to be around or they'd be in worse shape, but I'd still scoop them up, get them cleaned up and then see if I could catch mom too.

wesker , in Nudibranches are cute. avatar

They look dangerous. Are they?

ReverendIrreverence , avatar

That's a Blue Dragon (Glaucus atlanticus). They can eat the nematocysts from jellyfish and store them to reuse as their own stinging cells. So..."dangerous," not really but as painful as they are beautiful...oh yes.

SuckMyWang ,

You don’t consider stinging jellyfish as dangerous?

Amazed , (edited )

What? No one is comparing them. The question was asked, are they dangerous? OP mused that they have no natural weapons, or danger per se, but instead borrow the jellyfish’s defense. So they are painful in their defense. Likely not aggressive.

“Despite the unsavory or toxic taste they can present to their non-human predators, most nudibranchs are harmless to humans, except those like Glaucus atlanticus which consumes nematocytes and so may consider you a predator and sting”,you%20a%20predator%20and%20sting.

SuckMyWang ,

I see now. Thanks

Amazed ,

Of course.

This particular species does sting, so I would argue it is dangerous. But its mechanism is super interesting: it eats the stinging cells from jellyfish, absorbs them into its own body, and uses them to sting others the same way. Some even release acid. Incredible!

Pat_Riot , in Nudibranches are cute. avatar

I'm more inclined to say that nudibranches are pretty.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

I'm ok with that.

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