
herrcaptain , in Love at first sight

That or the fox thinks it’s in the presence of its god.

Slovene , in JFK Airport. I'm not taking their advice.

Make sure you don't pet service dogs.

tourist , avatar

Make sure you service pet dogs every 10k barks

Lost_My_Mind ,

And while not explicitly stated in those exact terms, that's probably EXACTLY what this sign is for. But they probably cover their legal bases if they say sll dogs, in case a non-service dog bites them. Then the airport has a sign "What did we JUST say???"

I work at a different airport, and while I can't say I've ever seen a dog attack someone, I CAN say I've seen people get so drunk that they take off all their clothes at the bar. Then get arrested for "singing kareoke onstage". Except there's a few key pieces of information. First off, they had no stage. She was just naked singing while standing on top of the bar. Like it was coyote ugly. Also, the bar didn't have a kareoke machine, it had a keno display. And there wasn't even any music playing. She just got up on the bar naked and starts a drunk rendition of "allstar" followed by most of "walking on the sun" by smash mouth before the cops showed up and arrested her. Bonus points to the cops for letting her get off the bartop on her own. She used a bar chair to get down, and the top of the chair swivels. So she fucks it up, the chair swivels, and she eats the ground HARD. Like.....pretty sure she had a concussion after that. She was definately bleeding from the back of her head. As someone who has a lot of downtime, and just people watches, that was definately my favorite day for people watching.

Entertaining story aside, my point is.....people are dumbasses. She never got to the point to even try to board the plane, but I assure you, she would have been denied. And she's not alone. Most people keep their clothes on, but a LOT of people (looking at you, spirit, and frontier passengers) drink WAAAAAAAY too much.

So I could fully see a situation where a drunk guy insists on petting a dog that doesn't want to be touched by a drunk guy. I could then understand why a dog would then bite him. And now we understand this sign.

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

Just wanted to say I was thoroughly entertained by your anecdote. Thanks for sharing!

Catoblepas ,

It’s probably for bomb sniffing dogs, I’ve seen those at JFK and LAX along with those signs in the past. Like right near the cordoned off walkway they have set up for them to walk near everyone in line.

nilloc ,

Logan (Boston) too. I watched an abandoned shopping bag get sniffed down before they took it away.

It’s amazing the difference between how bomb dogs move and sniff compared to drug dogs (which are 99% bullshit being triggered by handlers I suspect).

KevonLooney ,

Clever Hans (German: der Kluge Hans; c. 1895 – c. 1916) was a horse that was claimed to have performed arithmetic and other intellectual tasks. After a formal investigation in 1907, psychologist Oskar Pfungst demonstrated that the horse was not actually performing these mental tasks, but was watching the reactions of his trainer. He discovered this artifact in the research methodology, wherein the horse was responding directly to involuntary cues in the body language of the human trainer, who was entirely unaware that he was providing such cues.

FiskFisk33 ,

Just dont pet other peoples dogs without their consent, service or not

intensely_human ,

I take my consent from the dog. You’re its caretaker, friend, and family. None of that means the dog’s incompetent to decide and communicate desire to be touched.

edit: I should be more clear. I ask for permission from the owner. I say “Can I say hi to your dog?”

Then I say hi by putting my hand out to smell. Then if the dog wants a pet, I’ll pet the dog.

Permission to approach from the owner, but consent to pet from the dog.

FiskFisk33 ,

I should be more clear. I ask for permission from the owner.

Much needed clarification hahah.

I'm with you 100%

xantoxis ,

Feel free to distract the shit out of the drug dogs though.

Catoblepas ,

AFAIK they don’t use those in airports, at least not in the domestic flight area. I could see it being used at customs or something, although I think even in customs they usually have dogs sniffing for agricultural concerns like plants and seeds rather than drugs. The dogs you see near security theater checkpoints screening areas are all bomb sniffing dogs AFAIK.

nilloc ,

Yeah they don’t need drug dogs in airports. If they don’t like the look of you they can just search your bags without the made up cause of a drug dog “trigger”.

illi , in He found a new friend!

Can't get up until it moves, that's the rules

Beaver , avatar


Sotuanduso , avatar

Can't get up until it moves, that's they rules

Beaver , avatar

The doe is a being not an object.

Sotuanduso , avatar

They doe is a being not an object.

WeLoveCastingSpellz ,

in the english language the pronouns it/its are used either for animals or inanimate objects

joshoff ,

he/him/his here

but it/it/its in bed 💅

WeLoveCastingSpellz ,

so true

Daxtron2 ,

Beings are also an object :)

Beaver , avatar

You wouldn't call people "it". It's about showing respect.

Texas_Hangover ,

Fuck you! You're an it!

Beaver , avatar

Touch some grass buddy.

Texas_Hangover ,

Shutup, it.

Nythos , (edited )

The person getting upset at another person calling a doe an it, telling another to touch grass is just peak internet.

MashBoilPitch ,

Ikr. I think were now supposed to say something about how this kind of interaction is so reddit. Loudly enough that we can ignore that it's just how people behave in general.

nomous ,
  • on the internet.

Cause I promise if I talked like that in real life I'd get eye rolls and wouldn't be invited out anymore. It's a great example of "theory is fine but you need to interact with others."

ManniSturgis , avatar

I wouldn't, but I am calling animals it. Only in English tho, we don't do that in my native language.

melpomenesclevage ,

I absolutely would.

UnearthedUnusual ,

I know a few people who use it/its pronouns. While I agree that treating animals with respect is a good thing, it pronouns are not necessarily a sign of disrespect or objectification.

Beaver , avatar

Well in that case that is different but usually when we say "it" that is used to refer to physical objects like book or treat. Animals being seen as property harms them.

intensely_human ,

No, because people can be respectful of animals while using the word “it”.

You’re asserting all this extra stuff that the word does not convey, because you’ve unconsciously decided that is the only way to use the word.

But as others are telling you, and is true, it is common in English to use “it” for animals. Despite what your lit teacher told you, that does not create disrespect for the animals. People have been caring for animals, people with hearts, people who don’t treat animals the way they would a book, while using the word “it”, for as long as the English language had existed.

That thing where you can’t have empathy for an “it”, that a rule in your head.

Beaver , avatar

People have been caring for animals, people with hearts, people who don’t treat animals the way they would a book, while using the word “it”, for as long as the English language had existed.

I doubt that when factory farms exist.

Humanity kills more than 80 billion land animals and trillions of aquatic animals ever year.

Sotuanduso , avatar

By that logic you don't care for they either.

Daxtron2 ,

Respect is earned :)

Beaver , avatar

No it is a given.

Daxtron2 ,

Give respect get respect, I don't respect bigots and Nazis

intensely_human ,

But you would immediately jump in to correct another adult’s use of language, as if they were a child. Despite this talk of respect.

emptiestplace ,

As someone who has been vegan for 25 years, I really appreciate your choices and empathize with your motivations. If, however, your goal is to make a difference, you might want to avoid alienating your audience before you've even said anything.

Ookami38 ,

The doe has no concept of pronouns. I promise calling it "it" isn't doing anything to hurt it.

DrRatso ,

Using “it” for an animal is perfectly reasonable. An argument can be made for using they instead but we even use it for humans occasionally (e.g. Jack checked on the baby, it was sleeping peacefully).

Harbinger01173430 ,

Animals use the article 'it'.

samus12345 , in Harriet lived to be 175 avatar

Reminds me of this picture of Jonathan (on the left, over 50 years old at the time) in 1886, who’s still kickin’ it at over 190:

LoraxEleven ,

Harriet’s 168th. birthday party with Steve Irwin.

phoneymouse ,

His mate is named Frederika and she was born in 1991. Does that make him a dirty old man?

samus12345 , avatar

Nah, what’s a little January 1st - December 31st romance?

boyi ,

The sex of Frederica, one of two of his favourite tortoises thought to be female (the other being Emily), as well as his companion since 1991, was cast into doubt in 2017 when island veterinarian Catherine Man indicated that due to a deformity of its plastron its sex could not be verified,[4] and is now known to be male, being renamed Frederik.[1] While Frederik was undergoing the examination, Jonathan came over and did not leave the side of Frederik and the veterinarian during the entire process.[13]

Kecessa , in Took a shower
gibmiser ,

The consequences of my own actions!

Phoenix3875 ,

The surprised Pikachu face

randomuser38529 ,

I slowed it downed and to me it looks like they were fighting. Sink-cat being in despair after getting hit by that unexpected stream, top-cat still punched her twice while she was trying to get away. Is that pure evil or are cats just build that way?

jadelord ,

It’s over Anakin, I have the high ground

LwL ,

They were fighting, you can tell just from their body language at the start. Sink cat surrendered. Then sink cat got wet and seemed to have decided that surrendering is not as important as not being blasted by water. I’m guessing that then sink cat got hit for getting back up before being permitted.

randomuser38529 ,

Thanks for the explanation. I wasn’t aware of such a dynamic.

intensely_human ,

Just curious, what’s your political leaning?

randomuser38529 ,

In regards to cats? So far I like them as such. Not so much how they treat each other. As you can tell, don’t know enough about them. I will never be able to afford one anyways. Not sure if I even want to.

In general? Going way off topic here: I’m still figuring that out, while trying to find my place and purpose in this world. I read about a democracy (proper one) where actual power is with the people and governments can and have to be held accountable. Sovereignty of the people if I remember correctly.

This should tell you enough of my naivety, which obviously augments romanticizing a utopia.

SeabassDan , in Food doesn't crawl into mouth

I always wondered if this bird ever actually learned to eat on its own.

Firipu , avatar

I know he’s been trying for a few years at least and he still hasn’t caught it. I don’t have high hopes for him.

danc4498 ,

I saw a picture of a dead bird recently. I wonder if it was him.

DudeImMacGyver , in It's just not fair!

Too be fair, we can kill them too. I bet people kill more bears than bears kill people.

LowtierComputer ,

No question. They're regularly hunted.

Montagge , avatar

In 2023 hunters reported harvesting 1,616 black bears in Oregon – 680 during the spring season and 936 in the fall

Oregon has not documented any fatal bear attacks.

TowardsTheFuture ,

Looked it up fairly recently (cuz you know men got mad about bears or whatever) but don’t have source on me: Black bears cause about 1.2 human deaths per year across all of America.

Montagge , avatar

That's probably about right. Black bears don't get into fights they don't have to. I don't know how many dozens of black bears I've been around, but the only problem I've ever had involved a cub. Even that was a communication issue! I was trying to get the hell out of there, the cub was moving towards me, and the sow didn't like me moving in any direction lol

wedeworps ,

How did you handle it

Montagge , avatar

Made myself as big as possible, had my .357 out just in case, and not as slowly as I meant to continued to walk backwards the way I had come. Once she stopped coming towards me I turned around and went back to where I knew a clearing was. I plopped my ass in the middle of the clearing just in case, and waited a while. Once the shadows moved enough I headed back up the path and got to my truck.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

The only stories I hear about black bear related deaths typically involve some kind of "Messing With Sasquatch" moment on a couple of cubs.

TranscendentalEmpire ,

It's kinda why I never got the whole would you rather thing. As a fairly big dude, I'd much prefer the bear over a man or a woman. The bear is more than likely just going to scamper off. Even decent people in bad situations are very dangerous creatures, and more than likely, I'm just going to have to take care of a complete stranger in the woods.

Anticorp ,

A black bear is more likely to scamper off. A brown bear is going to expect you to scamper off. As an avid backpacker, I'm not stoked about the plan to reintroduce brown bears to my state.

TranscendentalEmpire ,

As an avid backpacker, I'm not stoked about the plan to reintroduce brown bears to my state.

I do a lot of hiking as well, and yes brown bears are definitely more of a pucker your b-hole scenario. But for the most part as long as you don't sneak up on one accidentally or accidentally get between the bear and the cubs, they're fairly harmless. Ya just gotta have something that makes some noise when you're hiking, I have buddies that just strap a cow bell on their packs.

It would still be pretty rare for one to outright attack a full grown person, they are generally aware that peeps be dangerous.

Anticorp ,

The problem with that is then you don't see all of the other wildlife that is fun to come across while in the wilderness. You won't have any more random deer or racoon sightings, since everything will run from your bell. Obviously it's better to be safer, but I'm generally pretty happy that we don't have fearless apex predators in our forests. We have a few apex predators with the black bear, grey wolf, and cougar, but those are all very wary of humans, and generally not a threat like the brown bear would be.

TranscendentalEmpire ,

That's fair, though it doesn't seem to bother the little critters like rabbits or racoons for some reason. But yeah, it'll def make the deer scamper off.

Danquebec ,

I think it's because their strategy for avoiding predators is "Stay in trees or hide in holes" rather than "Run away"

kambusha ,

Takes them five years to finally kill that second human

Cosmos7349 ,

Yeah, but we're not cute, so it makes sense

uriel238 , avatar

Says you. Actually other animals think we naked apes are totally cute.

Cosmos7349 ,

I found Snow White

Anticorp ,

Awe! 😊

DudeImMacGyver ,


novibe ,

But people LOOK like they can kill. They are no fuzzy and cuddly…

Senseless ,

You obviously haven't seen me.

uriel238 , avatar

Tigers are fuzzy and cuddly, and they look like they can kill, with self-sharpening claws and big canine teeth.

We look like funny apes, and what makes us dangerous are all strange magics like sticks that spit rocks, mists of death and our capacity to summon and play with fire. Then we build giant nests of concrete and lights and clockwork machines.

Everythingispenguins ,

Calm down there Mowgli

DudeImMacGyver ,

Idk, we're pretty cuddly

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah exactly, i look like i rape people as a hobby.

But i'm probably one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I just look homeless.

grue , in Someone has been appointed as princess

Listen, strange birds alighting on keys is no basis is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical avian ceremony!

the_post_of_tom_joad ,

Is this the time to bring up bird law?

jaybone ,

Help I’m being repressed.

alp ,


bigredgiraffe , in Not all kitties hate water

I recently got a kitten and he is all about water, he even climbs in the sink to drink water! I am going to have to get him a kiddie pool in the spring, including a photo for the cat tax, his name is Galileo!

Sailing7 ,

Cute lil fella :3

Moghul ,

That is one top shelf cat

Bebo ,

Oh he’s such a cutie pie in his little hoodie.

bigredgiraffe ,

Haha yeah he seems to love it, he also doesn’t seem to care about wearing a harness so possible future adventure kitty woo! I should post more pictures of him on here hah.

Ghostalmedia , in Not everyone has fun during bath time avatar

Classic husky move.

Non husky: I don’t like this and I’m sad


JoMiran , avatar


GladiusB , avatar

Huskies are cat software run on dog hardware

Ghostalmedia , avatar

I thought that was sighthounds. Super aloof, only asks for pets when they want them, wants to spend all day stalking a mouse and slowly torturing it, etc.

Moose , avatar

I always thought people overexaggerated about how dramatic huskys are - until I had one live below me for a few years. Some of those noises just made me laugh from how goofy it was. Dummy got sprayed by a skunk too, twice.

Ghostalmedia , avatar

Oof. I’ve had to deal with skunk 3 times. And one time I got hit too.

No fun. That stuff if so much worse when it’s fresh.

elvith ,

When I was a student, I did an internship in a chemistry lab. On one of the days, someone brought in some samples of skunk secretion for an analysis.

Everyone was like Not again i dont want that, let the intern do this!

I thought how bad could it be?. Turns out really bad. It days to stop that smell. And I mostly handled the sealed phials and only opened a single one for a gas chromatography without spilling something…

Moose , avatar

Oh boy yeah that sounds awful, it was bad enough with them isolated downstairs and after washing the dog immediately. Both times I could very easily smell it in my room for at least a week, fades over time though, first few days suckkkk.

Kase ,

I had a not-husky (mixed, I think she was mostly Australian shepherd) who would make “husky” sounds all the time. We always figured she was raised around huskies or something. Anyway, she was silly and adorable, and I hope I get to meet a husky someday because they sound awesome.

Moose , avatar

Here’s a pic of the goofball during winter, somehow in a state halfway between sitting and standing.

Kolanaki , avatar

My husky isn’t much like the stereotypes. The only time she really gets loud is if I say “space camp” for some reason. I honestly don’t know why that phrase makes her howl; I was just saying random shit one day until she started “wooing” at something and that was it.

Corkyskog ,

Is her name Laika?

Mwallerby , in It's impossible that they could hurt me

If not friend why friend shaped??

EvolvedTurtle ,

Came here looking for this lol

entropicdrift , in The homewrecker avatar

That's a female cat. Calico cats are exclusively female, barring cats with extra chromosomes which are extremely rare.

Zachariah , avatar

ur extremely rare

entropicdrift , avatar

Yeah, I guess people raised by cat breeders are pretty rare.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

I learned this from anime

entropicdrift , (edited ) avatar

Learned about calico cats or kids raised by cat breeders?

Either way, as long as you fact check, doesn't matter where you first learned something.

Which anime, btw? I'm curious

DragonTypeWyvern ,
entropicdrift , avatar

Oh man!

I totally forgot there even was a cat in Haruhi! Haven't seen that show in like 15 years.

Gormadt , avatar

Extremely rare doesn't mean impossible

They're mostly female but not all female

entropicdrift , (edited ) avatar

I didn't say it was impossible.

That said, if somebody gave me the option to bet on a calico cat being female, I would always take that bet because I'd only be wrong about one in three thousand times (0.03333...% of the time) if the cat was randomly selected, whereas other coat colors it'd be 50-50.

BeardedBlaze , avatar

What do you think the word "exclusively" means?

entropicdrift , avatar

What do you think the word "barring" means? My original comment noted the sole exceptional case.

Sotuanduso , avatar

Wouldn't that be three in a thousand?

entropicdrift , avatar

Ah, you're right. It'd be 0.03333333...%

I'll edit

Corkyskog , (edited )

My wife's sister has an adult male Calico. Are you telling me that super chonker is rare?

entropicdrift , avatar

Yes, quite rare.

zewm , avatar

But you did say exclusively which implies that it would be only female. Which is just inaccurate.

entropicdrift , avatar

The word "barring" in the context of my comment means "with the exception of"

azulavoir ,

Generally if people offer such a bet on a rare event they know something you don't

EtherWhack , avatar

Are you sure that isn't just a birman that was born with a simple congenital deformity of that part of its face?

entropicdrift , (edited ) avatar

My understanding is that the X chromosome carries the gene for red cat fur. Female calicos have one X with the red fur gene and one without. If a cat only has X chromosomes that carry the red fur gene, they'll be an red-furred cat, which is why the only male calicos are XXY. An XY male cat with the red fur gene on their X chromosome just comes out red.

I don't see how some separate "simple congenital deformity" other than an extra X could account for red fur.

I could be wrong, I'm not a cat scientist, I just grew up knowing hundreds of cats.

EtherWhack , avatar

I'm not sure myself. I just recognized the coat (other than the crest on the face) being close to a birman and was thinking either a mix or a defect.

entropicdrift , avatar


Viking_Hippie , (edited )

That's probably a female cat.

Fixed it for you.

Somewhat related: here's a pic of my calico Emily looking like she's drunkenly threatening to punch me

entropicdrift , avatar

I stated the exception to the rule in my own comment, I'm just not gonna hedge my bets when the odds are 99.967% in my favor.

Thanks for the adorable photo!

Viking_Hippie ,

Edited my original comment to reflect your getting it right the second time 😁

You're welcome for the pic, here's one of her Tortie (also almost always female since it's the same gene) sister Charlotte ALSO napping in wicker. They really enjoy wicker 😁🥰

grandkaiser ,

Would someone really do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?

Viking_Hippie ,

The former president/vampire hunter sure seems to think so 🤷

Mango ,

You're right but I don't think that's a calico.

spicytuna62 , in True fact avatar
idunnololz , avatar
wesker , in Here's my dude. I have no idea what he is. avatar

Looks like a pure bred, bonafied good boy. You can tell by the smile.

Dagnet , in Baby pangolin :3
TheOctonaut ,

This version is ancient and yet I’ve only just noticed now that the left hand side photos are the same photo horizontal flipped.

j4yt33 ,

Blackadder vibes

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