UnfortunateShort , in Why do FlatPak backround running locations persist until dismissed?

I encountered this too. There is a way to disable this in the notification settings, but that way is disabling notifications for “special application behavior” or something like that outright. You can probably do this per app, I’m just not sure what kind of other notifications this disables (if any). But if you wanna try, just it the settings icon on the next popup.

n1729 , in Frameless view with QtWidgets

This looks fantastic to be honest.

maxwellfire , in Can anyone assist with correcting my KRename regex?

I think you want something like s*(((?!versd).)*)s*

See regexr.com/7jbvk

Basically this consumes all characters between parentheticals with whitespace unless the next character set in the parentheticals is ver followed by a number. Now this uses a negative lookahead which might not be supported by the engine that krename is using. You can also explicitly construct the group to not match, but that’s rather painful, see here

ISOmorph , in A small explainer graphic about Kalendar → Merkuro

I would love to use the KApps for Calendar / Contacts / Mail for a better integration into KDE. But at this point Thunderbird is just so far ahead, I’m not sure KDE will be able to close the gap to make those apps a viable alternative

FarraigePlaisteach ,

What does Thunderbird have that the K apps don’t? I ask because I’m considering switching to KDE Plasma for a desktop.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Thunderbird’s entire GUI locks up when a notification pops up. KMail can’t do that.

Thunderbird runs under Windows, KMail sometimes has at best an experimental Windows release but usually none at all. Decide for yourself how important Windows releases are for a Linux crowd.

I don’t care for them but Thunderbird has extensions.

Coelacanthus ,
@Coelacanthus@lemmy.kde.social avatar

Thunderbird has many operations which will block UI thread, such as fetch emails, decrypt email and verify signatures…

climbertobby ,
@climbertobby@chaos.social avatar

@FarraigePlaisteach @aronkvh @ISOmorph

Most importantly what doesn't thunderbird have that kmail has? Akondai server.

Kmail worked so badly with larger imap mailboxes, that I switched back to thunderbird recently.

Thunderbird has its problems but it works. Only other linux mail client that worked similarly well is evolution/gnome mail but I did not want to have gnome services running on my KDE desktop.

Number358 , in Lemmy app from KDE?

Why not make a kbin client, call it kdebin

klangcola ,

Angry upvote

Kevadroz ,
@Kevadroz@lemmy.world avatar

Nah, kebin is better.

PseudoSpock , in Lemmy app from KDE?

I dare you to make it an electron app. Double dare you. … (preparing to stick your tongue to the frozen pole)… I double dog dare you. ;)

JTskulk , in Lemmy app from KDE?

I thought you were offering one, now I’m disappointed.

carlschwan Mod , in Lemmy app from KDE?

It would be great to have and I actually started writing tiny bit of code for this, but unfortunately my bandwidth is already saturated with maintaining merkuro, tokodon, neochat and a bunch of other apps.

But if someone is interested in writing an app, I’ll be happy to help a bit.

Bro666 , in KDE Social Lemmy instance is live

And we’re federated!

disrooter ,

And here it will be harder to abuse your mod powers since there is a public mod-log!

Bro666 Mod ,
@Bro666@lemmy.kde.social avatar

I am not a mod here, and I will happily let someone else decide what to do when you start sharing off topic antivaxx theories.

Edit: Oh! Also forgot your protestations against inclusivity, your hate of rainbowed logos, and anti-semitic conspiracy theories. Phew. It is kind of a relief it is not my problem, to be honest. Either way, I give you a month, tops.

carlschwan OP Mod ,

He is already banned a few minutes after posting his first message.

FQQD , in Kdenlive 23.08.0 is released packed with an array of fixes, enhancements, and optimizations
@FQQD@feddit.de avatar

Hell yeah, those look some nice fixes

carlschwan , in Would KDE switch over their git hosting to Gitea/Forgejo/Codeberg?
@carlschwan@floss.social avatar

@Kalcifer we use gitlab community edition which is completely open. Gitlab offered us a free ultimate subscription but we decided to keep using the 100% open source version instead.

Kalcifer OP ,

Has there been any discussion around possibly switching over to the afformentioned alternative services?

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Has there been any discussion around possibly switching over to the afformentioned alternative services?

Why would there be? Your argument of “not entirely open” does not apply as you’ve just read.

Kalcifer OP ,

I’m mostly just asking out of curiosity.

QuazarOmega ,

Gitlab offered us a free ultimate subscription but we decided to keep using the 100% open source version instead.

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deliriousn0mad , in Why is the first day of the week decided by the country format?

I agree, all these preferences (currency, time, date, measurements) shouldn’t need to fit in a determined locale box, but if you customize them it’s possible to run into issues. I believe choosing English (Ireland) might solve your issue? Either that or I have found a way to customize it way back and then forgot.

iturnedintoanewt OP ,
@iturnedintoanewt@lemm.ee avatar

Thanks! I’ll keep English Ireland to avoid further mess.

Sh1nyM3t4l4ss , in Why is the first day of the week decided by the country format?

For the calendar plasmoid you can set the preference for the first day of the week independently of your locale, in case that’s all you need.

iturnedintoanewt OP ,
@iturnedintoanewt@lemm.ee avatar

Thanks! That option also works, at least for the clock widget! And I’ll be also choosing English - Ireland for now, hopefully this one sorts the rest of the formatting issues.

klangcola , in This week in KDE: tap-to-click by default

I’m so excited for the Wayland on nVidia stuff!

woelkchen OP ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

I’m so excited for the Wayland on nVidia stuff!

Nvidia will find a way to mess this up. Buy AMD/Intel GPUs.

klangcola ,

Sadly when I bought my laptop the choices on offer were AMD+nVidia or Intel+nVidia. It was like AMD GPU laptops were made of unobtainium

But for desktop, definitely AMD

woelkchen OP , in This week in KDE: tap-to-click by default
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Oh great, so from disabling single mouse click to disabling that tap thing. I had hoped that in Plasma 6 I’ll have one few option that needs changing. Well, at least it’s configurable…

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