Men's Liberation

dumples , in We Know “NoFap” Is Misleading Men About Masturbation. It Might Be More Dangerous Than That. avatar

This is a typical internet story where a moderate space about reducing porn consumption and then it gets taken over by extremists. NoFap is typical sex negative talk packages for men and young boys for the internet age. It focus on something simple like reducing porn use until it becomes a full sex negative no masturbation's and no sex philosophy.

The shame around masturbation is immense even if you don't get it from church. This is an attack male sexuality and reduces it into a simple phallic centric ejaculation focused instead of a whole body pleasure focused. This also ties really well into a female centric sex negative attack on porn in general which doubles up on the shame on men. The two together help support and create this false "cheating" definition and jealousy of toxic monogamist relationships. The idea that since we are monogamist neither of us has any other attraction is an insane and is impossible for both men and women. This ties into the PIV procreation focused sex that is the only "correct" sex which leads the both people unsatisfied with women's pleasure completely ignored and men's pleasure reduced to a single second and the "thrill of conquest". These dovetail create to shame men for taking care of their own needs with porn and masturbation to focus on guilting and coercing their spouse into giving them low pleasure sex.

Moreover, this is super kink negative with the idea that kinky sex and porn being an escalation and not an innate part of humans sexualities. While men may not be kinkier than women they for sure get their kinks earlier. These kinks are almost explored in a visual medium since most require one or more willing partner and technical skills. These kinks should be explored this way as it starts until all partners find out what they want, learn the technical and emotional skill without causing lasting emotional or physical damage to both partners.

While there are some problems in mainstream porn since its used a replacement for real sex education and is built for some misogynistic viewers. However, there is more ethically created porn out there. Ironically NoFap usually attack the most ethical created porn in OnlyFans which gives the power directly to the female creator instead of the generally male lead mainstream porn industry. Porn is always going to exist and if people actually cared about human trafficking and ethical treatment of women they would support those who create it well.

MonsiuerPatEBrown ,

super kink negative

i just wanted to grab that gem of a phrase for any aspiring blocked-songwriters/band-name-needers

frankyboi , in Why men lose all their friends in midlife

can’t lose them if you never had! check mate life !

glandrid , in Women in China are telling each other to bring their boyfriends to see 'Barbie' — and to use it as a litmus test for their thoughts on feminism and patriarchy

“Women in China” ≠ One user on the Chinese social media platform Xiaohongshu

platysalty , in Women in China are telling each other to bring their boyfriends to see 'Barbie' — and to use it as a litmus test for their thoughts on feminism and patriarchy

My friend brought his gf to watch Barbie and he enjoyed it more than her.

Now he can't hear the end of it from us about being pegged.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , in Women in China are telling each other to bring their boyfriends to see 'Barbie' — and to use it as a litmus test for their thoughts on feminism and patriarchy avatar

Guys who have a problem with this would probably fail anyway.

nerdschleife , in How TikTok bombards young men with misogynistic videos

YouTube does this too in their Shorts.

cyborganism , in Former Sims lead says men would lie about how they played during focus groups: 'Actually, what you did is you redecorated that bathroom'

There’s so much pressure to be a certain way to fulfill society’s expectations of masculinity.

It’s okay to redecorate the bathroom. Just be yourself and do what feels right. Stop trying to impress everybody. As Ken would say ‘I’m Kenough’.

spaduf Mod , in Is Porn Misleading Men? avatar

It is notable that porn usage among women is substantially different for many of the reasons that are laid out in the article. Not only is there a significant difference in proportion of women who consume porn (60% vs 92% of men) they are also significantly less likely to consume porn in video format, usually opting for written content. Undoubtedly this has to do with the ability to empathize with the very male-gazey standards that the video industry currently operates under.


kingthrillgore , in Supportive dad Dwyane Wade says he left Florida because his family “would not be accepted” avatar

DWade is the man.

jonsnothere , in Yikes

There’s only one context “Be a man” should be used in…

FinallyDebunked , in We Know “NoFap” Is Misleading Men About Masturbation. It Might Be More Dangerous Than That. avatar

I started having sex more

nice solution, why haven’t I come up with that before

starlord , in [META] What sort of content would you like to see here?

I would appreciate posts of various resources, especially (support) groups and reading material for those who communicate primarily through their keyboards and screens.

dumples , in Fathers Gained Family Time in the Pandemic. Many Don’t Want to Give It Back. avatar

“For the longest time, it was: The male is the provider,” he said. “I was that guy. But now I’m not ashamed to say this is who I am in my life. That’s what Covid did. We had a lot of downtime to reflect and think about what’s important.”

The real silver lining of Covid is that lots of us realized how much more we can get out of life if we didn't focus on being busy and commuting to work. I know that for myself I can finally focus on the life I really want to live since I work from home and see the value in simple pleasure at home. I never thought it about it changing traditional gender roles but it makes sense that anyone at home can do cleaning and cooking for the entire household.

gapbetweenus , in DISCUSSION: To what degree are outreach programs necessary for boys and young men at risk of radicalization?

You need to offer young people fun, low barrier activities - best organised by other young people.

gapbetweenus , in [META] What sort of content would you like to see here?

I would be happy with just a men oriented space without misogyny, since those are rather rare.

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